Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Reconfiguring Port Addresses

This section describes how to configure Sun Management Center software when port addresses might conflict. See Table 9–3 for a list of the default ports for each Sun Management Center component.

Note –

The Sun Management Center setup process checks whether each default port is in use. If the port is not in use, the default port is assigned. If a port is in use, you are given the opportunity to specify a separate port. In either case, the port assignments are stored in the configuration files, as described in SNMP Overview.

Default Ports

The default ports used by Sun Management Center components might be used by other processes already installed on the system. If you install Sun Management Center using the default port assignments, you might encounter port conflicts and be unable to start Sun Management Center. The Sun Management Center setup process checks the ports for each component. The process prompts you to either assign an alternate port or use the default port.

The following table lists the Sun Management Center components and the default port for each component. See To Determine Whether a Port Is Used to find out how to check whether a port is in use.

Table 9–3 Sun Management Center Default Port Addresses



Default Port Number 





Trap handler



Event manager



Topology manager



Configuration manager





Advanced System Monitoring Add-on 

System event and configuration tracking component cstservice



Agent information caching component Metadata



Server RMI









Web server 



Web server default port



Web server secure port


To Determine Whether a Port Is Used

    In a terminal window, type /bin/netstat -an | grep portnumber where portnumber is the port number that you want to query. For example:

    # /bin/netstat -an | grep 8443

    • If the port is not in use, only the command-line prompt is returned as shown above.

    • If the port is in reserved or in use, the status of the port is returned. For example:

      # /bin/netstat -an | grep 1161
      #       *.1161                                Idle
      # /bin/netstat -an | grep 8080
      #         *.*                0      0 24576      0 LISTEN

      where is the IP address of the machine on which you entered the netstat command.

Reconfiguring Sun Management Center Ports

To reconfigure Sun Management Center ports, use the es-config command. The syntax for the es-config command is:

es-config [ -Admh ] [ -p component-name ] [ -c component:channel ] [ -P MinPort:MaxPort ]

The following table describes the es-config parameters.

Table 9–4 es-config Options




Display all ports used by the Sun Management Center 3.5 base product 



Configure all ports 



Configure the probe mechanism port range where MinPort is the starting port number and MaxPort is the ending port number. The range of ports must be at least 100, for example, 1024:1124. The ports are used by the probe mechanism to execute ad hoc commands for communication between the Sun Management Center server and agent. Valid port numbers are 1024-64500.

Note –

You must configure the port range to support communication between the Sun Management Center server and agent through a firewall.



Restore all ports to the 3.5 default value. See Table 9–3.



Enable or disable the component channels being logged. Valid Sun Management Center components for which channels can be controlled are topology, cfgserver, event, cstservice, trap, metadata, agent, platform, and platform_instances. Valid channels are debug, info, error, status, and history.



List the es-config options.



Configure module configuration propagation by adding a list of user names to the es-mcp-users configuration file.



Enable Network Address Translation support. 



Configures port to be used by the Sun Management Center component component-name. Valid components are topology, cfgserver, event, cstservice, trap, metadata, rmi, agent, grouping, HTTP, HTTPS, platform, and platform_instances.

The following procedures provide examples of how to use the es-config command to reconfigure Sun Management Center port assignments.

To Reconfigure the Agent SNMP Port
  1. Log in as root on the Sun Management Center server-layer machine.

  2. Locate an unused port.

    See To Determine Whether a Port Is Used.

  3. Type /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-config -p agent.

    es-config stops all Sun Management Center processes. The port numbers currently assigned to the Sun Management Center components are then displayed. The port number assigned to the agent is displayed next, and you are prompted to enter the port number.

    # ./es-config -p agent
    Following ports are occupied by Sun Management Center:
    Sun Management center agent component is presently using port:161
    Hit RETURN key to continue with present configuration.
    Enter the port number you would like to use for agent component
        [ 1100 to 65535 ]: 
  4. Type the port number that you want to assign, or press Return to use the default 161 port assignment.

    You are asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center components.

  5. Type y to start the Sun Management Center components, or type n if you do not want to start the components.

To Reconfigure the Server RMI Port Address
  1. Log in as root on the Sun Management Center server-layer machine.

  2. Locate an unused port.

    See To Determine Whether a Port Is Used.

  3. Type /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-config -p rmi.

    es-config stops all Sun Management Center processes. The port numbers currently assigned to the Sun Management Center components are then displayed. The port number assigned to the server is displayed next, and you are prompted to enter the port number. For example:

    # ./es-config -p rmi
    Following ports are occupied by Sun Management Center:
    Sun Management center agent component is presently using port:2099
    Hit RETURN key to continue with present configuration.
    Enter the port number you would like to use for rmi component 
       [ 1100 to 65535 ]: 
  4. Type the port number that you want to assign, or press Return to use the default port assignment.

    You are asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center components.

  5. Type y to start the Sun Management Center components, or type n if you do not want to start the components.