Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 System Administration Guide

Technical Description

The resource cap enforcement daemon rcapd(1MSRM) and its associated utilities provide mechanisms for resource cap enforcement and administration. Only one instance of rcapd can run at any given time. The daemon periodically samples the resource utilization of collections of processes that have physical memory caps defined. If process consumption exceeds the cap quantity and other conditions are met, the daemon takes actions to reduce the processes' aggregated resource consumption to a level below the cap quantity.

The virtual memory system divides physical memory into segments known as pages. To read data from a file into memory, the virtual memory system reads in one page at a time, or pages in a file. To reduce resource consumption, the daemon can page out, or relocate, infrequently used pages to an area outside of physical memory.

Use rcapadm(1MSRM) to configure the resource capping daemon. rcapadm is also used to administer resource caps at a global level. Configuration changes can be incorporated into rcapd on demand by sending it SIGHUP (see kill(1)), or through the configuration interval (see rcapadm(1MSRM)). You must have superuser privileges to configure the daemon. If used without arguments, rcapadm displays the current status of the resource capping daemon if it has been configured.

Use rcapstat(1SRM) to report resource cap enforcement daemon statistics for each cap defined.