Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide


The Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide contains information about how to configure and manage the Solstice BackupTM software.

This guide also provides information about how to use and administer the Backup software when installed in a typical networked environment. For more detailed technical information about Backup commands, refer to the online Backup manual (man) pages after you install Backup.

Who Should Use This Book

The information in this guide is intended for system administrators who are responsible for installing software and maintaining the servers and clients on a network. Operators who monitor the daily backups may also find this manual useful.

About This Guide

You must install the Backup software on your server and clients to use the information presented in this guide. If you have not yet installed the software, refer to the Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes for installation instructions.

This guide contains detailed information about how to set up, configure, and use the Backup software, backup devices, and backup media. The audience for this guide includes network administrators, information services staff, and others who are involved in data storage management.

The Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide assumes you have a basic knowledge of networks, backup devices, and other technical subjects related to computer hardware, software, and networks necessary for the installation, configuration, and use of the Backup product.

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1, Introduction is an overview of the features provided by Solstice Backup software.

Chapter 2, Getting Started explains Backup configuration tasks.

Chapter 3, Server and Storage Node Operations details the operations managed through the Backup server.

Chapter 4, Device and Media Management describes device and media operations performed through the Backup server.

Chapter 5, Backup Client Operations describes how to configure and use clients.

Chapter 6, Backup Archive describes how to how to install and use the optional Backup archive program.

Chapter 7, Autochanger Module describes how to install, configure, and operate Backup autochanger support.

Chapter 8, Hierarchical Storage Management provides an overview of the features of the optional Backup HSMTM (Hierarchical Storage Management).

Chapter 9, SNMP Module describes how to configure and use the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Module.

Chapter 10, Silo Support Module describes the optional Silo Support Module that you can use with Backup Server Edition, Backup Network Edition or Backup Power Edition.

Appendix A, Backup Functionality provides an overview of the Backup process.

Appendix B, Command Line Reference Utilities provides the Backup man pages.

Appendix C, Troubleshooting describes common Backup problems.

Glossary is a list of words and phrases found in this book and their definitions.

Related Books

The Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide is part of a complete documentation suite, consisting of electronic versions of the documentation as well as online program help and online man pages.

Disaster Recovery Guide

The Solstice Backup 5.1 Disaster Recovery Guide is a multiplatform guide that provides information about how to use Backup to recover data from your servers in case of a disaster. This guide also contains tips and information about preventive measures to safeguard data and prepare your backup policies to guard against a disaster before one strikes.

Review the Solstice Backup 5.1 Disaster Recovery Guide when you first install and configure Backup to be prepared with strategies to protect your data and operations in case of a disaster. Keep a printed copy of the guide with your other documents regarding disaster recovery so that it is available in case of a disaster.

Installation and Release Notes

The Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes describes:

The Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes provides late-breaking information on software bugs, workarounds, and other items not found in the other documentation sources. The Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes might also contain information on new and improved features that could not be included in the Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide, Solstice Backup 5.1 Disaster Recovery Guide, or other documentation.

Review the Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes before you install the Backup software for any last-minute notes on installation procedures. After you successfully install Backup, review the Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes more thoroughly for notes on how to configure the Backup software, backup devices, and backup media, as well as for information on new product features.

Read the Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes thoroughly before you install Backup. After the installation is completed, keep a printed copy of the Solstice Backup 5.1 Installation and Release Notes in a safe place so it is available if you need to reinstall or remove the software later.

Online Help

The Backup graphical user interface (GUI) includes an online help component. The online help contains specific information about the GUI, including context-sensitive help in each window that describes the purpose of the window and what information to enter in each field in the window. There are also help topics that describe Backup features and topics that provide step-by-step procedures for doing Backup tasks with the GUI.

To access the online help, select the Help menu displayed in the GUI. You have four choices:

Backup also provides Help buttons in most of the dialog boxes. Clicking the Help button in a Backup dialog box displays the help topic associated with that Backup feature.

Online Manual Pages

The manual (man) pages are a reference for the syntax and function of the Backup commands you issue from the command line.

Note -

To view a man page, make sure that the MANPATH environment variable includes the path where you installed the Backup man pages, then enter the man command plus the name of the command at the shell prompt.

For example, to view the man page for the nsrjb command, type:

$ man nsrjb

To print a copy of the entire collection of Backup man pages, enter the troff command at the shell prompt with the options shown in this example:

$ troff -t -man `nsr_man -l'| lpr -t -P printer-name

The command for your machine may vary (for example, your print command may be lp instead of lpr), depending on the operating system and the version of PostScriptTM software you have installed.

Ordering Sun Documents

The SunDocsSM program provides more than 250 manuals from Sun Microsystems, Inc. If you live in the United States, Canada, Europe, or Japan, you can purchase documentation sets or individual manuals using this program.

For a list of documents and how to order them, see the catalog section of the SunExpressTM Internet site at

Accessing Sun Documentation Online

The Web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation online. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject. The URL is

What Typographic Changes Mean

The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.

Typeface or Symbol 




The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output 

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

machine_name% You have mail.



What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output 

machine_name% su



Command-line placeholder: 

replace with a real name or value 

To delete a file, type rm filename.


Book titles, new words or terms, or words to be emphasized 

Read Chapter 6 in User's Guide. These are called class options.

You must be root to do this.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

The following table shows the default system prompt and superuser prompt for the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.



C shell prompt 


C shell superuser prompt 


Bourne shell and Korn shell prompt 


Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser prompt 
