Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide

Initial Administration Tasks

After you install Backup according to the instructions in the Solstice Backup Installation and Release Notes, you must do several tasks before you can use Backup to back up data.

Basic Configuration for the Backup Server

To configure your Backup server, you can either use the GUI (nwadmin) or character-based interface (nsradmin) of the Backup administration program, or you can enter commands at the command line. Refer to the online help or Backup man pages for instructions explaining how to use each interface. Before you can run Backup, some configuration is required that is strictly unique to your environment:

Only users who have administrative privileges can create or apply configurations. Because only root@server-name has Backup administrative privileges by default, you must become root on the Backup server before you start any Backup administration programs or tasks. You can add other users to the list of authorized Backup administrators later.

The Backup server manages the clients on a network through a resource allocation protocol (RAP). The server maintains the configurations that you enter as Failed Cross Reference Format. Each resource contains a set of Failed Cross Reference Format to which values are assigned (for example, the Name attribute found in several Backup resources contains a value that defines the name of the resource).

You can configure and manage your Backup software in the following ways:

Enabler Code Entry

After you install Backup, you can use either the Backup administration program or the nsrcap command to enter the enabler codes you purchased for your Backup software products. The enabler code is printed on the Enabler Certificate you received with your software. Enter the base enabler code for the Backup server before you enter the enabler codes for additional features that you purchased, such as the Autochanger Software Module.

After you enter the enabler code for the software, you can configure and perform Backup backups for up to 45 days before you must enter an authorization code to continue to use Backup.

You can purchase additional enablers for added features, such as the Archive Application and Backup HSM as well as support for additional clients or autochangers that you add to your network after you install Backup.

How to Enable Your Software Using the Command Line

See "nsrcap " for information on how to enable your software with the nsrcap command.

How to Enable Your Software Using the GUI

To enable your software with the GUI version of the Backup administration program:

  1. Become root on the Backup server machine.

  2. Issue the nwadmin command to start the GUI version of the Backup administration program.

  3. Open the Registration window.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Enter the enabler code.

  6. Click Apply.

How to Register and Authorize Your Software

After you enable your Backup products, you must register and authorize the products within 45 days to continue to perform backups. To register your software, follow these steps:

  1. Become root on the system where you installed the Backup server software.

  2. Enter the nwadmin command or the nsradmin -c command at the shell prompt to start the Backup administration program.

  3. Enter your company and product information in the Server window (nwadmin) or select and edit the NSR License resource (nsradmin).

    You must enter all required company and product information in the Server resource, or you cannot register your products properly.

  4. Change the Server window to a tabular view and print the contents of the Server resource.

  5. Email the registration information to

    Alternately, you can fax the Product Registration Form to the Sun Licensing Center at 1-801-431-3657.

  6. When you receive the authorization code from the Licensing Center, become root on the Backup server and start the administration program.

  7. Open the Registration window, enter the authorization code in the Auth Code field, and apply the changes.

    Repeat the entry process for each Backup product you purchased.

    After you enter the authorization code, your Backup software is authorized for permanent use.

    Note -

    If you have questions about the authorization code process, call the Sun Licensing Center at 1-800-872-4786. Callers from Canada may call at 1-800-722-4786. (The Web address is Authorization codes for this product will only be issued from the U.S. Sun Licensing Center.

How to Remove an Enabler Code

If you need to remove an enabler code later, whether or not it is permanently authorized, follow these steps:

  1. Become root on the system where you installed the Backup server software.

  2. Enter the nwadmin command at the shell prompt to start the Backup administration program, or enter the nsradmin -c command to start the character-based interface in visual mode.

  3. Open the Registration window (nwadmin) or edit the NSR_license (nsradmin) resource.

  4. Highlight the enabler code you want to remove and select the Delete option.

    Caution - Caution -

    You cannot remove a base enabler. You can update a base enabler using the nsrcap -v -c command.

Device Configuration

Before the Backup server can use your storage devices, you must first configure each storage device separately. A device is standalone, a file, or located in an autochanger or silo tape library (STL). The type of device (standalone, file, autochanger, or silo) determines how you configure the device.

When you install the Backup software, Backup configures the SCSI devices for the device choices you make. If you decide you need to add, delete, or modify your Backup storage devices after you install Backup, edit the Devices or Jukeboxes resources. You can use either the nwadmin (GUI) or the nsradmin (character-based) version of the Backup administration program.

Caution - Caution -

For devices in STLs, you cannot use nwadmin or nsradmin to add, delete, or modify the configuration. See Chapter 10, Silo Support Module for more information about configuring devices in a silo.

For instructions on how to use the nwadmin program or the nsradmin program to configure your backup devices, refer to the online help provided in each program.

Devices Resource

Use the Devices resource to configure standalone devices. Enter the name of the device and the media type. Any devices you add in the Devices resource are displayed in the Backup administrator program in the Devices display. For details on device configuration, see "Device Configuration ".

Jukeboxes Resource

You perform most of the necessary autochanger configuration with the jb_config command described in the Solstice Backup Installation and Release Notes. After the jb_config command is completed, the configured options are displayed in the Jukeboxes resource of the administration program. The Jukeboxes resource displays the name of the autochanger, the model, control port pathnames, device pathnames, barcode label choices, and available slots that you originally created when you installed Backup.

The only changes you can make to your autochanger in the Jukeboxes resource are to the available slots, devices, and barcode label attributes. If you need to make additional changes, you must first delete the autochanger from the list, and then run the jb_config command again. For further details on these attributes, see "Autochanger Device Configuration ".

If your storage devices reside in a silo, see Chapter 10, Silo Support Module for information on the use of a silo with Backup.

Volume Labels

Before Backup can use a volume, you must first label it with a valid Backup label. Backup uses an internal volume label to identify the media it uses for backups, archives, and migration. Backup provides several preconfigured label templates for you to use to label your volumes. See "Label Template Resource " for the preconfigured label template settings.

To label a volume, you must first mount it on a device. You can select the Mount speedbar button displayed in the main window of the nwadmin program GUI, or you can issue the nsrmm -m command at the shell prompt.