Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide

Device and Media Management

This section provides a reference of the Backup command lines to use for device and media management. Some of the commands pertain specifically to the devices contained in an autochanger or silo; some commands apply specifically to SCSI devices, either standalone or in an autochanger.

The SCSI device library is a set of interfaces that Backup uses to communicate with SCSI devices. The SCSI devices are named in a platform-independent manner. The name assigned to the SCSI device is essentially a combination of b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI logical unit number (lun) on that target.

A logical SCSI bus number may not be related to any specific platform hardware bus number; it may be a dense positive integer address space, that persists from system reboot to system reboot if the system hardware configuration remains the same. Target and lun information is contingent on the attached SCSI peripheral devices and their settings. Some platforms may allow dynamic addition and removal of SCSI devices, but may require a flush of the cached device information.

Typically, if a device does not have a system driver, users have permission to send SCSI device library commands. If a device has a system driver (for example, a tape drive), system privileges are required to send a command.


The changers program lists the SCSI autochangers that are attached to the system.

The following example describes the format and options available for the changers program:

changers [-dv] [-a b.t.l] 


The hpflip program reads a Vendor Unique mode page from an HP Optical disk drive and toggles or "flips" the device type between OPTICAL and DIRECT ACCESS. Typically, most systems include drivers that can deal with removable DIRECT ACCESS device types (which are often limited to 512 byte/sector formatted disks). Systems with these device types often do not also have device drivers for OPTICAL device types. The hpflip program enables you to control how an HP Optical Disk Drive reports itself, and thus makes the OPTICAL device type available where it otherwise would have required an additional device driver.

The following example describes the format and options available for the hpflip program:

hpflip -a b.t.l [-r] 


The ielem program sends an INITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS command to the named SCSI device.

The following example describes the format and options available for the ielem program:

ielem -a b.t.l [-r element-address.number-of-elements] 


The inquire program (in /etc/LGTOuscsi on Solaris systems) lists SCSI devices available. The inquire program returns INQUIRY data either for the named SCSI device (with the -a option) or for all SCSI devices attached to the system.

The following example describes the format and options available for the inquire program:

inquire [-c] [-a b.t.l] 


The jb_config must be running on the Backup server or storage node.

The script pauses periodically for you to enter a response to a prompt. If you want to accept the default choice displayed in braces, simply press Return. If you want to enter a different value, type the entry and press Return.

After you configure the autochanger, use the nsrcap command or the Registration window to enter the enabler code for your Autochanger Software Module. You must have a separate enabler for each autochanger you want to use with Backup.


The ldunld program sends a LOAD or UNLOAD command to the named tape device to load or unload media.

The following example describes the format and options available for the ldunld program:

ldunld {-u | -l} -a b.t.l 

There are three command options:


The libsji program describes the Standard Jukebox Interface (SJI) Library. The location of the SJI library varies from platform to platform.

The SJI library is a public set of interfaces that Backup uses to communicate with jukeboxes. Generally, this library converts SJI commands (as formed by Backup) to the appropriate SCSI commands, but the underlying attachment to the jukebox is irrelevant to the function of this interface.

There are three entry points into the SJI library:


The lrescan program tells the underlying SCSI library to discard any cached information that it can and scan again for new devices.


The lreset program tells the underlying SCSI library to reset the named logical SCSI bus. You must have administrative privileges to execute this command, which has the following format:

lreset busnumber 

Caution - Caution -

The lreset command can cause the destruction of vital data, because the command causes a SCSI bus reset. The command may also crash your system. You should only use the lreset command as an extreme last resort to quit a process that is not responding.


The lusbinfo program prints out a limited amount of information about the SCSI buses attached to the system. If you use the optional -v argument, a verbose list of information about the devices in the attached SCSI buses is also printed. The following example shows the format to use for the lusbinfo program:

lusbinfo [-v] 


The lusdebug program sets a debug level for the underlying Backup SCSI device drivers. A debug level of 0 (zero) turns off debugging. Larger integers enable greater levels of debug information. If you enter an invalid debug level, the lusdebug program defaults to a debug level of zero. The following example shows the format to use for the lusdebug program:

lusdebug debug-level 


The lusmode program prints a large amount of MODE information about the SCSI devices attached to the system.


The msense program sends a MODE SENSE command to the named SCSI device and is only indented as input to the pmode command.

The following example describes the format and options available for the msense program:

msense -a b.t.l. [-p pagecode] 


The nsrjb program manages autochangers for Backup servers. Use the nsrjb command, rather than the nsrmm command, to label, load, and unload the volumes contained in an autochanger. Only one nsrjb command can access an autochanger at a time.

The nsrjb program attempts to determine which autochanger to use based on the options -j, -f, or a volume name. If one or more of these options do not uniquely identify an autochanger and one must be selected, the nsrjb program prompts you to choose an autochanger. Alternatively, you can set the NSR_JUKEBOX environment variable to the name of the autochanger you want the nsrjb program to use by default.

The following example describes the format and options available for the nsrjb program:

nsrjb [-C] [-j autochanger-name] [-v]

[-f media-device] [-S slots] [volume-name]
nsrjb -L [-j autochanger-name] [-gnqvM] [-R | -B]

[-Y | -N] [-b pool] [-f media device] [-e expire]

[-c capacity] [-o mode] [-S slots | -T tags]

nsrjb -l [-j autochanger-name] [-nvqrMR]

[-f media-device] {-S slots | -T tags | volume-name}
nsrjb -u [-j autochanger-name] [-qvM]

[-f media-device] [-S slots -T tags] [volume-name]
nsrjb -I [-j autochanger-name] [-Ev]

[-f media-device] [-S slots | -T tags]
nsrjb -p [-j autochanger-name] [-v]

[-f media-device] [-S slots -T tags]
nsrjb -o mode [-j autochanger-name] [-Y]

{-S slots | media device}
nsrjb -H [-j autochanger-name] [-E] [-v]
nsrjb -h [-j autochanger-name] [-v]
nsrjb -U uses [-j] [-S slots | -T tags]
nsrjb -V [-j autochanger-name] [-v]
nsrjb -d [-j autochanger-name] [-v] [-S slots]

[-P port] [volume-name]
nsrjb -w [-j autochanger-name] [-v] [-S slots]

[-P port] [volume-name]
nsrjb -a [-j autochanger-name] [-v] -T tags
nsrjb -x [-j autochanger-name] [-v] -T tags
nsrjb -F [-j autochanger-name] [-v] -f media-device 


The nsrmm program provides a command line interface to manage the media and backup devices used by Backup servers and storage nodes.

The following examples describe the format and options available for the nsrmm program:

nsrmm [-C] [-v | -q] [-s server] [-f device]
nsrmm -m [-v | -q] [-s server] [-f device] [-r]

nsrmm -l [-v | -q] [-s server] [-f device] [-myB] [-e expiration] [-c
capacity] [-o mode] [-b pool] [-R | volume-name]
nsrmm {-u | -j} [-v | -q] [-s server] [-y]

[-f device | volume-name]
nsrmm -p [-v | -q] [-s server] [-f device]
nsrmm {-d | -o mode} [-v | -q] [-s server] [-Py] [S ssid[/cloneid] |
-V volume-id | volume-name...] 


The pmode program parses the data output by the msense program and prints the output in a format that you can read.

The following example describes the format and options available for the pmode program:

pmode [-f filename]


The relem program sends a READ ELEMENT STATUS command to all changers, or to the (optionally, with the -a option) named device.

The following example describes the format and options available for the relem program:

relem [-a b.t.l] [-fvtb] [-m {0|1|2}] [-r element-address.number-of-elements] 


The sjidopen program tests the SJIDOOROPEN command on SJI-compliant autochangers. The SJIDOOROPEN command tests the open/close capability of the main door to the autochanger. If an autochanger does not support this feature, an error message is returned. The following example shows the correct usage for the sjidopen program:

sjidopen device-name

The device-name option used with the sjidopen program represents any device name that can be used to reach an SJI-compliant autochanger driven by the system, typically in the form b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, "t" is the SCSI target, and "l" is the SCSI lun on that target (for example, scsidev@0.4.0).


The sjiielm program tests the SJIIELEM command on SJI-compliant Jukeboxes. The SJIIELEM command tests the Initialize Element Status interface for an autochanger. If the autochanger does not support the element status feature, an error messages is returned. The following example shows the correct usage for the sjiielm program:

sjiielm device-name [{drive | slot | inlt | mt} address number-of-elements]

The device-name option used with the sjiielm program represents any device name that can be used to reach an SJI-compliant autochanger driven by the system, typically in the form b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI lun on that target (for example, scsidev@0.4.0).

The additional options described next are for use with autochangers that support the initilization of a specific range of elements. If the autochanger supports this feature, select one of the following element types:


The sjiinq program tests the SJIINQ command on SJI-compliant autochangers. The SJIINQ command returns a string that identifies an autochanger. If the autochanger does not support this feature, an error message is returned. The following example shows the correct usage for the sjiinq program:

sjiinq device-name

The device-name option used with the sjiinq program represents any device name that can be used to reach an SJI-compliant autochanger driven by the system, typically in the form b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI lun on that target (for example, scsidev@0.4.0).


The sjirdp program tests the SJIRDP command on SJI-compliant autochangers. The SJIRDP command reads SJI ordinal device positions from an autochanger. The following example shows the correct usage for the sjirdp program:

sjirdp device-name

The device-name option used with the sjirdp program represents any device name that can be used to reach an SJI-compliant autochanger driven by the system, typically in the form b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, tis the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI lun on that target (for example, scsidev@0.4.0).

The following example represents typical output from the SJIRDP command:

scsidev@0.4.0 has 2 DATA TRANSPORT Elements starting at address 1

scsidev@0.4.0 has 1 MEDIA TRANSPORT Element starting at address 1

scsidev@0.4.0 has 25 STORAGE Elements starting at address 1

scsidev@0.4.0 has 1 IMPORT/EXPORT Element starting at address 1


The sjirdtag program tests the SJIRTAG command on SJI-compliant autochangers. The SJIRTAG command reads media presence and tag data from an autochanger. The following example shows the correct usage for the sjirdtag program:

sjirdtag device-name

The device-name option used with the sjirdtag program represents any device name that can be used to reach an SJI-compliant autochanger driven by the system, typically in the form b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI lun on that target (for example, scsidev@0.4.0).

The following example represents typical output from the SJIRTAG command:

Tag Data for 0.4.0, Element Type DATA TRANSPORT:

Elem[001]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Tag Data for 0.4.0, Element Type STORAGE:

Elem[001]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[002]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[003]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[004]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[005]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=0 med_side=0

Elem[006]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[007]: tag_val=1 pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0


Tag Data for 0.4.0, Element Type MEDIA TRANSPORT:

Elem[001]: tag_val=0 pres_val=1 med_pres=0 med_side=0


The sjirelem program tests the SJIRELEM command on SJI-compliant autochangers. The SJIRELEM command reads media presence and origin data from an autochanger. The following example shows the correct usage for the sjirelem program:

sjirelem device-name

The device-name option used with the sjirelem program represents any device name that can be used to reach an SJI-compliant autochanger driven by the system, typically in the form b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI lun on that target (for example, scsidev@0.4.0).

The following example represents typical output from the SJIRELEM command:

Element Data for 0.4.0, Element Type DATA TRANSPORT:

Elem[001]: pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Origin: type STORAGE, address 5

Element Data for 0.4.0, Element Type STORAGE:

Elem[001]: pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[002]: pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[003]: pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[004]: pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[005]: pres_val=1 med_pres=0 med_side=0

Elem[006]: pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Elem[007]: pres_val=1 med_pres=1 med_side=0

Element Data for 0.4.0, Element Type MEDIA TRANSPORT:

Elem[001]: pres_val=1 med_pres=0 med_side=0


The sjirjc program tests the SJIRJC command on SJI-compliant autochangers. The SJIRJC command reads internal configuration information and options about an autochanger and prints it out. The following example shows the correct usage for the sjirjc program:

sjirjc device-name

The device-name option used with the sjirjc program represents any device name that can be used to reach an SJI-compliant autochanger driven by the system, typically in the form b.t.l, where b is the logical SCSI bus, t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI lun on that target (for example, scsidev@0.4.0).

The following example represents typical output from the SJIRJC command:

Device: scsidev@0.4.0

Number of Drives: 1

Number Drive Pairs: 1

Number of Import/Export Elements: 0

Number of Import/Export Pairs: 1

Number of Slots: 7

Number of Slot Pairs: 1

Number of Transport Elements: 1

Number of Transport Pairs: 1

Initialize Element Status Supported

Auto Eject Supported


The tur program sends a TEST UNIT READY command to all SCSI devices attached to the system, or, if the optional -a b.t.l argument is specified, then the device at the specified ordinal SCSI address, where b is the logical SCSI bus, t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI lun on that target. The following example shows the format to use for the tur program:

tur [-a b.t.l]