Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide

User Interface Startup

You can use the Backup software through a command line interface or a GUI. You can start the administrative programs from any machine on the network; however, only users with administrator privileges can make changes. You can use the user programs for backup and recovery, as well as the optional archive and retrieve features on any client that has the feature enabled in the client resource.

For server selection, the client commands are classified into two groups: administration and operation. The administration commands include nwadmin, nsrwatch, and mminfo. The operation commands include save, savefs, and recover. Both groups of commands accept a -s server option to explicitly specify a Backup server.

When a server is not explicitly specified, the operation commands use the following steps to locate one. The first available server found is the one used.

  1. The machine where the current directory is actually located is determined. This is either an NFS server or the local machine. If that machine is a client of a Backup server as determined by a RAP query, then that Backup server is used. If more than one server backs up the current directory, one server is chosen and an informational message is printed showing the other server's names.

  2. The machine where the current directory is actually located is examined to see if it is a Backup server. If it is, then that machine is used.

  3. The local machine is examined to see of it is a Backup server. If it is, then the local machine is used.

  4. If a Backup server is still not found, then the machine with the hostname "nsrhost" is used.


The nsradmin program is an administrative program for the Backup system that uses the command line. Typically, nsradmin monitors and modifies Backup resources over the network. Commands are entered on standard input, and output is produced on standard output.

If you enter the nsradmin command without command options, the program opens with a command prompt for you to enter additional options as needed:


The following example describes the format and command options available for the nsradmin program:

nsradmin [-c] [-i file] [-s server] [-p prognum] [v version] [query]
nsradmin [-c] [-i file] [-f resource-file] [-t typefile] [query>

An attribute is a name optionally followed by a colon, followed by zero or more values, with values separated by commas. A comma at the end of a line continues the line.

attribute list ::= attribute [; attribute]* 

An attribute list is one or more attributes separated by semicolons. A semicolon at the end of a line continues the line. The list is ended by a newline character that is not preceded by a comma or semicolon.

name: mars;
type: NSR client;
remote access: mars, venus, jupiter

At each nsradmin input prompt, you enter a command name and optional arguments. You can shorten command names to the smallest unique string, for example, you can enter p for the print command. You specify command arguments in the form of an attribute list. Most nsradmin commands operate on a set of resources returned by a query. The query is specified as an attribute list that is used to match resources with the following rules:

Command Options for nsradmin

The following list describes the commands available and their function:

Resources Available in the nsradmin Program

The nsradmin program provides a character-based interface to manage the same resources available through the nwadmin program. These include:

NSR client

The NSR client resource describes the files that are saved, the backup schedule, the directive used to omit files from the save, the length of time the files' index entries should be kept in the on-line file and media indexes, the users given access to back up, browse, and recover a client's files. To edit the NSR client resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR client resource has the following attributes:

NSR device

The NSR device resource describes each storage device used by a Backup server.To edit the NSR device resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin"

The NSR device resource has the following attributes:

NSR directive

The NSR directive resource controls the files that are saved and the special handling specifications placed on certain file types.To edit the NSR directive resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR directive resource has the following attributes:

NSR group

The NSR group resourcecontrols when a group of Backup clients begin saving data and whether scheduled backups are started automatically each day. To edit the NSR group resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin"

The NSR group resource has the following attributes:

NSR jukebox

The NSR jukebox resource describes the physical characteristics of each autochanger known to Backup by a single resource of type NSR Jukebox.To edit the NSR jukebox resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR jukebox resource has the following attributes:

NSR label

The NSR label resourcedescribes the templates for generating volume labels. To edit the NSR label resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR label resource has the following attributes:

NSR license

The NSR license resource describes the features enabled in your Backup installation. To inspect the NSR license resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR license resource has the following attributes:

NSR migration

The NSR migration resource specifies the files to be saved, the schedule, directives to use to omit files from a save, the group files will be pre-migrated with, the high-water and low-water marks to use for migration, the minimum access time and file size for migration, a list of file owners and groups to include or exclude during migration, and a list of file name patterns to skip.

To edit the NSR migration resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR migration resource has the following attributes:

NSR notification

The NSR notification resourceis used for each combination of an event, priority, and action handled by the Backup notification system. A Backup notification consists of a single event type, a single priority, and a message. The notification system posts each message to the action of each NSR notification resource that includes an event type and priority. To edit the NSR notification resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR notification resource has the following attributes:

NSR policy

The NSR policy resourcecontrols how long entries remain in a client's on-line file index, and when to mark a save set as recyclable. Each NSR client resource uses two policies, a browse policy and a retention policy. Each policy defines an amount of time determined by the period and the number of periods.

To edit the NSR policy resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR policy resource has the following attributes:

NSR pool

The NSR pool resource describes each Backup pool, that determines a save sets browse and retention policies.This resource determines where volumes save sets reside based upon their characteristics.

There are four types of pools:

NSR schedule

The NSR schedule resource describesa sequence of levels controlling the amount of data saved by Backup clients. There is one NSR schedule resource for each Backup schedule.

To edit the NSR schedule resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR schedule resource has the following attributes:

NSR Stage

The NSR Stage resource describes the staging policy used by a Backup server.To edit the NSR Stage resources for a Backup server use "nsradmin " or "nwadmin".

The NSR stage resource has the following attributes:


The NSR resource describes a Backup server and its clients.Each resource represents a component of a Backup system that needs administration. Resources are manipulated to control a Backup system. The file and the resources in them are accessible through the nwadmin and nsradmin programs, and can be viewed with a text editor.

Each resource is described by a list of attributes. Each attribute consists of a name and optional list of values. The attribute name is separated from an attributes options by a colon (:), attribute values are separated by commas (,), and each attribute ends in a semicolon (;). A comma, semicolon or back-slash (\) at the end of a line continues the line.

Following is an example of a resource, with eight attributes.

          type: NSR client;

          name: venus;

        server: earth;

      schedule: Default;

     directive: Unix standard directives;

         group: Default;

      save set: All;

remote access: ;

Each NSR resource includes the following attributes:

Server Status Resource for Character-Based Displays

The nsrwatch program displays a Backup server's status from any system with enough termcap capabilities for cursor positioning. The nsrwatch program gets its information through remote procedure calls to the specified server. You can invoke nsrwatch from any machine that can access the Backup server through the network. If you do not specify a particular server, the server selection rules apply.

The nsrwatch display is divided into a header and several panels: the Server panel, the Device panel, the Sessions panel, the Messages panel, and the Pending messages panel. The panel sizes adjust depending on the size of the terminal or window used.

The header contains the name of the server and the current time. The Server panel provides information on the current status of the server (error messages, how long the server has been running, and the version of Backup software the server is using). The Device panel displays all the devices known to the Backup server. For each device, the panel displays the device type, the name of the currently mounted volume (or "unmounted" if there is none), and the device's status. If the device name has a "(J)" listed after it, the device resides in an autochanger or silo. The Sessions panel provides current save set information for each active session (save, recover, or browse). The Message panel displays a history of Backup messages of general interest to the operator. Finally, the Pending message panel displays messages that require operator intervention.

The nsrwatch program runs continuously until stopped by typing q or interrupted by a Control-z or Control-c keystroke. If you type Control-l, the screen is cleared and refreshed with current information.

The following example describes the format and options available for the nsrwatch program:

nsrwatch [-s server] [-p polltime]


The nwadmin program is an X Window System application that is used to administer and monitor Backup servers. You can specify which Backup server to administer by using the -soption with the nwadmin command. If no server option is specified, nwadmin uses the server selection rules outlined under "User Interface Startup".

The following example describes the format and options available for the nwadmin program:

nwadmin [-s server]


The nwarchive program is an X Window System application that provides a GUI to the nsrarchive program, which is used to archive files on a manual basis to a Backup server. You can specify which Backup server to send archived data to by using the -s option with the nwarchive command. If no server option is specified, nwarchive uses the server selection rules outlined under "User Interface Startup".

The following example describes the format and options available for the nwarchive program:

nwarchive [-s server]


The nwbackup program is an X Window System application that provides a GUI to the save program, and is used to administer and monitor Backup servers. You can specify which Backup server to administer by using the -s option with the nwbackup command. If no server option is specified, nwadmin uses the server selection rules outlined under "User Interface Startup".

The following example describes the format and options available for the nwbackup program:

nwbackup [-s server]


The nwrecover program is an X Window System application that is used to administer and monitor Backup servers. You can specify which Backup client's data to recover by using the -c option with the nwrecover command. You can also specify which Backup server to recover the data from by using the -s option with the nwrecover command. If no server option is specified, nwrecover uses the server selection rules outlined under "User Interface Startup".

The following example describes the format and options available for the nwrecover program:

nwrecover [-c client] [-s server]


The nwretrieve program is an X Window System application that provides a GUI to the nsrretrieve program, which is used to retrieve archived files on a manual basis from a Backup server. You can specify which Backup server to retrieve the archived data from by using the -s option with the nwretrieve command. If no server option is specified, nwretrieve uses the server selection rules outlined under "User Interface Startup".

The following example describes the format and options available for the nwretrieve program:

nwretrieve [-s server]