N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Installation Guide

Chapter 3 Gathering Information Before Installation

This chapter contains information and worksheets to help you make decisions and gather all of the information that you need to install the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1. This chapter covers the following topics:

Configuration Decisions

The installation program prompts you for configuration information for the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1. Use the sections below to make configuration decisions before you begin the installation.

The Java Runtime Environment

When installing on Solaris OS, Red Hat Linux, or IBM AIX systems, the installation program prompts you to install the JRE or to provide a valid path to a JRE. When installing on Windows, the installation program automatically installs the JRE without prompting you.

If you are installing on a Red Hat Linux system, the installation script searches your machine for an instance of the JRE in the default location. If the JRE is not installed in the default location, you must install the JRE. If the installation program finds the JRE in the default location, you can choose whether or not to reinstall the JRE.

If you are installing on Solaris OS or IBM AIX systems, if you chose not to install the JRE, the installation script prompts you to provide a path to a valid JRE. Then the installation script verifies that the JRE is supported. If the JRE is not supported but has a higher version number than the versions that are supported, the installer warns you that the JRE is not supported and asks if you want to continue. If you specified a version of the JRE that is supported by the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1, the installation script sets the JRE_HOME variable to the JRE that you specified. The installation script also creates a symbolic link, N1SPS4.1-home/common/jre, which points to the JRE directory. By creating a symbolic link, the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 applications use the JRE without changing its location, which other applications might depend upon.

Note –

You should install the bundled JRE only once per machine. For example, if you are installing the Master Server, a Local Distributor, and the CLI Client on the same machine, you should install the JRE with the Master Server, but not with the Local Distributor or the CLI Client.

User Ownership of Applications

The installation program prompts you to select a user and group to own the application that you are installing. If you want to configure the applications to communicate using SSH, install the Master Server, Local Distributors, and Remote Agents as the same user.

The root user cannot own the Master Server. You can install the Master Server as the user that owns the Master Server or you can install the application as root and, when you are prompted, specify which user owns root.

If you want the Remote Agent to have root privileges on the machine where it is running, then you must run the installation program as the root user. Even though you may specify a user other than root to own the Remote Agent, if you want the Remote Agent to have root privileges on the machine where it is running, start the installation program as the root user.

Network Protocol

The installation program prompts you to choose a network protocol for communication among the software applications. Before you install the software, decide which encryption method to use, TCP/IP, SSH, or SSL. If you select SSL, you must also specify which cipher suite to use, encryption with no authentication or encryption with authentication.

For more information about network protocols, see Network Protocols.


When you install the CLI Client, the installation program prompts you to specify whether or not Jython is installed on the machine. The CLI Client uses the Jython programming language to run in interactive mode. However, Jython is not required to use the CLI Client. For more information about Jython and the CLI Client, see Command Line Interface Client.

Worksheet for All Applications

The installation scripts for each of the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 applications begin by performing the same set of preparatory tasks and asking the same questions about directories and files. Use the following worksheet to gather the information that you need to install each of the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 applications.

Table 3–1 Worksheet for All Applications

Information Needed 

Your Answer 

In what base directory do you want the software installed? 


If the JRE is already installed on the machine, what is the path to the JRE? For example /usr/local/jre or the value of your JAVA_HOME environment variable.


Which user do you want to own the application that you are installing? 


On Solaris OS, Red Hat Linux, and IBM AIX systems, which group do you want to own the application that you are installing? 


Worksheet for the Master Server

Use the following worksheet to gather the information that you need to install the Master Server.

Table 3–2 Worksheet for the Master Server

Information Needed 

Your Answer 

What is the hostname or IP address for the Master Server machine? 


What is the IP port number the CLI Client should use to connect to the Master Server? 


What is the hostname or IP address of the SMTP mail server for the software to use to send notification mail messages? 


What do you want the subject line of email notifications from the software to be? 


What is the name of the user account (username) from which email notifications are sent? 


What is the name of the user account that the software should use when executing native commands? 


What is the port number on which the Postgres database will listen? 


What is the port number on which the Web Interface will be available? 


Do you want to automate the optimization of your Postgres database? 

If yes, specify the time of day you want the Master Server database to be optimized. 

An entry will be made in your crontab file to optimize the database every day.



Worksheet for Local Distributors

Use the following worksheet to gather the information that you need to install Local Distributors.

Table 3–3 Worksheet for Local Distributors

Information Needed 

Your Answer 

What is the IP address or hostname for the Local Distributor machine? 


What is the port number on which this Local Distributor will listen? 


Worksheet for Remote Agents

Use the following worksheet to gather the information that you need to install Remote Agents.

Table 3–4 Worksheet for Remote Agents

Information Needed 

Your Answer  

What is the IP address or hostname on which the Remote Agent will run? 


What is the port number on which this Remote Agent will listen? 


Worksheet for CLI Clients

Use the following worksheet to gather the information that you need to CLI Clients.

Table 3–5 Worksheet for CLI Clients

Information Needed 

Your Answer 

What is the IP address or hostname of the Master Server for the command line user interface? 


What is the IP port number of the Master Server? 


If Jython is already installed on this machine, what is the path to Jython? For example /usr/local/jython.