N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Installation Guide

Worksheet for the Master Server

Use the following worksheet to gather the information that you need to install the Master Server.

Table 3–2 Worksheet for the Master Server

Information Needed 

Your Answer 

What is the hostname or IP address for the Master Server machine? 


What is the IP port number the CLI Client should use to connect to the Master Server? 


What is the hostname or IP address of the SMTP mail server for the software to use to send notification mail messages? 


What do you want the subject line of email notifications from the software to be? 


What is the name of the user account (username) from which email notifications are sent? 


What is the name of the user account that the software should use when executing native commands? 


What is the port number on which the Postgres database will listen? 


What is the port number on which the Web Interface will be available? 


Do you want to automate the optimization of your Postgres database? 

If yes, specify the time of day you want the Master Server database to be optimized. 

An entry will be made in your crontab file to optimize the database every day.
