N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Install A Side-by-Side Windows Master Server

You must follow the instructions below to install a 4.1 version of the Windows Master Server on the same machine as the 4.0 version of the Master Server.

  1. Stop the 4.0 Master Server by using the Service application in the Windows Administrative Tools to stop the IPC Daemon service.

  2. Set the 4.0 Master Services to start manually, specifically the IPC Daemon and Server.

  3. Install the 4.1 version of the Master Server by following the instructions in How to Install the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server on Windows.

    Install the 4.1 version of the Master Server with ownership by the same user and group that owns the 4.0 version of the Master Server.

    Note –

    Only one version of the Master Server can be running on a system. You can start and stop the Master Servers by using the Service application in the Windows Administrative Tools to stop or start the IPC Daemon service.

  4. Migrate the data from the 4.0 version of the Master Server to the 4.1 version of the Master Server.

    To migrate the data, follow the instructions in How to Migrate Data on a Windows Master Server.

  5. (Optional) Uninstall the 4.0 version of the Master Server.

    You can uninstall the 4.0 version of the Master Server if you do not want to use it by following the instructions in Uninstalling Applications on Windows Systems.