N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Installation Guide

Chapter 9 Upgrading to the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1

This chapter contains instructions for upgrading from the 4.0 version of product to the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1.

Note –

If you have a version of the software that was released prior to version 4.0, you must upgrade to version 4.0 before you upgrade to the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1.

This chapter describes the following upgrade topics:

Upgrading Overview

You will first upgrade the Master Server by installing the 4.1 version of the Master Server on the same system as the 4.0 version of the Master Server. This process is known as a side-by-side installation. You will them migrate the data from the 4.0 version of the Master Server to the 4.1 version of the Master Server. After you complete the data migration for the Master Server, then follow the instructions to upgrade the Remote Agents and the Local Distributors. CLI Clients do not need to be upgraded, simply install the 4.1 version of the CLI Client and uninstall the 4.0 version.

Upgrading Solaris OS and Red Hat Master Servers

The Master Server application is not upgraded like most software is upgraded. Rather, the new version of the Master Server is installed on the same system as the previous version of the Master Server. Then, the data is migrated from the previous version of the Master Server to the new version of the Master Server.

ProcedureHow to Migrate Data on a Solaris OS or a Red Hat Master Server

Migrating data from the 4.0 version of the Master Server to the 4.1 version of the Master Server deletes any data in the 4.1 version of the Master Server. The migration script stops both versions of the Master Server until the script completes the migration. The Master Servers will be unavailable for the duration of the migration.

Before You Begin

Follow the instructions in How to Install the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 on Solaris OS, Red Hat Linux, and IBM AIX Systems to install the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server on the system where the 4.0 version of the Master Server is installed. Both the 4.0 and the 4.1 versions of the Master Server must be installed on the same system before you begin the migration procedure.

To back up your data before you migrate, follow the instructions in How to Back Up a Master Server.

  1. Verify that the database will not optimize during the migration process.

    Check that you do not have any cron jobs scheduled that would start a database optimization while you are migrating the data.

  2. Log in as the user that owns the Master Server directories.

  3. Start the migration script.

    # /N1SPS4.1-home/server/bin/migrate/cr_4.0.2-4.1_migration.sh

    N1SPS4.1-home is the directory where you installed the application. The default directory is /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_4.1.

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the migration.

    When the migration is complete, the following message appears.

    Master Server migration completed successfully.

    Note –

    The listener port numbers for the Postgres database, Web Interface, and the Master Server are not migrated. The N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server uses the port numbers that you supplied during installation.

  5. Check the log file for any errors that may have occurred during migration.

    The migration script displays the location of the log file.

  6. Back up the data that you migrated to the new Master Server by using the instructions in How to Back Up a Master Server.

    You cannot restore data from the 4.0 Master Server to the 4.1 Master Server. Back up the data on the 4.1 Master Server so that you have a complete and accurate backup of the data to use if necessary.

Upgrading Windows Master Servers

The Master Server application is not upgraded like most software is upgraded. Rather, the new version of the Master Server is installed on the same system as the previous version of the Master Server. Then, the data is migrated from the previous version of the Master Server to the new version of the Master Server.

ProcedureHow to Install A Side-by-Side Windows Master Server

You must follow the instructions below to install a 4.1 version of the Windows Master Server on the same machine as the 4.0 version of the Master Server.

  1. Stop the 4.0 Master Server by using the Service application in the Windows Administrative Tools to stop the IPC Daemon service.

  2. Set the 4.0 Master Services to start manually, specifically the IPC Daemon and Server.

  3. Install the 4.1 version of the Master Server by following the instructions in How to Install the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server on Windows.

    Install the 4.1 version of the Master Server with ownership by the same user and group that owns the 4.0 version of the Master Server.

    Note –

    Only one version of the Master Server can be running on a system. You can start and stop the Master Servers by using the Service application in the Windows Administrative Tools to stop or start the IPC Daemon service.

  4. Migrate the data from the 4.0 version of the Master Server to the 4.1 version of the Master Server.

    To migrate the data, follow the instructions in How to Migrate Data on a Windows Master Server.

  5. (Optional) Uninstall the 4.0 version of the Master Server.

    You can uninstall the 4.0 version of the Master Server if you do not want to use it by following the instructions in Uninstalling Applications on Windows Systems.

ProcedureHow to Migrate Data on a Windows Master Server

Migrating data from the 4.0 version of the Master Server to the 4.1version of the Master Server deletes any data in the 4.1 version of the Master Server. The migration script stops both versions of the Master Server until the script completes the migration. The Master Servers will be unavailable for the duration of the migration.

Before You Begin

Follow the instructions in How to Install A Side-by-Side Windows Master Server to install the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server on the system where the previous version of the Master Server is installed. Both the 4.0 and the 4.1 versions of the Master Server must be installed on the same system before you begin the migration procedure.

  1. Open a command prompt window.

  2. Change to the C:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\4.1\server\bin\migrate directory.

    cd C:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\4.1\server\bin\migrate

    C:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\4.1\ is the directory in which you installed the Master Server.

  3. Begin the migration by typing:

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the migration.

    When the migration is complete, the following message appears.

    Master Server migration completed successfully.

    Note –

    The listener port numbers for the Postgres database, Web Interface, and the Master Server are not migrated. The N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server uses the port numbers that you supplied during installation.

  5. Check the log file for any errors that might have occurred during migration.

    The migration script displays the location of the log file.

Upgrading Remote Agents and Local Distributors

ProcedureHow to Upgrade Remote Agents and Local Distributors

You upgrade Remote Agents and Local Distributors using the Web Interface to the Master Server. To complete the upgrade, you will need to click the Update Entire N1 SPS network button twice.

Before You Begin

Migrate the Master Server before upgrading Remote Agents and Local Distributors.

  1. Log in to the Web Interface of the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server.

  2. Click Hosts.

  3. Click the masterserver.

  4. Click the Update Entire N1 SPS network... button.

    A window opens that displays a list of hosts that are being upgraded. The progress of the upgrade is also displayed. When the process completes, the window displays the following message.

    Host Update not yet complete.
  5. Click the Close button.

  6. To complete the second phase of the upgrade, click on the Update Entire N1 SPS network... button again.

    A window displays a list of hosts that are being upgraded. The progress of the upgrade is also displayed. When the process completes, the status for each of the hosts displays as Updated.

  7. Click the Close button.

    The upgrade is complete.

  8. Prepare the Remote Agents that you upgraded.

    Before you can run a Plan on a Remote Agent that you upgraded, you must Prepare the Remote Agent. To Prepare Remote Agents, follow the instructions in the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 User’s Guide.

Migrating Master Server Data

Migration Overview

The following table details the types of data that is migrated on the Master Server.

Table 9–1 Migration Overview

Data on the Master Server 

Is the Data Migrated? 

Mechanism for Migration 

PostgresSQL data 


SQL scripts 

CLI Client script for changes to existing commands 



Migration of objects serialized through CLI Client 



Migration of changes to the config.properties file on each node


Properties listed in the file are migrated using the details found in Migration Details for the Properties File.

Resource migration 


Copy the resources directory. 

Migration Details for the Properties File

The centerrun.properties file is migrated to the config.properties file. During the migration, the value of each property in the 4.0 file is compared to the value of the property in the 4.1 config.properties file. If the value is the same, the property is ignored. If the value is different, then the 4.0 value is copied to the 4.1 config.properties file. If a property exists in the 4.0 file and is absent in the 4.1 file, then the 4.0 value is added to the 4.1 file. Values for the following properties are not migrated to the 4.1 config.properties file:

If you have changed the values for any of these properties in the 4.0 properties file, you will need to manually change the value in the 4.1 config.properties file.