N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Installation Guide

Cannot Eject N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 CD After Installation on a Solaris OS System

If you install the Master Server or Remote agent on a Solaris OS system from the software CD, and answer yes when prompted to start the application, you cannot eject the software CD. The following error displays:

Device busy

To eject the CD, stop the application.

ProcedureHow to Stop an Application on a Solaris OS System

  1. Change to the directory where the script to start the application is located.

    % cd N1SPS4.1-home/app/bin

    N1sps4.1–home is the home directory of the application and app is the application. For app, use server for the Master Server and agent for the Remote Agent.

  2. Invoke the application script with the stop option.

    % cr_app stop

    app is the application to stop.

  3. Eject the CD by typing:

    % eject cdrom