Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris Security

PKCS #11 Functions: C_OpenSession()

C_OpenSession() enables an application to start a cryptographic session with a specific token in a specific slot. C_OpenSession() uses the following syntax:

C_OpenSession(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_FLAGS flags, CK_VOID_PTR pApplication, 

slotID identifies the slot. flags indicates whether the session is read-write or read-only. pApplication is a pointer that is defined by the application for use in callbacks. Notify holds the address of an optional callback function. phSession is a pointer to the location of the session handle.

In addition to CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR, CKR_HOST_MEMORY, and CKR_OK, C_OpenSession() gets the following return values:

The following return values are relevant for plug-ins with hardware tokens: