A P P E N D I X  B

Using the Tools and Drivers CD

This chapter contains information on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Driver CD. It contains information on the following topics:

B.1 Tools and Drivers CD Contents

The Tools and Drivers CD contains several software applications and utilities for use with your Sun Fire X2100 M2 server. TABLE B-1 lists the contents of the CD and shows where to find more information on the contents.

TABLE B-1 Tools and Drivers CD Contents


Document or Section in this Document

Drivers and installation scripts for supported operating systems

Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Operating System Installation Guide

BIOS/BMC firmware

Section B.2, Updating BIOS and BMC Firmware

Diagnostics software

Chapter 3

Windows RIS files

Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Operating System Installation Guide

Broadcom NetXtreme software

Section B.4, Broadcom NetXtreme Software

B.2 Updating BIOS and BMC Firmware

You can update the BIOS and BMC firmware from the Tools and Drivers CD.

To update the BIOS and system BMC (service processor), use one of the following methods.

To recover a corrupt BMC, refer to the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide.

B.2.1 Local Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server DVD Drive

To update the BIOS and BMC from the local Sun Fire X2100 M2 server DVD drive:

1. Insert the Tools and Drivers CD into the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server DVD drive.

2. Reboot the server.

3. When the Tools and Drivers CD menu is displayed, select Upgrade System BIOS and SP firmware from the menu.

The BIOS and BMC will be updated to the latest versions and the system will automatically reboot. The BIOS will automatically load the optimized defaults.

4. Do the following after the firmware is updated:

Because the BIOS optimized defaults are automatically loaded when the BIOS is flashed, you might need to reset some of the BIOS settings.

For example, if the BIOS was previously modified to support RAID, you must re-enable RAID support in the BIOS after flashing it.

The default OS setting is for Solaris and Linux. See the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Operating System Installation Guide for instructions on changing the BIOS settings.

B.2.2 tftp Using CLI

1. Set up a tftp server to host the BIOS/BMC image.

Instructions for setting up the tftp server can be found in the system administration guides for the appropriate Solaris or Linux version:





2. Copy the combined BIOS/BMC image from the /remoteflash/version/bios_bmc_file file on the Tools and Drivers CD to your tftp server /tftpboot directory.

Where version is the version of the Tools and Drivers CD that you are using and bios_bmc_file is the name of the BIOS/BMC image.

For example: /remoteflash/1.0/90_3A02

3. Ensure that the OS on the platform is shut down.

4. Log onto the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Embedded LOM CLI and cd into the Tftpupdate:

/SP -> cd TftpUpdate

5. Run the following commands from TftpUpdate:

/SP/TftpUpdate ->set ServerIPAddress=IP address of tftp server

/SP/TftpUpdate ->set FileName=bios_bmc_file.bin

/SP/TftpUpdate -> set Update=action

The BIOS and BMC firmware are updated.

Note - During the upgrade process, the login prompt will appear. Please do not attempt to login until the flash update has completed.

6. If an OS is running on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server that has been updated, reboot the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server in order for the BIOS and BMC updates to take effect.

The tftp download will start and you will see the following output.

getting image...
getting image successfully.
prepare to update...
Prepare OK!
starting update...
starting up ttys0 (irq 1)...i2c_eeprom_write(02 03 A0 0000 * 020C)
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 0 ok !!!
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 64 ok !!!
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 128 ok !!!
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 192 ok !!!
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 256 ok !!!
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 320 ok !!!
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 384 ok !!!
64(0040)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 0040)
SEEP Write offset 448 ok !!!
12(000C)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 000C)
SEEP Write offset 512 ok !!!
12(000C)=I2cMWrite(03 A0 * 0002 * 000C)
SEEP Write offset 512 ok !!!

B.2.3 Embedded LOM WebGUI

This method uses the Embedded LOM SP to flash the BIOS and BMC. See the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide for more information on setting up and using the Embedded LOM software.

1. Start the Embedded LOM SP web GUI by typing the IP address of the SP into a browser.

See the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide for instructions on using the Embedded LOM web GUI

2. Copy the file /remoteflash/version/bios_bmc_file from the remoteflash directory located on the Tools and Drivers CD to the remote system that is running the Embedded LOM Web GUI.

Where version is the version of the Tools and Drivers CD that you are using and bios_bmc_file is the name of the BIOS/BMC image.

For example: /remoteflash/1.0/90_3A02

3. Log in to the SP.

4. Click on Control and select Firmware Update from the drop-down menu.

The Firmware Update screen is displayed.

5. Click Browse and navigate to the location of the flash file.

6. Click Update.

The BIOS and BMC firmware on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server will be updated.

B.3 Booting the Tools and Drivers CD from a PXE Server

If you have a Sun Fire X2100 M2 server that does not have a DVD drive, you can run the Pc-Check diagnostics and flash the BIOS from a Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) server.

The following topics are included in this section:

B.3.1 Setting up the Tools and Drivers CD Image on the PXE Server

You will need the following to set up the PXE server:

Instructions for setting up the Red Hat kickstart server can be found in the system administration guides for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:



To set up the PXE server:

1. Log in to the PXE server as root (superuser).

2. Determine the directory where the Red Hat image is installed on the PXE server.

The default directory for the PXE image is usually /tftpboot/linux-install. The remainder of this procedure assumes that the PXE files have been installed in this directory.

Note - If your PXE files are not installed in the /tftpboot/linux-install directory, modify the procedure as necessary.

3. Make a directory for the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD contents.

# mkdir /tftpboot/linux-install/suppl_leo

4. Insert the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD into the PXE server, and copy the boot.img file located in the root directory of the CD to the new Sun Fire X2100 M2 server supplemental directory created in Step 3.

# cp /mnt/cdrom/boot.img /tftpboot/linux-install/suppl_leo

5. Download the MEMDISK kernel.

a. Go to the latest SYSLINUX project web site at:


b. Save the latest syslinux-version.zip file to your root directory.

Where version is the latest SYSLINUX project version.

Note - Version 3.09 was the latest version at the time of this writing.

6. Unzip the zip file.

For example:

# unzip syslinux-3.09.zip

7. Change to the memdisk directory.

For example:

# cd /syslinux-3.09/memdisk

8. Copy the memdisk kernel to the new Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers Directory created in Step 3.

For example:

# cp /syslinux-3.09/memdisk/memdisk /tftpboot/linux-install/suppl_leo

9. Edit the Boot Message Screen as follows.

a. Open the boot.msg file in a text editor.

# vi /tftpboot/linux-install/msgs/boot.msg

b. Type the following line after 0 -Local Machine.

suppl_leo - Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD

c. Save and close the boot.msg file.

10. Edit the default PXE Configuration file as follows.

a. Open the default file in a text editor.

# vi /tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.cfg/default

b. Type the following lines after the label0 section:

label suppl_leo
kernel suppl_leo/memdisk
append initrd=suppl_leo/boot.img

c. Save and close the default file.

11. Test the installation on the test machine.

B.3.2 Accessing the Tools and Drivers CD From the Target Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server

You will need the following to run diagnostics on a target Sun Fire X2100 M2 server:

1. Connect the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server to the same network as the PXE server.

2. Power on (or reboot) the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server.

3. Press the F12 key during POST.

4. The Boot Message Screen located on your PXE server at /tftpboot/linux-install/msgs/boot.msg displays on the screen.

5. Type suppl_leo at the prompt and press Return.

The MEMDISK kernel and the bootable portion of the Tools and Drivers CD are downloaded to the test machine over the network and into memory.

Once downloaded, the bootable portion of the Tools and Drivers CD will be booted.

6. The main menu of the bootable portion of the Tools and Drivers CD is displayed on the target Sun Fire X2100 M2 server.

7. You can now run the hardware diagnostics or update the System BIOS.

See Chapter 3 for information on running Pc-Check diagnostics software.

B.4 Broadcom NetXtreme Software

Included on the Tools and Drivers CD is software from Broadcom for specific management applications for Windows only.

To install the software from a Windows Server 2003 Sun Fire X2100 M2 server:

1. Navigate to the following directory on the Tools and Drivers CD:


2. Double-click Launch.exe.

3. Click Management Applications and follow the install wizard.

4. Click the Users Guide button in the Broadcom NetXtreme software for information about the software.

After the management software is installed you can run it as follows:

5. Start -> Broadcom -> Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2

Please note the following considerations when using the teaming feature of the Broadcom software: