C H A P T E R  3

Linux Operating System Installation

This chapter includes information on installing the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SUSE Enterprise Linux System (SLES) operating systems and system-specific drivers onto your server.

Note - If you have created a new diagnostic partition, you also need to run this script to mount the diagnostic partition. (See the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Service Manual, 819-6591, for information about how to create a diagnostic partition.)

The driver installation script is available on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD. The Tools and Drivers CD is included with your Sun Fire X2100 M2 server. You can also download the Tools and Drivers CD .iso image from the downloads link at:


This chapter includes the following topics:

Installing the Operating System

This document does not provide comprehensive instructions for installing a Linux operating system, but this section provides guidelines for the tasks involved in the OS installation and the installation methods available.

This section contains the following topics:

Operating System Installation Overview

The following procedures are for installing drivers if you are performing a fresh installation of a Linux operating system. You do not need to reinstall the drivers if you are using the preinstalled version of the operating system.

See TABLE 3-1 for the task map for operating system installation.

TABLE 3-1 Operating System Installation Task Map


Installation Task


Set up your server.

Install your server hardware and configure the service processor.

Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide (819-6589)

Prepare your system for operating system installation.

If necessary, erase the primary boot disk, set up the BIOS, and set up the LSI RAID configuration if the LSI RAID card is installed.

Chapter 1 and Configuring Your System for RAID.

Review the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Product Notes.

The product notes contain late-breaking news about the Solaris OS software and patches.

Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Product Notes (819-6601)

Install the Linux OS.

Choose an installation method and locate the installation instructions.

Operating System Installation Methods

Install the system-specific drivers from the Tools and Drivers CD.

Install the system-specific drivers needed to run the Linux operating system on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server.

Installing the System-Specific Drivers

Run the up2date or SUSEWatcher utility.

Patches are available from the SunSolve Patch Portal at: http://www.sunsolve.sun.com

Running the up2date Utility for the RHEL OS or Running the SuSEWatcher Utility for the SLES OS

Configuring Your System for RAID

If you don't have the LSI Logic SAS3041E-R card installed in your system, and you don't plan to install it, you can skip this section.

Note - The Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server supported versions of Linux all have the LSI boot driver included in the operating system software. The operating system will automatically recognize the LSI boot drivers.

To configure RAID for the Solaris Operating System if you have the LSI Logic SAS3041E-R card installed, follow the procedure below:

To configure RAID for the Linux Operating System, follow the procedure below:

1. Install the optional LSI Logic SAS3041E-R card (Sun part number

See the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Service Manual for instructions on installing and cabling the card.

2. Power on the server.

3. During the boot process, press Ctrl-C to enter the LSI utility when the LSI SAS card is recognized.

4. Create your RAID.

See the LSI Integrated RAID User's Guide at:

http://www.lsilogic.com/files/docs/techdocs/storage_stand_prod/ PCISCSICont/Software/ir_ug.pdf

5. Save your work and exit the utility.

6. Install the Linux Operating System.

See Operating System Installation Methods.

7. Download the LSI utilities for managing RAID from the following site:


Operating System Installation Methods

See the following list of installation methods to determine the type of installation that you want to do and the information source for the installation. See Choosing an Operating System Installation Method for a description of each method.

The following methods can be used:

Direct Installation Using DVD or CD-ROM Media

See the instructions for basic installation in the document that corresponds to the operating system you are installing:



Network Installation Using PXE

See the instructions for network installation in the document that corresponds to the operating system you are installing:



See the following guidelines for NIC ports available for PXE installation:

For RHEL 3 Update 7 and SLES 9 SP 3 operating systems, you need to install the drivers from the Tools and Drivers CD after installing the operating system to obtain the full functionality of the NICs. See Appendix C for more information.

Remote KVMS over IP With Virtual CD-ROM

This method includes using a remote networked system to install the operating system onto the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server. The CD or DVD drive of the remote system (virtual cdrom) is used to access the operating system media, and all output of the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server is displayed on the remote system (remote console).

Specific details on the using keyboard, mouse, video, storage (KVMS) over IP in the Embedded Lights Out Manager (LOM) can be found in the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide.

Note - This procedure assumes that you are familiar with the Embedded LOM WebGUI administration. More information can be found in the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide.

Requirements for Remote KMVS Over IP installation include:

1. On a remote system, open a browser and type the IP address of the Embedded LOM service processor for the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server on which you want to install the operating system.

2. Type your user name and password at the login screen.

3. In the main Embedded LOM window, click Launch to open a remote console window.

4. Insert the Operating System CD/DVD to be installed on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server into the local CD/DVD drive.

5. In the remote console window, select Storage -> Mount devices.

The Device Configuration windows appears.

6. In the Storage 1 Source field, from the drop down arrow menu, select the CD/DVD drive to be used for installing the operating system.

7. Click Submit.

8. Configure the BIOS to boot from the remote (virtual) CD or DVD.

a. Go to the Embedded LOM main page, and select Control -> Power Control ->

The Sun Fire X2100 M2 system will be restarted and you can view the POST process from the Remote Console screen.

b. As the system is restarting, go back to the Remote Console screen and press F2 when the Sun Microsystems splash screen appears.

The BIOS setup utility displays.

c. Select Boot -> Boot Device priority and change the first boot driver to Virtual CD/DVD.

Note - Make sure that the hard disk is still listed in the boot order.

d. Press F10 to save your changes and exit the BIOS.

When the server is rebooted, it will boot from the virtual CD-ROM. The instructions for installing the operating system will be the exactly same as the instructions for using a local CD/DVD drive and monitor.

Note - After the OS is installed, remember to change back to the local CD-ROM in the BIOS if you want to use a CD or DVD device installed or connected to your system.

Serial Redirection

To use a serial console to install the operating system:

1. Connect a terminal to the serial port on the service processor.

A terminal can be a VT100, a PC running terminal emulation, or a terminal server.

2. Set the terminal to receive at 9600 baud.

3. Set up your operating system to boot from an installation server.

See the instructions for serial redirection in the document that corresponds to the operating system you are installing. There are OS specific changes that will need to be performed in order for console redirection to work:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for the x86, Itanium, and AMD64 Architectures at:


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Administration and Installation at:


4. Login to the service processor as an Administrator.

5. Type the following:

start /SP/AgentInfo/console

6. Boot the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server.

To boot via PXE, press F12 at the BIOS prompt.

7. After the operating system is installed, log into the server.

Installing the System-Specific Drivers

The following methods can be used to install system-specific drivers onto your Sun Fire X2100 M2 server:

Installing the Drivers Using KVMS Over IP

See the instructions in Remote KVMS over IP With Virtual CD-ROM or the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide, 819-6588, for specific details.

Installing Drivers Directly Onto the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server

If your server has an onboard DVD drive, you can install the drivers directly onto the server, using the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD.

To install the video drivers and mount the diagnostic partition directly onto the server when running a Linux operating system:

1. Log in to the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server as root (superuser).

2. Insert the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD into the DVD drive and type:

cd /mountpoint/drivers/linux/operating_system

Where /mountpoint is the directory the CD is mounted to and operating_system is the type of Linux installed on the server (red_hat or suse).

3. If the CD does not automount, open a terminal window and mount the CD by typing the following command:

# mount -o ro /dev/cdrom /mountpoint

Where /mountpoint is the appropriate mount point for the OS and optical drive type.

For example:

# mount -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/dvdrom

4. Change to the /mountpoint/drivers/linux/operating_system directory.

Where /mountpoint is the directory that the CD is mounted to, and operating_system is the type of Linux installed on the server.

For example:

# cd /mnt/dvdrom/drivers/linux/red_hat

5. Run the installation script by typing the following command:

# sh install.sh

This script is not executed if the X server is running.

6. If the script exits and you receive an error message, perform the following steps to disable the X server:

a. Type the following at the system prompt:

% init 3 

b. Log in as root (superuser).

c. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5.

7. Eject the CD after the driver installation is complete.

8. Reboot the server.

Running Update Utilities

Choose the section that corresponds to the Linux operating system that you have installed:

Running the up2date Utility for the RHEL OS

Run the up2date utility after installing the operating system and drivers from the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD.

To run the upd2date utility.

1. Set up the up2date utility on the server.

Refer to the documentation included with your Red Hat Enterprise Linux media kit for details.

2. Run the up2date program.

Select the kernel packages in the available package updates section.

Running the SuSEWatcher Utility for the SLES OS

Run the SuSEWatcher utility after installing the operating system and drivers from the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD.

To run the SuSEWatcher utility.

1. Set up the SuSEWatcher utility on the server.

Refer to the documentation included with your SLES 9 media kit for details.

2. Run the SuSEWatcher program.

Select the kernel packages in the available package updates section.