C H A P T E R  2

Initial ILOM Setup Procedures Using the Web Interface




Log in to ILOM for the first time

Configure the network environment

Add user accounts or configure a directory service

Find information about your next ILOM configuration steps

Logging In to ILOM for the First Time Using the Web Interface

To log in to the ILOM web interface for the first time, you use the default root user account and its default password changeme.

procedure icon  Log In to ILOM Using the root User Account

To log in to the ILOM web interface for the first time using the root user account, open a web browser and do the following:

1. Type http://system_ipaddress into the web browser.

If ILOM is operating in a dual-stack network environment, the system_ipaddress can be entered using either an IPv4 or IPv6 address format.

For example:

For IPv4 -


For IPv6 - http://[fec0:a:8:b7:214:4fff:5eca:5f7e/64]

The web interface Login page appears.

For more information about entering IP addresses in a dual-stack environment, and for diagnosing connection issues, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Concepts Guide.

Web interface login page

2. Type the user name and password for the root user account:

User Name: root

Password: changeme

3. Click Log In.

The Version page in the web interface appears.

You are now ready to configure your network settings and to access all of ILOM’s features and functionality. To learn about ILOM’s features and the procedures you can perform to access ILOM’s functions, refer to the other documents in the ILOM 3.0 Documentation Collection. You can access the ILOM 3.0 Documentation Collection at:


Configuring an IPv4 and IPv6 Network Environment

The following web interface procedure provides instructions for configuring ILOM 3.0.12 and later versions to operate in a dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 network environment. For a detailed description about configuring ILOM in the IPv4 and IPv6 network environment, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Concepts Guide.

If you are configuring ILOM to operate in an IPv4-only network environment, as is supported in ILOM 3.0.10 and earlier versions of ILOM, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Web Interface Procedures Guide.

By default, ILOM will attempt to obtain the IPv4 address using DHCPv4 and the IPv6 address using IPv6 stateless.

procedure icon  Configure IPv4 and IPv6 Settings Using the Web Interface

1. Log in to the ILOM SP web interface or the CMM ILOM web interface.

2. Navigate to the IPv4 and IPv6 network settings that are available on the Network tab.

For example:

Note - The Network Settings page at the CMM level of the web interface does not support the dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 properties. However, it does support IPv4 only properties. To change the IPv6 network settings for a CMM, see Configure IPv4 and IPv6 Settings Using the CLI.

3. Verify that the network State is enabled.

Note - The setting for network State is enabled by default for both IPv4 and IPv6. If necessary, you can optionally disable (uncheck) the network State for IPv6. However, the IPv4 network State must always be enabled in order for ILOM to operate in an IPv4 network environment or within a dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 network environment.

4. Perform the network configuration instructions below that apply to your network environment.

Note - As of ILOM 3.0.14 or later, you can enable the option for Stateless auto-configuration to run at the same time as when the option for DHCPv6 Stateless is enabled or when the option for DHCPv6 Stateful is enabled. However, the auto-configuration options for DHCPv6 Stateless and DHCPv6 Stateful should not be enabled to run at the same time.

Note - When you enable the auto-configuration for either DHCPv6 Stateful or DHCPv6 Stateless, ILOM will identify in the Network Settings page the DHCP Unique ID for the DHCPv6 server that was last used to retrieve the DHCP information.

5. Click Save to apply the changes made.

All changes to the network settings are considered pending within the ILOM session until you click Save.

Note - Changing the static IP address on the device (SP or CMM) will end all active ILOM sessions to the device. A message will appear prompting you to close your browser session. You will need to log back in to ILOM using the newly assigned static IP address.

Note - IPv6 addresses learned for the device from any of the IPv6 auto-configuration options will not affect any of the active ILOM sessions to the device. You can verify the newly learned auto-configured addresses on the Network tab.

To test the IPv4 or IPv6 network configuration from ILOM, use the Network Test Tools (Ping or Ping6). For details, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Web Interface Procedures Guide.

Adding User Accounts or Configuring a Directory Service

After you log in to ILOM using the root user account, you can choose either to create a local user account or to configure a directory service. For detailed information about ILOM user accounts and directory services, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Concepts Guide.




Learn how to add a user account and assign user roles (privileges)

Learn how to configure ILOM for Active Directory

Learn how to configure the LDAP server

Learn how to configure ILOM for LDAP

Learn how to configure ILOM for LDAP/SSL

Learn how to edit the SSL tables

Learn how to configure ILOM for RADIUS

Learn how to verify that the new user account or directory service is working properly

Learn how to log out of ILOM

procedure icon  Add User Account and Assign Privileges

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select User Management --> User Accounts.

The User Account Settings page appears.

3. In the Users table, click Add.

The Add User dialog appears.

Add User Dialog Box

4. Complete the following information:

a. Type a user name in the User Name field.

b. Choose a profile. Options include Advanced Role for all new ILOM 3.0 installations.

c. Select the appropriate roles.

See the following table for descriptions of advanced roles for user accounts.






A user who is assigned the Admin (a) role is authorized to view and change the state of ILOM configuration variables. With the exception of tasks that users who have User Management, Console, and Reset and Host Control roles, users assigned the Admin role are authorized to perform all other ILOM functions.


User Management

A user who is assigned the User Management (u) role is authorized to create and delete user accounts, change user passwords, change roles assigned to other users, and enable/disable the physical-access requirement for the default user account. This role also includes authorization to set up LDAP, LDAP/SSL, RADIUS, and Active Directory.



A user who is assigned the Console (c) role is authorized to access the ILOM Remote Console and the SP console and to view and change the state of the ILOM console configuration variables.


Reset and Host Control

A user who is assigned the Reset and Host Control (r) role is authorized to operate the system, which includes power control, reset, hot-plug, enabling and disabling components, and fault management. This role maps very closely to the ILOM 2.0 user with Operator privileges.


Read Only

A user who is assigned the Read Only (o) role is authorized to view the state of the ILOM configuration variables but cannot make any changes. Users assigned this role can also change the password and the Session Time-Out setting for their own user account.



A user who is assigned the Service (s) role can assist Oracle service engineers in the event that on-site service is required.

d. Type a password in the New Password field.

The password must be at least 8 characters and no more than 16 characters. The password is case-sensitive. Use alphabetical, numeric, and special characters for better security. You can use any character except a colon. Do not include spaces in passwords.

e. Retype the password in the Confirm New Password field to confirm the password.

f. When you are done entering the new user’s information, click Save.

The User Account Settings page is redisplayed. The new user account and associated information is listed on the User Account Settings page.

procedure icon  Configure ILOM for Active Directory

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface

2. Select User Management --> Active Directory.

The Active Directory page appears.

Active Directory page

3. Configure the Active Directory settings.

See the following table for a description of the Active Directory settings.

Property (Web)

Property (CLI)






Enabled | Disabled

Specifies whether the Active Directory client is enabled or disabled.





Administrator | Operator | Advanced roles | none

Access role granted to all authenticated Active Directory users. This property supports the legacy roles of Administrator or Operator, or any of the individual role ID combinations of ’a’, ’u’, ’c’, ’r’, ’o’ and ’s’. For example, aucros, where a=Admin, u=User Management, c=Console, r=Reset and Host Control, o=Read Only, and s=Service. If you do not configure a role, the Active Directory server is used to determine the role.



IP address or DNS name of the Active Directory server. If the DNS name is used, DNS must be configured and functional.




Port used to communicate with the server or enable autoselect (which assigns the port to 0).

Available in the unlikely event of a non-standard TCP port being used.




Timeout value in seconds.

Number of seconds to wait for individual transactions to complete. The value does not represent the total time of all transactions because the number of transactions can differ depending on the configuration. This property allows for adjusting the time to wait when a server is not responding or is unreachable.

Strict Certificate Mode



Enabled | Disabled

If enabled, the server certificate contents are verified by digital signatures at the time of authentication. Certificate must be loaded before Strict Certificate Mode can be set to enabled.

DNS Locator Mode



Enabled | Disabled

If enabled, an attempt to locate the Active Directory server is performed, based on the DNS locator queries that are configured.

Log Detail



None | High | Medium | Low

Specifies the amount of diagnostics that go into the event log.

4. Click Save for your settings to take effect.

5. View the Active Directory certificate information.

See the following table for a description of Active Directory certificate settings:

Property (Web)

Property (CLI)



Certificate File Status


certificate not present

Read-only indicator of whether a certificate exists.

Certificate File Status


certificate present (details)

Click on “details” for information about issuer, subject, serial number, valid_from, valid_to, and version.

6. Complete the Certificate File Upload section by selecting a transfer method for uploading the certificate file and the requested parameters.

Note - This section is required only if Strict Certificate Mode is used.

The following table describes the required parameters for each transfer method:

Transfer Method

Required Parameters


File Name














7. Click the Load Certificate button or Remove Certificate button.

8. If a certificate is loaded, the following read-only details appear if you selected “certificate present (details)”:




Certificate Authority who issued the certificate.


Server or domain for which the certificate is intended.


Date when the certificate becomes valid.


Date when the certificate becomes invalid.


Serial number of the certificate.


Version number of the certificate.

9. At the bottom of the Active Directory page, click the radio button next to the configuration option you want to configure:

10. Enter the required data in the tables.

The Admin Groups, Operator Groups, and Custom Groups tables contain the names of the Microsoft Active Directory groups in the Distinguished Name (DN) format, Simple Name format, or NT-Style Name. Custom Groups require the configuration of user roles to have Advanced Roles or Administrator/Operator privileges to perform various tasks.

User Domains are the authentication domains used to authenticate a user. When the user logs in, the name used is formatted in the specific domain name format template that appears in the cell. <USERNAME> will be replaced by the user’s login name during authentication. Either the principle or Distinguished Name format is supported. User authentication is attempted based on the user name that is entered and the configured user domains.

The Alternate Servers table provides redundancy for authentication. If a certificate is not supplied, a top-level primary certificate is used. The alternate servers have the same rules and requirements as the top-level certificate mode. Each server has its own certificate status, and its own certificate command to retrieve the certificate if it is needed.

The DNS Locator Queries table is used to query DNS servers to learn about the hosts to use for authentication. The DNS Locator queries are only used when DNS Locator is enabled and DNS is configured and functioning.

In the following tables, default data shows the expected format of the Active Directory data.

The name listed in entry 1 uses the Distinguished Name format.





The name listed in entry 1 uses the Distinguished Name format.





The name listed in entry 1 uses the Simple Name format.






Admin, User Management, Console, Reset and Host Control, Read Only (aucro)

The domain listed in entry 1 shows the principle format that is used in the first attempt to authenticate the user. Entry 2 shows the complete Distinguished Name, which Active Directory would use if the attempt to authenticate with the first entry failed.

Note - In the example below, <USERNAME> represents a user’s login name. During authentication, the user’s login name replaces <USERNAME>.







The entries below provide redundancy for authentication.




Certificate Status



Certificate not present



Certificate not present

The DNS Locator service query identifies the named DNS service. The port ID is generally part of the record, but it can be overridden by using the format <PORT:636>. Also, named services specific for the domain being authenticated can be specified by using the <DOMAIN> substitution marker.







11. Click Save for your changes to take effect.

procedure icon  Configure LDAP Server

Follow these steps to configure the LDAP server. Refer to your LDAP documentation for detailed instructions.

1. Ensure that all users authenticating to ILOM have passwords stored in "crypt" format or the GNU extension to crypt, commonly referred to as "MD5 crypt."

For example:

userPassword: {CRYPT}ajCa2He4PJhNo


userPassword: {CRYPT}$1$pzKng1$du1Bf0NWBjh9t3FbUgf46.

ILOM only supports LDAP authentication for passwords stored in these two variations of the crypt format.

2. Add object classes posixAccount and shadowAccount, and populate the required property values for this schema (RFC 2307).

Required Property



User name for logging in to ILOM


Any unique number


Any unique number




Any value (this property is ignored by ILOM)


Any value (this property is ignored by ILOM)

3. Configure the LDAP server to enable LDAP server access to ILOM user accounts.

Either enable your LDAP server to accept anonymous binds, or create a proxy user on your LDAP server that has read-only access to all user accounts that will authenticate through ILOM.

See Configure ILOM for LDAP.

procedure icon  Configure ILOM for LDAP

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select User Management --> LDAP.

The LDAP Settings page appears.

LDAP Settings page

3. Enter the following values:

4. Click Save for your changes to take effect.

5. To verify that LDAP authentication works, log in to ILOM using an LDAP user name and password.

Note - ILOM searches local users before LDAP users. If an LDAP user name exists as a local user, ILOM uses the local account for authentication.

procedure icon  Configure ILOM for LDAP/SSL

LDAP/SSL offers enhanced security to LDAP users by way of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Certificates are optional if Strict Certificate Mode is used.

Follow these steps to configure ILOM for LDAP/SSL:

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select User Management --> LDAP/SSL.

The LDAP/SSL page appears, displaying the configuration settings and the LDAP/SSL tables.

LDAP/SSL Configuration Settings

3. Configure the LDAP/SSL settings.

See the following table for a description of the LDAP/SSL settings.


Property (Web)

Property (CLI)






Enabled | Disabled

Specifies whether the LDAP/SSL client is enabled or disabled.





Administrator | Operator | Advanced roles | none

Access role granted to all authenticated LDAP/SSL users. This property supports the legacy roles of Administrator or Operator, or any of the individual role ID combinations of ’a’, ’u’, ’c’, ’r’, ’o’ and ’s’. For example, aucros, where a=Admin, u=User Management, c=Console, r=Reset and Host Control, o=Read Only, and s=Service. If you do not configure a role, the LDAP/SSL server is used to determine the role.



IP address or DNS name of the LDAP/SSL server. If the DNS name is used, DNS must be configured and functional.




Port used to communicate with the server or enable autoselect (which assigns the port to 0).

Available in the unlikely event of a non-standard TCP port being used.




Timeout value in seconds.

Number of seconds to wait for individual transactions to complete. The value does not represent the total time of all transactions because the number of transactions can differ depending on the configuration.

This property allows for adjusting the time to wait when a server is not responding or is unreachable.

Strict Certificate Mode



Enabled | Disabled

If enabled, the server certificate contents are verified by digital signatures at the time of authentication. Certificate must be loaded before Strict Certificate Mode can be set to enabled.

Log Detail



None | High | Medium | Low

Specifies the amount of diagnostics that go into the event log.

4. Click Save for your settings to take effect.

5. View the LDAP/SSL certificate information in the middle section of the LDAP/SSL page.

See the following table for a description of LDAP/SSL certificate settings.

Property (Web)

Property (CLI)



Certificate File Status


certificate not present

Read-only indicator of whether a certificate exists.

Certificate File Status


certificate present (details)

Click on “details” for information about issuer, subject, serial number, valid_from, valid_to, and version.

6. Complete the Certificate File Upload section by selecting a transfer method for uploading the certificate file and the required parameters.

Note - This section is required only if Strict Certificate Mode is used.

The following table describes the required parameters for each transfer method.

Transfer Method

Required Parameters


File Name














7. Click the Load Certificate button or Remove Certificate button.

8. If a certificate is loaded, the following read-only details will appear if you selected “certificate present (details)”:





Certificate Authority who issued the certificate.


Server or domain for which the certificate is intended.


Date when the certificate becomes valid.


Date when the certificate becomes invalid.


Serial number of the certificate.


Version number of the certificate.

procedure icon  Edit LDAP/SSL Tables

Follow these steps to modify information for Admin Groups, Operator Groups, Custom Groups, User Domains, or Alternate Servers:

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select User Management --> LDAP/SSL.

The LDAP/SSL page appears.

3. At the bottom of the LDAP/SSL page, select the links next to the type of information you want to edit:

4. Select the radio button next to the individual table you want to edit, then click Edit.

The appropriate page appears: Edit LDAP/SSL Admin Groups page, Edit LDAP/SSL Operator Groups page, Edit LDAP/SSL Custom Groups page, Edit LDAP/SSL User Domains page, or Edit LDAP/SSL Alternate Servers page.

5. In each Edit page, edit the information you want to modify.

See the procedure Configure ILOM for Active Directory for examples of the information you can add or edit in the LDAP/SSL tables. Information in the Active Directory tables is similar to LDAP/SSL tables.

For example, in the User Domains table, enter the information in the Name field as text. Use the <USERNAME> substitution marker to hold a place for the user’s name.


You would be authenticated to ILOM with the supplied name.

6. Click Save for your changes to take effect.

procedure icon  Configure ILOM for RADIUS

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select User Management --> RADIUS.

The RADIUS Settings page appears.

RADIUS Settings page

3. Complete the RADIUS settings.

Property (Web)

Property (CLI)






Enabled | Disabled

Specifies whether the RADIUS client is enabled or disabled.




Read Only


Administrator | Operator | Advanced Roles

Access role granted to all authenticated RADIUS users. This property supports the legacy roles of Administrator or Operator, or any of the individual role ID combinations of ’a’, ’u’, ’c’, ’r’, ’o’ and ’s’. For example, aucros, where a=Admin, u=User Management, c=Console, r=Reset and Host Control, o=Read Only, and s=Service.



IP address or DNS name of the RADIUS server. If the DNS name is used, DNS must be configured and functional.




Specifies the port number used to communicate with the RADIUS server. The default port is 1812.

Shared Secret



Specifies the shared secret that is used to protect sensitive data and to ensure that the client and server recognize each other.

4. Click Save for your settings to take effect.

procedure icon  Log In to ILOM Using a New User Account

To log in to the ILOM web interface using a non-root user account, open a web browser and do the following:

1. Type http://system_ipaddress into the web browser.

If ILOM is operating in a dual-stack network environment, the system_ipaddress can be entered using either an IPv4 or IPv6 address format.

For example:

For IPv4 -


For IPv6 - http://[fec0:a:8:b7:214:4fff:5eca:5f7e/64]

The web interface Login page appears.

For more information about entering IP addresses in a dual-stack environment, and for diagnosing connection issues, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Concepts Guide.

2. Type the user name and password for the user account:

User Name: <assigned_username>

Password: <assigned_password>

3. Click Log In.

The ILOM web interface appears, displaying the Version page.

procedure icon  Log Out of ILOM

single-step bullet  Click the Log Out button in the ILOM web interface.

The Log Out button is located in the top right corner of the ILOM web interface. Do not use the Log Out button on your web browser to exit ILOM.

What Next?

You can now continue to customize your ILOM configuration for your system and data center environment. Before you configure ILOM for your environment, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.0 Concepts Guide for an overview of the new ILOM 3.0 features and functionality. Knowing how the new ILOM features will affect your environment will help you configure ILOM settings so that you can access all of ILOM’s capabilities in your system and data center.

Also refer to the Oracle ILOM 3.0 Procedures Guides for descriptions of how to perform ILOM tasks using a specific user interface and to your platform ILOM Supplement or platform Administration guide for platform-specific configuration instructions.

The ILOM 3.0 Documentation Collection can be found at:
