SunVideo Plus for PCI User's Guide

Setting XIL Environment Variables

Examples that use the Sun XIL(TM) library require that certain XIL environment variables are set. The following entries show how to set these variables assuming XIL was installed in the default location and that the variables are not already set.

To set variables using the sh or ksh environments, type:

hostname% LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/SUNWits/Graphics-sw/xil/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
hostname% export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
hostname% XILHOME=/opt/SUNWits/Graphics-sw/xil
hostname% export XILHOME

Using csh environment, type:

hostname% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/SUNWits/Graphics-sw/xil/lib: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
hostname% setenv XILHOME /opt/SUNWits/Graphics-sw/xil