SunVideo Plus for PCI User's Guide

Video Attributes

The following attributes affect various video characteristics. Note that these can be controlled programmatically through XIL or through the SunVideo Plus control panel described in "Using the SunVideo Plus Control Panel". Although default values are given here, the true default value is the value last set by either the control panel or by XIL program control.


This attribute affects the color hue of the incoming video signal.

Access: set/get Type: int (range -128 to +127) * Default: 0


This attribute affects color gain of the U component of the incoming video signal.

Access: set/get Type: int (range -128 to +127) * Default: 0


This attribute affects color gain of the V component of the incoming video signal.

Access: set/get Type: int (range 0 to 511) * Default: 180


This attribute affects the contrast of the luma portion of the incoming video signal.

Access: set/get Type: int (range 0 to 511) * Default: 216


This attribute affects the overall brightness level of the luma portion of the incoming video signal.

Access: set/get Type: int (range -128 to +127) * Default: 0