GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux User Guide

Choosing Default Fonts

Use the Font preference tool to select the fonts to use in your applications, windows, terminals, and desktop.

Table 10–4 lists the font settings that you can configure.

Table 10–4 Settings for Fonts



Application font

Click on the font selector button to select a font to use in your applications. 

Desktop font

Click on the font selector button to select a font to use on your desktop only. 

Window title font

Click on the font selector button to select a font to use in the titlebars of your windows. 

Terminal font

Click on the font selector button to select a font to use in the Terminal application

Font Rendering

To specify how to render fonts on your screen, select one of the following options: 

  • Monochrome: Renders fonts in black and white only. The edges of characters might appear jagged in some cases because the characters are not antialiased. Antialiasing is an effect that is applied to the edges of characters to make the characters look smoother.

  • Best shapes: Antialiases fonts where possible. Use this option for standard Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors.

  • Best contrast: Adjusts fonts to give the sharpest possible contrast, and also antialiases fonts, so that characters have smooth edges. This option might enhance the accessibility of the GNOME Desktop to users with visual impairments.

  • Subpixel smoothing (LCDs): Uses techniques that exploit the shape of individual Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) pixels to render fonts smoothly. Use this option for LCD or flat-screen displays.


Click on this button to specify further details of how to render fonts on your screen.  

  • Resolution (dots per inch): Use the spin box to specify the resolution to use when your screen renders fonts.

  • Smoothing: Select one of the options to specify how to antialias fonts.

  • Hinting: Hinting is a font-rendering technique that improves the quality of fonts at small sizes and an at low screen resolutions. Select one of the options to specify how to apply hinting your fonts.

  • Subpixel order: Select one of the options to specify the subpixel color order for your fonts. Use this option for LCD or flat-screen displays.

Previewing Fonts

You can use the file manager to preview fonts. To preview fonts, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a file manager window.

  2. Enter the URI fonts:/// in the location bar. The fonts are displayed as icons in the view pane.

  3. Double-click on an icon to display a preview of the font.