GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux User Guide

Mounting and Unmounting a File System

To mount a file system is to make the file system available for access. When you mount a file system, the file system is attached as a subdirectory to your file system.

You can mount a directory on a remote system, or a file system on a device attached to a system that you can access. You must have root access permissions to mount or unmount a file system.

When you do not need to access the file system, you can unmount the file system.

To Mount a File System

To mount a file system, perform the following steps:

  1. Right click on a folder in the file manager and choose Sharing -> Mount. A Mounting/Unmounting dialog is displayed.

    Note –

    If the Unmount menu item is in the popup menu, the directory that you selected already has a file system mounted.

  2. Enter the information for the file system that you want to mount in the Mounting/Unmounting dialog. The following table describes the elements on the dialog:

    Dialog Element 


    mount local Directory

    Displays the name of the currently selected folder. 

    as directory

    Enter the path of the file system that you want to mount on the folder. 

    on remote machine

    If the on remote machine is selected, this means that the file system to mount is on another system. You must enter the IP address or DNS name of the system.

  3. To select advanced options for the file system that you want to mount, click on the Advanced button. A Mount Options dialog is displayed. The following table describes the elements on the dialog:

    Dialog Element 


    Read Write

    Select this option to assign read and write access permissions to the mounted file system. 

    Read Only

    Select this option to assign read only access permissions to the mounted file system. 

    Specify mount type

    Select this option to specify the type of file system to mount. Enter the file system type in the field. 

    Specify additional options: (comma separated)

    Select this option to specify further options for the file system that you want to mount. Enter the options in the field. Use a comma to separate each option. 

  4. Click on the Mount button. A dialog displays a success or failure message.

To Unmount a File System

To unmount a file system, perform the following steps:

  1. Right click on a folder in the file manager and choose Sharing -> Unmount. A Mounting/Unmounting dialog is displayed with details of the mounted file.

    Note –

    If the Mount menu item is in the popup menu, the directory that you selected does not have a file system mounted.

  2. Click on the Unmount button. A dialog displays a success or failure message.