GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux User Guide

Configuring Keyboard Preferences

Use the Keyboard Behavior preference tool to modify the autorepeat preferences for your keyboard, and to modify the sound preferences for your keyboard.

You can set the preferences for the Keyboard preference tool in the following functional areas:

Keyboard Preferences

Use the Keyboard tabbed section to set general keyboard preferences. To start the Keyboard accessibility preference tool, that is, AccessX, click on the Accessibility button.

Table 10–10 lists the keyboard preferences that you can modify.

Table 10–10 Keyboard Preferences

Dialog Element 


Keyboard repeats when key is held down

Select this option to enable keyboard repeat. If keyboard repeat is enabled, when you press-and-hold a key, the action associated with the key is performed repeatedly. For example, if you press-and-hold a character key, the character is typed repeatedly. 


Select the delay from the time you press a key to the time that the action repeats. 


Select the speed at which the action is repeated.  

Blinks in text boxes and fields

Select this option to enable the cursor to blink in fields and text boxes. 


Use the slider to specify the speed at which the cursor blinks in fields and text boxes. 

Sound Preferences

Use the Sound tabbed section to set your preferences for keyboard sound.

Some applications play a bell sound to indicate a keyboard input error. Use the options in the Sound tabbed section to configure the bell sound. Table 10–11 lists the keyboard sound preferences that you can modify.

Table 10–11 System Bell Preferences

Dialog Element 



Select this option to disable the keyboard bell. 


Select this option to enable the keyboard bell.