GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux User Guide

Setting Sound Preferences

The Sound preference tool enables you to control when the GNOME sound server starts. You can also specify which sounds to play when particular events occur.

You can customize the settings for the Sound preference tool in the following functional areas:

General Sound Preferences

Use the General tabbed section of the Sound preference tool to specify when to launch the GNOME sound server. You can also enable sound event functions.

Table 10–29 lists the general sound preferences that you can modify.

Table 10–29 General Sound Preferences

Dialog Element 


Enable sound server startup

Select this option to start the GNOME sound server when you start a GNOME session. When the sound server is active, the GNOME Desktop can play sounds. 

Sounds for events

Select this option to play sounds when particular events occur in the GNOME Desktop. You can select this option only if the Enable sound server startup option is selected.

Sound Event Preferences

Use the Sound Events tabbed section of the Sound preference tool to associate particular sounds with particular events.

Note –

You must select the Enable sound server startup option, and the Sounds for events option before you can access the Sound Events tabbed section.

Table 10–30 lists the sound events preferences that you can modify.

Table 10–30 Sound Event Preferences

Dialog Element 


Sounds table

Use the Sounds table to associate particular sounds with particular events.

The Event column displays a hierarchical list of events that can occur. To expand a category of events, click on the right arrow beside a category of events.

The File to play column lists the sound file that plays when the event occurs.


Click on this button to play the sound file that is associated with the selected event.  

Sound file drop-down combination box, Browse

To associate a sound with an event, select the event in the Sounds table. Enter the name of the sound file that you want to associate with the selected event in the drop-down combination box. Alternatively, click Browse to display a Select sound file dialog. Use the dialog to specify the sound file that you want to associate with the selected event.

Note –

You can only associate sound files in .wav format with events.