Java Desktop System Release 2 Troubleshooting Guide

4.2 Chinese Locales

4.2.1 Characters Print With a Box


Bug ID: 4977300 

Affects the following locales: 

  • Chinese locales

  • Korean locales

Characters printed out from Mozilla to a postscript file are printed with a box. This is because the postscript printer does not bundle Chinese or Korean fonts. CUPS needs to convert the Mozilla postscript fonts before the file can be printed.


  1. Choose LaunchPreferencesPrinters.

  2. Right-click the PostScript printer icon, then select the Properties menu.

  3. Open the Advanced tab.

  4. Set the Ghostscript pre-filtering to Convert to PS level 1.

4.2.2 YaST2 Is Not Localized in HK Locales


Bug ID: 5005385 

Affects the following locales: 

  • zh_HK.big5hkscs

  • zh_HK.UTF-8

When you log into the affected locales, the YaST2 application is not localized.


The YaST2 messages for the zh_HK locales are the same as those for the zh_TW locales. Perform the following steps to create a symbolic link from the zh_HK locale to the zh_TW locale:

  1. cd /usr/share/YaST2/locale/

  2. ln -s zh_TW zh_HK