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Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 Installation Guide

Chapter 1   Preparing For Installation

Before beginning the installation process, you should familiarize yourself with the components of the Meta-Directory suite as well as check that your system meets the recommended requirements. This chapter contains the following sections:

Supported Platforms Overview

Operating Systems and Platforms

Operating System


Sun Solaris[tm] 9 Operating Environment (SPARC® Platform Edition)




Sun Solaris[tm] 8 Operating Environment (SPARC® Platform Edition)




Sun Solaris[tm] 2.6 Operating Environment (SPARC® Platform Edition)




Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 SP6a (Intel Architecture)




Microsoft Windows 2000 (Advanced) Server SP3




Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP3




Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional




Microsoft Windows XP




Solaris [tm] x86 Platform Edition




Sun Linux 5.0 Operating Environment




64 bit HP-UX 11 environment


No, however it is possible to install Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 on the HP-UX 11 environment


IBM AIX 4.3.3 Operating System


No, however it is possible to install Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 on the IBM AIX 4.3.3 Operating System


Supported Software pre-requisites

The following software must be installed (depending on which connectors you are using) with the Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 software.

  • MySQL Connector/J V 2.0.14 JDBC driver for accessing the MySQL database. This is typically distributed as a JAR. This can be downloaded from -
  • .

  • MySQL-Max V3.23.51. This can be downloaded from - or from one of it's mirror sites. A mirror that currently hosts and can be used for downloading the binary is
  • .

  • The Java runtime environment version 1.4.0_01
  • nsPerl version 5.004_04 is a required Perl component used by the join engine and universal connectors.
  • nsPerl version 5.005_03 is used by Sun ONE Console and installed automatically.
  • Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1. Sun ONE Meta Directory 5.1 is only certified with iPlanet Directory Server 5.1

Supported Connector Platforms


Solaris 2.6

Solaris 8

Solaris 9


Windows NT 4.0, SP6a


Windows 2000 (Advanced) Server SP3, Windows 2000 Server SP3


Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP


Universal Text Parser/Universal Text













Microsoft Windows NT Domain













Oracle Database












The Oracle Database Connector requires Oracle 8.1.5 or 8.1.7 (server and client). The Oracle client software must be installed on the system running the Join Engine. The server (database) software can exist on a different machine.


Microsoft Windows Active Directory












The Active Directory Connector database platforms requires ADSI 2.5 on the system running the Active Directory Connector; it connects to a system hosting the Active Directory (usually running the Windows 2000 platform). We recommend Active Directory only with Windows 2000 operating systems. In future versions of the Meta-directory product, NT4 support for Active Directory will no longer be provided


Microsoft Exchange 2000 SP3













Lotus Notes 5.0.10












Lotus Notes 4.x and 5.0.x should work but are not supported

The changelog is placed within a database using MySQL.

The Lotus Notes 5.0.10 connector synchronizes users and groups between Lotus Notes and CV.


Novell eDirectory 8.6.2












The changelog is placed within a database using MySQL


Meta-Directory Components

The Meta-Directory software suite contains, requires, and will install, the following components:

Server Core Components

Sun ONE Server Components are shared files that help Meta-Directory integrate with existing Sun ONE systems. The files include:

  • Server Products Common Files
  • Core Java Classes
  • Java Runtime Environment version 1.4.0_01

Sun ONE Administration Services

Sun ONE Administration Services bundles Sun ONE Administration Server and Sun ONE Console. The Administration Server is the common front-end to all Sun ONE servers. There is at least one Administration Server instance for each server root in which a Sun ONE server is installed. Sun ONE Console allows the administrator to perform functions such as stopping and starting servers, installing server instances, and managing user and group information.


Sun ONE Console can also be installed as a stand-alone application.


nsPerl is a version of Perl, with enhancements added by Sun ONE, required by Meta-Directory. (The standard version of Perl, available at, is not sufficient.) The following three scripts may be installed:

  • nsPerl version 5.004_04 is a required Perl component used by the join engine and universal connectors.
  • nsPerl version 5.005-03 is used by Sun ONE Console and installed automatically.

Meta-Directory Join Engine

The join engine is the core service of Meta-Directory. It is the join engine's function to link information from different external data sources (through a connector and connector view) into an LDAP directory server (serving as a meta view). In addition, the join engine is responsible for keeping track of changes to the data and controlling the flow of the information between the connector and meta views.

Meta-Directory Universal Connector

The Universal connector (also known as the Universal Text Connector or UTC) is a generic text parser. It is the building block for a variety of connectors that provide bi-directional flow of data between an external data source and its connector view. The UTC ships with a Perl script and config files that, when manually configured, work to flow data in three standard file formats: LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF), Comma-Separated Values (CSV), and Name/Value Pairs (NVP). The UTC coupled with the Perl script and the config file for one of these file formats is called the Universal Text Parser (UTP).

Meta-Directory Console

The Meta-Directory console provides the user interface for configuring Meta-Directory components and managing the flow of information between the external data source, the connector views and the meta view.

Meta-Directory Windows NT Domain Connector

The Windows NT Domain connector provides two-way flow of user and group data specifically between a Windows database and its connector view.

Meta-Directory Active Directory Connector

The Active Directory connector provides two-way flow of user and group data specifically between the Windows Active Directory and its connector view. The use of the Active Directory connector component specifically requires downloading and installing ADSI 2.5

Meta-Directory Microsoft Exchange Connector

The Microsoft Exchange connector provides two-way flow of user and group data specifically between the Microsoft Exchange Server and its connector view. Note The Windows NT Domain, Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange connectors are not installed components on a machine that uses the Solaris operating environment.

Meta-Directory Database Connector

The Database connector is a direct connector that provides the join engine with two-way SQL access to a relational database. The Database connector currently supports Oracle 8.1.5 and 8.1.7 databases.

Meta-Directory Novell Directory Connector

The Novell Directory Connector provides two-way flow of user and group data specifically between a tree in Novell Directory Server and its Connector View. Default configurations allow you to synchronize Novell Directory Server's "inetOrgPerson" objectclass with iPlanet Directory Server's "inetOrgPerson" objectclass and Novell Directory Server's "groupOfNames" objectclass with iPlanet Directory Server's "groupOfUniqueNames" objectclass. One is however not limited to synchronize entries belonging to only these two object classes. You can extend the schema at either data source end and allow synchronization of entries belonging to any object class.

The Novell Directory Connector currently supports Novell's eDirectory version 8.6.2. It makes use of mySQL version 3.23.51 and mySQL Connector/J version 2.0.14.

Following is the list of dependent components that must be selected along with the "Meta-Directory Novell Directory Connector" during its installation:

  •    Server Core Components
  •    Administration Services
  •     nsPerl
  •    Meta-Directory Console

If one or more of these are not selected, the installation would abort.

Meta-Directory Lotus Notes Connector

The Lotus Notes Connector provides two-way flow of user and group data specifically Lotus Notes directory (domino directory) and its Connector View. Default configurations allow you to synchronize Lotus Notes directory's "dominoPerson" objectclass with iPlanet Directory Server's "inetOrgPerson" objectclass and Lotus Notes directory's "dominoGroup" objectclass with iPlanet Directory Server's "groupOfUniqueNames" objectclass. One is however not limited to synchronize entries belonging to only these two object classes. You can extend the schema at either data source end and allow synchronization of entries belonging to any object class.

The Lotus Notes Connector currently supports Lotus Notes server 5.0.10. It makes use of mySQL version 3.23.51 and mySQL Connector/J version 2.0.14. Following is the list of dependent components that must be selected along with the "Meta-Directory Lotus Notes Connector" during its installation:

  • Server Core Components
  • Administration Services
  • nsPerl
  • Meta-Directory Console


PerLDAP 1.4.1 is a collection of modules and packages that provides the LDAP interface in PERL.

System Requirements for Solaris Systems

Before installing Meta-Directory on a machine running the Solaris operating system, you should verify that it meets the recommended requirements described in this section.

Hardware Requirements

The basic installation of the join engine and connectors requires 100 MB of disk space; however, optimal operation of these components requires much more. (The disk space allocation for Meta-Directory must allow for users supported on the server, changelogs, and other generated files.) A minimum of 1 GB disk space is highly recommended for any Meta-Directory installation.

The minimum RAM requirements are 256 MB for machines dedicated to running Meta-Directory processes. If you install Sun ONE Directory Server on the same machine as Meta-Directory, 1 GB of RAM is recommended.

Software Requirements

Sun ONE Meta-Directory runs Sun Solaris[tm] 8 Operating Environment (SPARC® Platform Edition) or Sun Solaris[tm] 9 Operating Environment (SPARC® Platform Edition). Successful installation of Meta-Directory requires that a series of patches be installed. For a list of these patches and installation instructions, see The Solaris Installation Process.

System Requirements for Windows Systems

Before installing Meta-Directory on a machine running the Windows operating system, you should verify that it meets the recommended requirements described in this section.

Hardware Requirements

An Intel Pentium II-based computer with a 300Mhz or faster CPU and 100 MB of disk space is recommended for the basic installation of the join engine and connectors; however, optimal operation of these components requires much more. (The disk space allocation for Meta-Directory must allow for users supported on the server, changelogs, and other generated files.) A minimum of 1 GB disk space is highly recommended for any Meta-Directory installation.

The minimum RAM requirements is 256 MB for machines dedicated to running Meta-Directory processes. If you install Sun ONE Directory Server on the same machine as Meta-Directory, 1 GB of RAM is recommended.

Software Requirements

Installation of Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 requires one of:

  • Microsoft's Windows NT Server 4.0 operating system, updated with Service Pack 6a.
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP3
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 (Advanced) Server SP3

In addition, installation requires administrator or domain administrator privileges. Windows should also be configured to include TCP/IP transport and use DNS, LMHOSTS, or WINS to resolve host names.

Installation Privileges

It is best to install Meta-Directory as root (under Solaris) or Administrator (under Windows).

Required Installation Information

During installation, you will be prompted for the following configuration information:

  • Server root
  • User and group for allocation of permissions
  • Location of the configuration directory
  • Port number of the configuration directory
  • Administration domain of the configuration directory
  • Administration ID and password of the administrator
  • Directory Server configuration information

For more information, see your Directory Server documentation.

Standard Deployment Sequence

The standard deployment sequence for Meta-Directory includes the installation of a directory server and the core Meta-Directory components (including one of each type of connector) on a single machine. This sequence is briefly outlined here:

  1. Install and configure an LDAP directory server, creating a directory information tree (DIT) structure.
  2. For more information, see your Directory Server documentation.


    Meta-Directory must be configured to work with a Directory Server that has a changelog feature. In Directory Server 5.x this changelog is implemented as a RetroChangeLog plugin that is configured from within the Directory Server console. This plugin is backwards compatible with the changelog implementation in Netscape/iPlanet Directory Server 4.16, both changelogs are supported. After the creation of the retro changelog a restart of directory server is required. The changelog can be queried using


  3. Verify that the directory server is responding to LDAP by typing any of the following URLs in your browser location window.
  4. Table 1-1    LDAP Verification URLs

    Type This URL:


    To Display:




    Information about the LDAP server




    Everything under the given suffix that has anonymous access




    The directory server's schema




    Directory server statistics


  5. Start the administration server, accessing the directory server as Directory Manager.
  6. Enable the changelog.
  7. For more information, see your Directory Server documentation.

  8. Optimize the directory server configuration for estimated directory tree size and load by adjusting the configuration parameters.
  9. For more information, see your Directory Server documentation.

  10. Populate the directory server database with user entries. The most common way to do this is by importing an LDIF file.
  11. Install Meta-Directory by executing the setup binary from the installation folder.
  12. The setup binary will install the necessary components to your system. See Chapter 2 "Installing Meta-Directory On Solaris Systems" or Chapter 3 "Installing Sun ONE Meta-Directory On Windows Systems" for instructions on your particular system.

  13. Register the user name and password of the person designated configuration administrator.
  14. The configuration administrator creates and manages the information stored in the server configuration directory. The user name and password will be entered and authenticated during the installation process.

  15. Before starting Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 Admin console the online help requires that:
    1. If running console on a different machine, or as a different user then the xhost + command needs to be executed and the DISPLAY environment variable set appropriately.
    2. The "netscape" executable should be in the PATH
    3. While logging in to the console, the user should make sure that the URL field points to the hostname and port where the admin server of Meta Directory is installed.

  16. Open Meta-Directory and create an instance of the join engine.
  17. The meta view, where the join engine stores entries, is created during this process. For more information, refer to the Sun ONE Meta-Directory Configuration and Administration Guide.

  18. Connector instances are created and configured.
  19. Use Meta-Directory console to configure connectors, define connector tasks, and configure connector view setup in the join engine. Procedures depend on the type of connector being installed. For more information, refer to Sun ONE Meta-Directory Configuration and Administration Guide.

  20. Test the system.

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