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Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 Installation Guide


About This Guide

What You Are Expected to Know
Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 Documentation Set
Organization Of This Guide
Documentation Conventions
Typographic Conventions
Where to Find Additional Information

Chapter 1 Preparing For Installation
Supported Platforms Overview
Operating Systems and Platforms
Supported Software pre-requisites
Supported Connector Platforms
Meta-Directory Components
Server Core Components
Sun ONE Administration Services
Meta-Directory Join Engine
Meta-Directory Universal Connector
Meta-Directory Console
Meta-Directory Windows NT Domain Connector
Meta-Directory Active Directory Connector
Meta-Directory Microsoft Exchange Connector
Meta-Directory Database Connector
Meta-Directory Novell Directory Connector
Meta-Directory Lotus Notes Connector
System Requirements for Solaris Systems
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
System Requirements for Windows Systems
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
Installation Privileges
Required Installation Information
Standard Deployment Sequence

Chapter 2 Installing Meta-Directory On Solaris Systems
Patch Installation
Recommended Patch Cluster Solaris version 8
Recommended Patch Cluster for Solaris 9
Verifying Patch Installation
The Solaris Installation Process

Chapter 3 Installing Sun ONE Meta-Directory On Windows Systems
Windows Installation Process

Chapter 4 Silent Installation
The install.inf File
General Directives
Base Directives
Admin Directives
Component Directives
Creating an install.inf File
Creating an install.inf file on Windows
Using the install.inf File
Changes On The install.inf File
Installing with the install.inf File
Examples of install.inf Files
Solaris install.inf File Sample
Windows install.inf File Sample

Chapter 5 Removing Sun ONE Meta-Directory
Removal Procedure for Solaris Systems
Removal Procedure for Windows Systems
Meta-Directory's Uninstall Utility
Windows Add/Remove Control Panel
iPlanet Meta-Directory 5.0 Uninstallations

Chapter 6 Upgrading to Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1
Upgrading to Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1
Preparing for Upgrade
PerLDAP Installation
Setting the Environment when Directory Server and Meta-Directory have not been installed on the same machine
Windows Path
Solaris Path

Setting the Environment when Directory Server and Meta-Directory are installed on the same machine
Windows Path
Solaris Path
Upgrade usage
Step by Step Upgrade Example for Solaris
Example Solaris Upgrade illustration
Step by Step Upgrade Example for Windows
Example Windows Upgrade Illustration
Known Issues

Chapter 7 Backup and Restore
Usage of for backup of Meta-Directory configuration only
Usage :

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