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Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 Installation Guide

Chapter 5   Removing Sun ONE Meta-Directory

Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 provides a utility that enables you to uninstall the software as a whole or to remove selected components. On Solaris, you use the Uninstall utility and on Windows, you use uninst.exe. Note that the silent uninstall option is not supported. This chapter contains the following sections:

Removal Procedure for Solaris Systems


Before starting the uninstall process, make sure that the Directory Server holding the Configuration Directory is running.

To uninstall Meta-Directory from a computer running the Solaris operating system:

  1. Log in to your system as super user (root).
  2. Navigate to the folder where Sun ONE Meta-Directory is installed.
  3. Run ./uninstall from the folder.
  4. Select the default All to remove all components of Sun ONE Meta-Directory.
  5. Alternately, you may choose to remove individual components by selecting them from the list that appears on the screen:

    • Netscape Server Products Core Components
    • Administration Server and Management Console
    • nsPerl
    • Meta-Directory Join Engine
    • Meta-Directory Universal Connector (includes Universal Text Parser)
    • Meta-Directory Console
    • Meta-Directory Database Connector
    • Meta-Directory Active Directory Connector
    • Meta-Directory Microsoft Exchange Connector
    • Meta-Directory Novell Directory Connector
    • Meta-Directory Lotus Notes Connector
    • PerLDAP

  6. Enter the configuration administrator ID and password to authorize removal of the data that has been written to the server.
  7. The uninstall utility will now remove most of the files.

  8. Manually remove any remaining files to complete the uninstall process.
  9. See /tmp/install.log for the details of the installation and uninstallation process.

Removal Procedure for Windows Systems


Before starting the uninstall process, make sure that the Directory Server holding the Configuration Directory is running.

There are two ways to remove Meta-Directory software on a computer running the Windows operating system. You can use either:

  • Meta-Directory's uninstall utility
  • Windows Add/Remove Control Panel

Meta-Directory's Uninstall Utility

To remove Meta-Directory from your Windows system using the uninstall utility:

  1. Open Windows Explorer, and find the folder where Sun ONE Meta-Directory is installed.
  2. Locate and double-click the uninstallation utility, uninst.exe.
  3. Choose the components you want to remove and click Uninstall.
  4. To remove specific components only, individually deselect those you would like to keep, and click Uninstall.

    To remove specific subcomponents, select the component and click Sub Component. This will open a list of subcomponents of the selected component. Select the desired subcomponents and press Continue. Press Uninstall to continue the removal process.


    Certain components have dependencies on other components and can not be removed without selecting both components. If you select a component that has a dependency on another that was not selected, an error message will appear instructing you to select that component.

  5. Enter the configuration administrator ID and password and click OK to authorize removal of the data that has been written to the server.
  6. Manually remove any remaining Meta-Directory files.
  7. After the uninstall utility is finished, a message is displayed noting that some files have not been removed from your system. You must manually remove these files to complete the removal process. See c:\Temp\Install.log for the details of the uninstallation process that has just been run.

Windows Add/Remove Control Panel

To remove Meta Directory using the Windows Add/Remove control panel:

  1. Choose Settings > Control Panel from the Start menu.
  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
  3. Find and select the Sun ONE product or component you would like to remove.
  4. Click Add/Remove.
  5. Click Yes when asked if you are sure you would like to remove this item.

iPlanet Meta-Directory 5.0 Uninstallations

This section describes the procedure to manually remove pre - Meta-Directory 5.1 in case of any problems with the standard uninstall. This includes iPlanet Meta-Directory versions 5.0, 5.0 SP1, 5.0SP1 Patch 1, 5.0SP1 Patch 2. The uninstall of these versions may not work properly in certain cases, which might result in problems with subsequent Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 installation. This section is to help the administrator troubleshoot the uninstall of these versions and to allow a clean install/upgrade to 5.1. Users uninstalling because they wish to upgrade to 5.1 should also consult the next chapter.

  1. Before following any of the manual steps, stop all the Meta-Directory servers like Join Engine, UTC etc. Then follow the standard uninstall process of running uninst.exe as described in the previous sections. Note that the following steps need to be followed only if you have problems uninstalling your older Meta-Directory 5.0.
  2. For windows uninstalls you should check startup problems with normal uninstall.There can be few problems while starting the uninstall process. These are described below along with the solutions.
    1. When uninstalling iPlanet Meta-Directory 5.0SP1 on NT, the following error message is thrown:
    2. "Uninst is unable to load the c:\temp\uninst\join\join-inst.dll dynamic link library. Uninstall aborted."

      This happens because the uninstall program does not find a dependent DLL (libnspr3.dll) in the path, while loading join-inst.dll.

      Solution: Locate libnspr3.dll and copy it in the server root directory (or to wherever the path is set for uninst.exe to load). Then run the uninstall program as usual.

    3. Uninstall runs and exits without any errors, but no components are removed when the uninstall program is run, it executes and shows that it is uninstalling. It exits quickly without showing uninstall screens for all of the components. None of the registry settings or the installed files/folders are removed. The entry is not removed from the Add/Remove Programs. Again, this can happen if the uninst.exe does not find the proper NSPR dlls.
    4. Solution: From the iPlanet Meta-Directory 5.0 unzipped binary, copy all the DLLs in the setup directory to Meta-Directory server root. Run the uninstall program again.

  3. You should also check Windows NT Services.
  4. Go to Control Panel, and double-click on Services. This shows a list of Windows NT Services currently registered in the server. If you find any of the Meta-Directory servers like Join Engine, Universal Connector, it means that the uninstall has not removed these entries from the registry and so was not clean. In this case, remove them manually described below using one of the following solutions.

Solution 1: Removing the Windows NT Service entries using sc.exe

This is the recommended way to remove the NT services created by the Meta-Directory servers. Take a backup of the server before starting any of the below mentioned steps. Rdisk or NT backup tool can be used to back the server/registry. Make sure that you should be able to restore the machine in case of any problems after editing the registry.

    1. The sc.exe utility can be found in the Meta-Directory 5.0 installation at
    2. <NETSITE_ROOT>bin\join50\admin\bin\mswin32\sc.exe

      You should also be able to download this utility from the Microsoft download site for the Windows NT resources.

    3. Identify the services for each of Meta-Directory servers in the Services from Control Panel.
    4. Delete all services using the "delete" command, as show below.
    5. sc delete "iplanet.<instance_name>"

      The delete command takes the Service Key Name as the argument and for the iPlanet Meta-Directory 5.0 the Service Key Names were of the format iPlanet.<instance_name> where <instance_name> is the name of each of the connectors or the join-engine. The Meta-Directory console also shows each of the Connectors with these names. For example, the Join Engine has an instance name of "join-engine" and UTC can have an instance name of utc-CV2. Hence to delete these two servers, the corresponding commands would be:

      c:> sc delete "iPlanet.join-engine"

      c:> sc delete "iPlanet.utc-CV2"

    6. Restart the machine.

Solution 2: Removing the registry settings using regedt32.

Only use this method if solution 1 fails. Take a backup of the server before starting any of the below mentioned steps. Rdisk or NT backup tool can be used to back the server/registry.Make sure that you should be able to restore the machine in case of any problems after editing the registry.

    1. Run the Windows NT Registry Editor: regedt32 (click on Start, click on Run, type regedt32 and press OK).
    2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root subtree key window.
    3. Go to (double-click) System. You will typically find three ControlSet keys (for e.g., ControlSet001, ControlSet002, CurrentControlSet). Repeat the next three steps for each of the ControlSet.
    4. Go to services.
    5. Find the keys for any of the Meta-Directory services like iplanet.join-engine, iplanet.utc-CV2 etc. and delete them. If only Meta-Directory is installed in the machine (i.e. if Meta-Directory is installed in a separate server root and has a Administration Server of its own), delete the key for the admin server also.
    6. Also, if Meta-Directory is installed a separate product in a separate server root, you can also remove the product from Add/Remove Programs. For this, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software, and search for the iPlanet Server Products, and delete the key.

  1. You should check the Meta-Directory configuration. You may have to remove all this configuration manually if the standard uninstall fails to remove this configuration.
    1. Start Directory Server console or any other ldap browser and find the entry
    2. ou=Meta-Directory, ou=Global Preferences, ou=<ADMIN_DOMAIN>,o=NetscapeRoot

      and delete it. (replace <ADMIN_DOMAIN> with the administrative domain in which the Meta-Directory is installed).

    3. Browse to the Server Group in which the configuration for the Meta-Directory server is stored.
    4. cn=<SERVER_GROUP>, cn=<MACHINE_NAME>, ou=<ADMIN_DOMAIN>, o=NetscapeRoot.

    (replace <SERVER_GROUP> with the server group in which the machine in which Meta-Directory is installed, <MACHINE_NAME> with the machine name in which Meta-Directory is installed).

    Delete all the entries related to Meta-Directory. These entries are "Installable Server Instance Entries" with objectclass "mdsObject". Make sure that you do not delete the entries in any other server group.

  2. Checking the Installed files. If Meta-Directory is installed in a separate server root, cleanup the full server root folder.
    1. Solaris
    2. rm -rf <NETSITE_ROOT>

    3. Windows. Delete from the <NETSITE_ROOT> folder

  3. Once the above steps are followed, the manual uninstall process is completed and you need to restart the machine if you are using Windows. This last step is important and recommended even if the normal uninstall does not prompt for a restart of machine.

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