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Sun Fire X4800 Server Installation Guide for Windows Operating Systems     Sun Fire X4800 Server Documentation
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Change History

Introduction to Windows Installation

Windows Installation Task Overview

Getting Started With the Windows Server 2008 Installation

Supported Windows Operating Systems

Windows Server 2008 Installation Considerations

Differences Between the Windows Server 2008 R2 and SP2 Installation Procedures

Selecting a Media Delivery Method

Windows Media Delivery Methods

Oracle Hardware Installation Assistant

Oracle Hardware Installation Assistant Task Overview

Obtaining Oracle Hardware Installation Assistant

Downloading Server Software

How to Download Server Software

Configuring a Remote Console

How to Set Up the JavaRConsole System

Creating a Virtual Disk

How to Create a Virtual Disk

How to Set the Boot Drive

Installing Windows Server 2008

How to Install Windows Server 2008

How to Install Windows Server 2008 Using PXE

Updating Critical Drivers and Installing Supplemental Software

Installing Critical Device Drivers

Installing Supplemental Software

Managing RAID Using the MegaRAID Storage Manager


Configuring Support for the Trusted Platform Module

Configuring Intel NIC Teaming

Incorporating Device Drivers into WIM Images for WDS

Location of Device Drivers on Tools and Drivers DVD

Device Drivers to Incorporate Into WIM Images

Prerequisites and Task Overview for the Device Driver WIM Images

Incorporating Drivers Into the WIM Image

Downloading the ISO Image for the Tools and Drivers DVD

Identifying Network Interfaces in Windows

How to Determine the Server's Active Network Data Ports

How to Confirm Physical Port MAC Addresses and Map Them to Windows Device Names


Copyright © 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


—11, March 2011

500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood City, CA 94065

This document contains instructions for installing the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and the Windows Server 2008 SP2 operating system onto a Sun Fire X4800 Server.

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