Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 NSAPI Developer's Guide
 param_create API function ( Index Term Link )
 param_free API function ( Index Term Link )
 parameter block
  manipulation routines ( Index Term Link )
  SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
 parameters, for SAFs ( Index Term Link )
 PATH_INFO environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 path name, converting UNIX-style to local ( Index Term Link )
 PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable ( Index Term Link )
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 pb_entry NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 pb_param NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 pb SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
 pblock, NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_copy API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_create API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_dup API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_find API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_findval API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_free API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_nninsert API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_nvinsert API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_pb2env API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_pblock2str API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_pinsert API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_remove API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_str2pblock API function ( Index Term Link )
 PERM_FREE API function ( Index Term Link )
 PERM_MALLOC API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 PERM_STRDUP API function ( Index Term Link )
  compatibility issues ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  example of new plug-ins ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  instructing the server to use ( Index Term Link )
  loading and initializing ( Index Term Link )
 prepare_nsapi_thread API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_dump822 API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_set_finfo API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_start_response API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_status API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_uri2url API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 protocol utility routines ( Index Term Link )