Many but not all settings are migrated. This section lists what is and is not migrated during migration.
The following are migrated by the migration tool:
ACL Files
Configuration files
Scheduler settings
Configuration settings for file cache tuning
Key & cert databases and certificate mappings
Listen socket settings
Mime files
NSAPI information
SHTML settings
SNMP settings
SSL information
User databases
Virtual server settings
Web applications (see Web Applications for more information)
WebDAV settings, but not the physical collections and locks (see WebDAV for more information)
Web Server 6.1 search collections informations. see Search for more information)
The following are not migrated by the migration tool:
CGI directories
Command-line scripts
The docroot directory
Legacy servlets
Log files
Simple Session Manager and Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) Session Manager
User libraries
WebDAV physical collections and locks
Web Server 6.0 search configurations and collections. (see Search for more information)