The following procedure describes how to install Web Server in silent mode.
Silent installation is a non-interactive mode that enables you to run the installer on multiple hosts using an installer configuration file (state file). To install in silent mode, generate a state file as described in Creating a State File, and then start the installation program using the --silent option (./setup --silent state_file). After the silent mode is activated, installation takes place without additional user input.
The installer configuration file (state file) is created when the savestate option is used with the setup command to start an interactive installation. Settings are captured during the interactive installation and saved in a state file. This file forms the template for silent installation, which can be used to install the product on one or more systems. The state file can be modified later if necessary, as described in Changing the State File.
Navigate to the directory that contains the setup script and other installation files.
Start the installation program.
Perform the installation as described in the installation steps in Installing in Graphical Mode or Installing in Command-Line Mode on UNIX and Linux.
The state file is created and saved in the installation directory, install-dir. The default name of the file is statefile, but the file name can be changed if desired. For information about using the state file for silent installation, see Running the Installer in Silent Mode.
A state file on the UNIX platform might look as follows. For details about variables in the state file, see Changing the State File.
# Install Wizard Statefile section for Oracle iPlanet Web Server # # [STATE_BEGIN Oracle iPlanet Web Server ad59442e831d7bbf70ae3df748d67c910fca5296] defaultInstallDirectory = /opt/oracle/webserver7 currentInstallDirectory = /export/home/user1/oracle/webserver7state UPGRADE = false SELECTED_COMPONENTS = svrcore,admincli,devsupport USE_BUNDLED_JDK = true JDK_LOCATION = IS_ADMIN_NODE = false STARTUP_ONBOOT = false ADMIN_HOST = amar ADMIN_SSL_PORT = 8989 ADMIN_PORT = 8800 ADMIN_UID = vg157348 ADMIN_NAME = admin ADMIN_PASSWD = a NODE_HOST = NODE_SSL_PORT = REGISTER_NODE = WEB_SERVERNAME = amar WEB_PORT = 8080 WEB_UID = vg157348 WEB_DOCROOT = SIXTYFOURBIT_INSTALL = false CONFIG_NAME = amar SKIP_INSTANCE_CREATION = [STATE_DONE Oracle iPlanet Web Server ad59442e831d7bbf70ae3df748d67c910fca5296]
You can change the state file after it has been generated by editing its values and variables. The following table lists the variables in the state file, in alphabetical order.
Ensure you only edit the values and variables. The structure of the state file should not be modified.
In Web Server 7.0, the values supported for the selected components property were admincli_l10 and svrcore_l10n.
Variables such as ADMIN_HOST ADMIN_PORT ADMIN_NAME and ADMIN_PASSWD act differently based on the configuration. The table below has more information that you have installed.
Table 2–4 Configuration for Administration Server Instance
Variable name |
Valid values (if applicable) |
Description |
Fully qualified domain name of the computer on which the Administration Server is installed |
0-65535 |
Non-SSL port for the Administration Server |
Administrator user name for the initial server instance |
Administrator user password for the initial server instance, stored as plain text |
The following fields are displayed when you configure Administration Node to an Administration Server.
Table 2–5 Configuration for Administration Node Instance
Variable name |
Valid values (if applicable) |
Description |
Fully qualified domain name of the computer on which the Administration instance is installed |
0-65535 |
SSL port for the Administration Server |
Administrator user name to log in to remote admin server |
Administrator user password to log into remote admin server |
The following procedure applies to all supported platforms.
Review the installer configuration file (state file) and verify that it contains the settings you want to use for silent installation.
Copy the state file to each system on which you plan to install the Web Server software.
Copy the Web Server installation files to each system on which you plan to install the Web Server software.
Navigate to the directory where you copied the state file and the installation files.
Start silent installation at the command line using the following syntax:
./setup --silent state_file (UNIX)
setup --silent state_file (Windows)
where state_file is the installer configuration file. The installer program reads thestate_file, checks for adequate disk space, and then installs the product based on the data in state_file.
When the prompt is returned, silent installation is complete and the installation components have been installed.
To change the configuration settings after Java Enterprise System (Java ES) installation, edit the file in the path install-dir/webserver7/setup/
Ensure you only edit the values and variables. The structure of the properties file should not be changed. Do not edit WS_IS_JES and WS_JDK_HOME values.
Variable |
Valid values (if applicable) |
Description |
Set this flag to true (Java ES environment only). |
Selected Java SE Installation directory path. |
(Required) Specify whether the default installation root should be created during installation. |
(Required) Specify whether the default instance root should be created during installation. |
(Optional) Specify whether the default document root should be created during installation. |
(Required) Fully qualified domain name of the computer on which the default Java ES instance is installed. |
Valid UNIX user ID |
(Required only on UNIX/Linux platforms) Valid UNIX user ID to use when running the default Java ES instance. If the Administration Server instance's runtime userID is root, the default is webservd. |
0–65535 |
(Required) Valid default port to run the Java ES instance server under HTTP mode. |
0–65535 |
(Required) Specify the SSL port for the Administration Server or accept the default. |
(Required) Fully qualified domain name of the computer on which the Java ES Administration server is installed. |
(Required) Default configuration name used by the Java ES to create a configuration and associate it with a node to create an instance. |
(Required only on UNIX/Linux platforms) Valid UNIX/Linux user ID to use when running the default Java ES instance. |
(Required) Specify the administrator user name used to log in to the Administration Server. |
(Required) Specify the administrator user password used to log in to the Administration Server. |
0–65535 |
(Optional) Non-SSL port of the Administration server. The default is 8800. |
True or false |
True will create SMF instance for a server instance. |
True or false |
(Optional) Start on system boot option. |
True or false |
(Optional) True will not create default instances. |
True or false |
(Optional) Identifies 64-bit installation. True will configure the server in 64 bit mode 6. False will configure the server in 32 bit mode . |
True or false |
(Optional) True will configure server as Administration Server. False will configure server as Administration Node. |
True or false |
(Optional) Specifies whether the Administration Node instance should be registered with the Administration Server instance at the time of installation or later. Required only if WS_ADMIN_IS_SERVER_MODE is set to false. If set to true, you must provide the name of the remote admin server host for registration. |
0–65535 |
(Optional) SSL port of the Administration server. Required only if WS_ADMIN_IS_SERVER_MODE is set to false. |
(Optional) Fully qualified domain name of the computer on which the Administration instance is installed. |
When you configure in Configure Late Mode, you must execute configureServer script in the following location:
Solaris: install-dir/setup/configureServer
Linux/HP-UX: install-dir/setup/configureServer
Windows: jes_install_dir\webserver7\setup\
If you select Start on Boot during installation, the following scripts are created:
Solaris: /etc/init.d/webserver7–*
An asterisk * in the script name refers to the unique hashcode generated during each installation, for example webserver7–99bbdd. The script contains the variable WS_INSTANCE_ROOT which is set to 1. To disable the Start on Boot option, –-set WS_START_ONBOOT to 0
Be careful to choose the correct script for your system. Each installation includes its own script with a different hashcode.