Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Release Notes


The following table lists the known issues in the core of Web Server.

Table 3 Known Issues in Core

Problem ID 



jsessionid is missing when ntrans-j2ee NameTrans precedes reverse-proxy-/ NameTrans

If the obj.conf contains NameTrans directives such that ntrans-j2ee precedes reverse-proxy-/, the jsessionid is lost.


Reorder the NameTrans directives such that reverse-proxy-/ precedes ntrans-j2ee; for example:

NameTrans fn="map" from="/" name="reverse-proxy-/" to="http:/"
NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"


On 64–bit Linux, can't distinguish between 32–bit and 64–bit Web Server

The wadm -version command does not indicate whether Web Server is 32–bit or 64–bit.


Enter the following command in a terminal window: 

file install-dir/lib/webservd


On Linux, exception at startup due to a non-existent jhall.jar link

During startup, Java throws a FileNotFoundException exception that specifies jhall.jar as the missing file. This situation arises after sun-javahelp-2.0-fcs has been uninstalled, because the uninstallation leaves a link to jhall.jar in /usr/java/packages.


Remove the link to jhall.jar; for example:

rm -f /usr/java/packages/jhall.jar


Any URI that does not end with the "real" file name fails to execute properly, resulting in a “No input file specified” error.

For PHP users:

Web Server 7.0 Update 4 populates the environment variables REQUEST_URI and SCRIPT_FILENAME for FastCGI and CGI applications. The introduction of the SCRIPT_FILENAME variable causes PHP to display a No input file specified PHP error for scripts that are mapped to virtual URIs, that is, URLs ending with / instead of /index.html or URLs making use of Web Server 7.0's URI rewriting feature. The affected PHP versions are 5.2.5 through 5.2.9. For more information, see


If a PHP application is mapped to a virtual URI, then cgi.fix_pathinfo should be set to 0 in the php.ini file. This setting is required for many popular PHP applications like Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, etc.

However, this setting will cause PHP applications that rely on path-info like /foobar.php/baz/ to return a No input file specified PHP error. If a PHP application relies on path-info, then cgi.fix_pathinfo should not be disabled.


When there is an error executing an obj.conf directive, the filename and line number where the offending directive was found are not logged.


When server.xml schema validation fails due to a data type constraint violation, it displays an error message that does not describe the set of valid values for the element.


All HTTP header parsing error are not logged with the client IP and a description of the error.


set-variable SAF could not set predefined variable.


Server treats non-interpolated strings that contain $$ character constants as interpolated.

When a parameter value contains a $$ escape, the server constructs a PblockModel for the parameter block. This is unnecessary because $$ is a constant.