Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

What is SOAP?

SOAP, the Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol that allows the exchange of structured data between peers in a decentralized, distributed environment. The structure of the data being exchanged is specified by an XML scheme.

The fact that SOAP messages are encoded in XML makes SOAP messages portable, because XML is a portable, system-independent way of representing data. By representing data using XML, you can access data from legacy systems as well as share your data with other enterprises. The data integration offered by XML also makes this technology a natural for Web-based computing such as Web services. Firewalls can recognize SOAP packets based on their content type (text/xml-SOAP) and can filter messages based on information exposed in the SOAP message header.

The SOAP specification describes a set of conventions for exchanging XML messages. As such, it forms a natural foundation for Web services that also need to exchange information encoded in XML. Although any two partners could define their own protocol for carrying on this exchange, having a standard such as SOAP allows developers to build the generic pieces that support this exchange. These pieces might be software that adds functionality to the basic SOAP exchange, or might be tools that administer SOAP messaging, or might even comprise parts of an operating system that supports SOAP processing. Once this support is put in place, other developers can focus on creating the Web services themselves.

The SOAP protocol is fully described at This section restricts itself to discussing the reasons why you would use SOAP and to describing basic concepts that will make it easier to work with SOAP messages.

SOAP with Attachments API for Java

The Soap with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) is a JAVA-based API that enforces compliance to the SOAP standard. When you use this API to assemble and disassemble SOAP messages, it ensures the construction of syntactically correct SOAP messages. SAAJ also makes it possible to automate message processing when several applications need to handle different parts of a message before forwarding it to the next recipient.

Figure 5–1 shows the layers that can come into play in the implementation of SOAP messaging. This chapter focuses on the SOAP and language implementation layers.

Figure 5–1 SOAP Messaging Layers

Diagram showing the functional layers needed for SOAP
messaging. Figure contents are explained in text.

The sections that follow describe each layer shown in the preceding figure in greater detail. The rest of this chapter focuses on the SOAP and language implementation layers.

The Transport Layer

Underlying any messaging system is the transport or wire protocol that governs the serialization of the message as it is sent across a wire and the interpretation of the message bits when it gets to the other side. Although SOAP messages can be sent using any number of protocols, the SOAP specification defines only the binding with HTTP. SOAP uses the HTTP request/response message model. It provides SOAP request parameters in an HTTP request and SOAP response parameters in an HTTP response. The HTTP binding has the advantage of allowing SOAP messages to go through firewalls.

The SOAP Layer

Above the transport layer is the SOAP layer. This layer, which is defined in the SOAP Specification, specifies the XML scheme used to identify the message parts: envelope, header, body, and attachments. All SOAP message parts and contents, except for the attachments, are written in XML. The following sample SOAP message shows how XML tags are used to define a SOAP message:

          <m:GetLastTradePrice xmlns:m="Some-URI">


The wire transport and SOAP layers are actually sufficient to do SOAP messaging. You could create an XML document that defines the message you want to send, and you could write HTTP commands to send the message from one side and to receive it on the other. In this case, the client is limited to sending synchronous messages to a specified URL. Unfortunately, the scope and reliability of this kind of messaging is severely restricted. To overcome these limitations, the provider and profile layers are added to SOAP messaging.

The Language Implementation Layer

A language implementation allows you to create XML messages that conform to SOAP, using API calls. For example, the SAAJ implementation of SOAP, allows a Java client to construct a SOAP message and all its parts as Java objects. The client would also use SAAJ to create a connection and use it to send the message. Likewise, a Web service written in Java could use the same implementation (SAAJ), or any other language implementation, to receive the message, to disassemble it, and to acknowledge its receipt.

The Profiles Layer

In addition to a language implementation, a SOAP implementation can offer services that relate to message delivery. These could include reliability, persistence, security, and administrative control, and are typically delivered by a SOAP messaging provider. These services will be provided for SOAP messaging by Message Queue in future releases.


Because SOAP providers must all construct and deconstruct messages as defined by the SOAP specification, clients and services using SOAP are interoperable. That is, as shown in Figure 5–2, the client and the service doing SOAP messaging do not need to be written in the same language nor do they need to use the same SOAP provider. It is only the packaging of the message that must be standard.

Figure 5–2 SOAP Interoperability

Diagram showing how a client using one SOAP implementation
sends a message to a client using another SOAP implementation.

In order for a SAAJ client or service to interoperate with a service or client using a different implementation, the parties must agree on two things:

The SOAP Message

Having surveyed the SOAP messaging layers, let’s examine the SOAP message itself. Although the work of rendering a SOAP message in XML is taken care of by the SAAJ implementation, you must still understand its structure in order to make the SAAJ calls in the right order.

A SOAP message is an XML document that consists of a SOAP envelope, an optional SOAP header, and a SOAP body. The SOAP message header contains information that allows the message to be routed through one or more intermediate nodes before it reaches its final destination.

A SOAP message may also contain an attachment, which does not have to be in XML. For more information, see SOAP Packaging Models next.

A SOAP message is constructed like a nested matrioshka doll. When you use SAAJ to assemble or disassemble a message, you need to make the API calls in the appropriate order to get to the message part that interests you. For example, in order to add content to the message, you need to get to the body part of the message. To do this you need to work through the nested layers: SOAP part, SOAP envelope, SOAP body, until you get to the SOAP body element that you will use to specify your data. For more information, see The SOAP Message Object.

SOAP Packaging Models

The SOAP specification describes two models of SOAP messages: one that is encoded entirely in XML and one that allows the sender to add an attachment containing non-XML data. You should look over the following two figures and note the parts of the SOAP message for each model. When you use SAAJ to define SOAP messages and their parts, it will be helpful for you to be familiar with this information.

Figure 5–3 shows the SOAP model without attachments. This package includes a SOAP envelope, a header, and a body. The header is optional.

Figure 5–3 SOAP Message Without Attachments

Diagram showing body and header enclosed in an envelope,
which is in a SOAP message package, which is in a communication protocol envelope.

When you construct a SOAP message using SAAJ, you do not have to specify which model you’re following. If you add an attachment, a message like that shown in Figure 5–4 is constructed; if you don’t, a message like that shown in Figure 5–3 is constructed.

Figure 5–3 shows a SOAP Message with attachments. The attachment part can contain any kind of content: image files, plain text, and so on. The sender of a message can choose whether to create a SOAP message with attachments. The message receiver can also choose whether to consume an attachment.

A message that contains one or more attachments is enclosed in a MIME envelope that contains all the parts of the message. In SAAJ, the MIME envelope is automatically produced whenever the client creates an attachment part. If you add an attachment to a message, you are responsible for specifying (in the MIME header) the type of data in the attachment.

Figure 5–4 SOAP Message with Attachments

Diagram showing SOAP part enclosed in a MIME envelope
together with the attachment part, which contains the SOAP attachment.