Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Quick Start Guide

ProcedureTo Start the Domain on Solaris and Linux

To start the Domain Administration Server, start the default domain, domain1.

  1. Add the as-install/bin/ directory to the PATH environment variable.

  2. Start the server by entering this command:

    asadmin start-domain domain1

    When you are prompted for the user, admin password, and the master password, enter your user name and the passwords that you provided during installation.

    When the start up process is complete, the following message appears:

    Domain domain1 started

    On the Ubuntu Linux operating system, if you do not have root access, you can use the asadmin convenience wrapper script located in /usr/bin to create a domain in your home directory. Running asadmin start-domain from the convenience script creates and starts the domain. For more information on the convenience script, type asadmin man at the command prompt. If you have root access, you can also create and start domains using the asadmin commands create-domain and start-domain from the as-install/bin directory. These domains are created by default in domain-root-dir.

    Each domain has a corresponding profile: enterprise, cluster, or developer. domain1 is created with the default profile, which is defined in the AS_ADMIN_PROFILE variable defined in the asadminenv.conf file. For more information on the three profiles see the Usage Profiles in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide. If domain1 was created with developer profile, when you log in to the Admin Console, you cannot use features such as clustering and node agents. To use clusters and server instances, use the create-domain command to create a domain with cluster profile.

    For information on creating domains, type asadmin create-domain --help or see create-domain(1) in the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Reference Manual.