Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Developer's Guide
Numbers and Symbols
 @OrderBy and session cache sharing ( Index Term Link )
 ACC ( Index Term Link )
  annotation ( Index Term Link )
  naming ( Index Term Link )
  security ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ACC clients
  appclient script ( Index Term Link )
  failover ( Index Term Link )
  invoking a JMS resource ( Index Term Link )
  invoking an EJB component ( Index Term Link )
  Java Web Start ( Index Term Link )
  load balancing ( Index Term Link )
  making a remote call ( Index Term Link )
  package-appclient script ( Index Term Link )
  running ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  SSL ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 action attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 activation-config-property element ( Index Term Link )
 ActivationSpec properties ( Index Term Link )
  and connections ( Index Term Link )
  and default JMS host ( Index Term Link )
 Admin Console ( Index Term Link )
  Admin Object Resources page ( Index Term Link )
  Admin Service page ( Index Term Link )
  App Client Modules page ( Index Term Link )
  Audit Modules page ( Index Term Link )
  Classpath Prefix and Suffix fields ( Index Term Link )
  Classpath Prefix for ( Index Term Link )
  CMP resource configuration ( Index Term Link )
  Connector Connection Pools page ( Index Term Link )
  Connector Modules page ( Index Term Link )
  Connector Resources page ( Index Term Link )
  Connector Service page
   Shutdown Timeout field ( Index Term Link )
  connector thread pool assignment ( Index Term Link )
  Custom MBeans page ( Index Term Link )
  Debug Enabled field ( Index Term Link )
  Default Virtual Server field ( Index Term Link )
  Generate RMIStubs field ( Index Term Link )
  HPROF configuration ( Index Term Link )
  JACC Providers page ( Index Term Link )
  JavaMail Sessions page ( Index Term Link )
  JDBC Connection Pools page ( Index Term Link )
   Allow Non Component Callers field ( Index Term Link )
   Non-Transactional Connections field ( Index Term Link )
   Ping button ( Index Term Link )
  JDBC Resources page ( Index Term Link )
  JMS Hosts page ( Index Term Link )
  JMS Resources page ( Index Term Link )
  JMS Service page ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI page
   Custom Resources page ( Index Term Link )
   External Resources page ( Index Term Link )
  JProbe configuration ( Index Term Link )
  Libraries field ( Index Term Link )
  Lifecycle Modules page ( Index Term Link )
  Locale field ( Index Term Link )
  Logging tab ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Message Security page
   creating providers ( Index Term Link )
   enabling providers ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor tab ( Index Term Link )
  online help for ( Index Term Link )
  Physical Destinations page ( Index Term Link )
  Realms page ( Index Term Link )
  role mapping configuration ( Index Term Link )
  Security Manager Enabled field ( Index Term Link )
  Security Maps tab ( Index Term Link )
  System Classpath field ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Thread Pools page ( Index Term Link )
  Transaction Log Location field ( Index Term Link )
  Transaction Service page ( Index Term Link )
  Virtual Servers page ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Web Services page
   Publish tab ( Index Term Link )
   Registry tab ( Index Term Link )
   Test button ( Index Term Link )
  Write to System Log field ( Index Term Link )
 administered objects ( Index Term Link )
  and connectors ( Index Term Link )
 allow-concurrent-access element ( Index Term Link )
 AllowManagedFieldsInDefaultFetchGroup flag ( Index Term Link )
 AllowMediatedWriteInDefaultFetchGroup flag ( Index Term Link )
 alternate document roots ( Index Term Link )
  about ( Index Term Link )
  MBeans ( Index Term Link )
  proxies ( Index Term Link )
  samples ( Index Term Link )
   running ( Index Term Link )
  application clients ( Index Term Link )
  EJB 3.0 specification ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI names ( Index Term Link )
  message layer ( Index Term Link )
  schema generation ( Index Term Link )
  security ( Index Term Link )
 Ant ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ANT_HOME environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 Apache Ant ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 appclient script ( Index Term Link )
 Application class loader ( Index Term Link )
 Application Client Container, See ACC
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  examples ( Index Term Link )
 Application Server Management eXtensions, See AMX
 appserv-ext.jar file ( Index Term Link )
 appserv-jwsacc.jar file ( Index Term Link )
 AppservPasswordLoginModule class ( Index Term Link )
 AppservRealm class ( Index Term Link )
 appserv-tags.jar file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 appserv-tags.tld file ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin command ( Index Term Link )
  create-admin-object ( Index Term Link )
  create-audit-module ( Index Term Link )
  create-auth-realm ( Index Term Link )
  create-connector-connection-pool ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  create-connector-resource ( Index Term Link )
  create-connector-security-map ( Index Term Link )
  create-custom-resource ( Index Term Link )
  create-domain ( Index Term Link )
  create-javamail-resource ( Index Term Link )
  create-jdbc-connection-pool ( Index Term Link )
   --allownoncomponentcallers option ( Index Term Link )
   --nontransactionalconnections option ( Index Term Link )
  create-jdbc-resource ( Index Term Link )
  create-jmsdest ( Index Term Link )
  create-jms-host ( Index Term Link )
  create-jndi-resource ( Index Term Link )
  create-jvm-options ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   com.sun.appserv.transaction.nofdsync option ( Index Term Link ) option ( Index Term Link )
  create-lifecycle-module ( Index Term Link )
  create-mbean ( Index Term Link )
  create-message-security-provider ( Index Term Link )
  create-resource-adapter-config ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  create-threadpool ( Index Term Link )
  delete-jvm-options option ( Index Term Link )
  delete-mbean ( Index Term Link )
   and connectors ( Index Term Link )
   --availabilityenabled option ( Index Term Link )
   --libraries option ( Index Term Link )
   --precompilejsp option ( Index Term Link )
   --retrieve option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   schema generation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   and connectors ( Index Term Link )
   --availabilityenabled option ( Index Term Link )
   schema generation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  deploy-jbi-service-assembly ( Index Term Link )
  flush-jmsdest ( Index Term Link )
  generate-jvm-report ( Index Term Link )
  get ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  get-client-stubs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  jms-ping ( Index Term Link )
  list-mbeans ( Index Term Link )
  list-timers ( Index Term Link )
  migrate-timers ( Index Term Link )
  ping-connection-pool ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  publish-to-registry ( Index Term Link )
   custom MBean attributes ( Index Term Link )
   custom MBean disabling ( Index Term Link )
   default message security provider ( Index Term Link )
   default principal settings ( Index Term Link )
   java-web-start-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
   jbi-enabled property ( Index Term Link )
   JMS service settings ( Index Term Link )
   JMX connector port ( Index Term Link )
   transaction service settings ( Index Term Link )
   schema generation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 asant script ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Application Server specific tasks ( Index Term Link )
  disabling deployed applications and modules ( Index Term Link )
  updating deployed applications and modules ( Index Term Link )
  using for deployment ( Index Term Link )
  using for JSP precompilation ( Index Term Link )
  using for server administration ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  using for undeployment ( Index Term Link )
 asinstalldir attribute
  sun-appserv-admin task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-component task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-deploy task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-instance task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-jspc task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-undeploy task ( Index Term Link )
 AuditModule class ( Index Term Link )
 audit modules ( Index Term Link )
  application clients ( Index Term Link )
  audit modules ( Index Term Link )
  JAAS ( Index Term Link )
  JMS ( Index Term Link )
  message-level ( Index Term Link )
  programmatic login ( Index Term Link )
  realms ( Index Term Link )
  single sign-on ( Index Term Link )
  audit modules ( Index Term Link )
  JAAS ( Index Term Link )
  JACC ( Index Term Link )
  roles ( Index Term Link )
 automatic schema generation
  for CMP ( Index Term Link )
  Java Persistence options ( Index Term Link )
  configuring HTTP session persistence ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  feature summary ( Index Term Link )
  for ACC clients ( Index Term Link )
  for stateful session beans ( Index Term Link )
  for web modules ( Index Term Link )
  of message-driven beans ( Index Term Link )
 availabilityenabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 binding attribute ( Index Term Link )
 bin directory ( Index Term Link )
 BLOB support ( Index Term Link )
 Bootstrap class loader ( Index Term Link )
 build.xml file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 cache for servlets
  default configuration ( Index Term Link )
  example configuration ( Index Term Link )
  helper class ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 CacheHelper interface ( Index Term Link )
 cacheKeyGeneratorAttrName property ( Index Term Link )
 cache sharing and @OrderBy ( Index Term Link )
 cache tag ( Index Term Link )
  a bean's state using version consistency ( Index Term Link )
  data using a non-transactional connection ( Index Term Link )
  EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  entities ( Index Term Link )
  JSP files ( Index Term Link )
  read-only beans ( Index Term Link )
  servlet results ( Index Term Link )
  stateful session beans ( Index Term Link )
  using a read-only bean for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 capture-schema command ( Index Term Link )
 cascade attribute ( Index Term Link )
 Catalina listeners, defining custom ( Index Term Link )
 catalog attribute ( Index Term Link )
 certificate realm ( Index Term Link )
 checkpoint-at-end-of-method element ( Index Term Link )
 checkpointing ( Index Term Link )
  selecting methods for ( Index Term Link )
 class-loader element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 class loaders ( Index Term Link )
  application-specific ( Index Term Link )
  circumventing isolation ( Index Term Link )
  delegation hierarchy ( Index Term Link )
  isolation ( Index Term Link )
 classpath, changing ( Index Term Link )
 classpath attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 classpath-prefix attribute ( Index Term Link )
 classpathref attribute ( Index Term Link )
 classpath-suffix attribute ( Index Term Link )
 client JAR file ( Index Term Link )
 client.policy file ( Index Term Link )
 CLOB support ( Index Term Link )
 cluster attribute ( Index Term Link )
 CMP, See container-managed persistence
 cmp-resource element ( Index Term Link )
 cmt-max-runtime-exceptions property ( Index Term Link )
 Comet support ( Index Term Link )
 command attribute ( Index Term Link )
 command-line server configuration, See asadmin command
 commit options ( Index Term Link )
 Common class loader ( Index Term Link )
  using to circumvent isolation ( Index Term Link )
 compiling JSP files ( Index Term Link )
 component subelement ( Index Term Link )
 config attribute ( Index Term Link )
 connection factory ( Index Term Link )
 ConnectionFactory interface ( Index Term Link )
 Connector class loader ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 connectors ( Index Term Link )
  administered objects ( Index Term Link )
  and JDBC ( Index Term Link )
  and JMS ( Index Term Link )
  and message-driven beans ( Index Term Link )
  and transactions ( Index Term Link )
  configuration options ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  connection pools ( Index Term Link )
  deployment ( Index Term Link )
  embedded ( Index Term Link )
  generic JMS ( Index Term Link )
  inbound connectivity ( Index Term Link )
  invalid connections ( Index Term Link )
  last agent optimization ( Index Term Link )
  redeployment ( Index Term Link )
  resources ( Index Term Link )
  shutdown timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Java System Application Server support ( Index Term Link )
  testing connection pools ( Index Term Link )
  thread pools ( Index Term Link )
 container-managed persistence
  configuring 1.1 finders ( Index Term Link )
  data types for mapping ( Index Term Link )
  deployment descriptor ( Index Term Link )
  mapping ( Index Term Link )
  performance features ( Index Term Link )
  prefetching ( Index Term Link )
  resource manager ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  support ( Index Term Link )
  version consistency ( Index Term Link )
 context, for JNDI naming ( Index Term Link )
 context root ( Index Term Link )
 contextroot attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 context.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 CosNaming naming service ( Index Term Link )
 cp attribute ( Index Term Link )
 create-admin-object command ( Index Term Link )
 create-audit-module command ( Index Term Link )
 create-auth-realm command ( Index Term Link )
 create-connector-connection-pool command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create-connector-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-connector-security-map command ( Index Term Link )
 create-custom-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-domain command ( Index Term Link )
 create-javamail-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jdbc-connection-pool command ( Index Term Link )
  --allownoncomponentcallers option ( Index Term Link )
  --nontransactionalconnections option ( Index Term Link )
 create-jdbc-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jmsdest command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jms-host command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jndi-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jvm-options command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  com.sun.appserv.transaction.nofdsync option ( Index Term Link ) option ( Index Term Link )
 create-lifecycle-module command ( Index Term Link )
 create-mbean command ( Index Term Link )
 create-message-security-provider command ( Index Term Link )
 create-resource-adapter-config command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 createtables attribute ( Index Term Link )
 create-threadpool command ( Index Term Link )
 custom MBeans
  deployment or registration ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling ( Index Term Link )
  handling attributes of ( Index Term Link )
  life cycle ( Index Term Link )
  listing information about ( Index Term Link )
  location and classloading ( Index Term Link )
  redeployment ( Index Term Link )
  the MBeanServer ( Index Term Link )
  undeployment ( Index Term Link )
 custom resource ( Index Term Link )
 DAS, connecting to ( Index Term Link )
 database properties ( Index Term Link )
  as transaction resource managers ( Index Term Link )
  CMP resource manager ( Index Term Link )
  properties ( Index Term Link )
  schema capture ( Index Term Link )
  specifying for Java Persistence ( Index Term Link )
  supported ( Index Term Link )
 data types
  for CMP mapping ( Index Term Link )
  for schema generation ( Index Term Link )
 DB2 lock-when-loaded limitation ( Index Term Link )
 dbvendorname attribute ( Index Term Link )
 debug attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 debugging ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  enabling ( Index Term Link )
  generating a stack trace ( Index Term Link )
  JPDA options ( Index Term Link )
 DeclareRoles annotation ( Index Term Link )
 default virtual server ( Index Term Link )
 default web module ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 default-web.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 delegation, class loader ( Index Term Link )
 delete-jvm-options command, option ( Index Term Link )
 delete-mbean command ( Index Term Link )
 demoQuery method ( Index Term Link )
 deploy command
  and connectors ( Index Term Link )
  --availabilityenabled option ( Index Term Link )
  --libraries option ( Index Term Link )
  --precompilejsp option ( Index Term Link )
  --retrieve option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  schema generation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 deploydir command
  and connectors ( Index Term Link )
  --availabilityenabled option ( Index Term Link )
  schema generation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 deploy-jbi-service-assembly command ( Index Term Link )
  disabling deployed applications and modules ( Index Term Link )
  read-only beans ( Index Term Link )
  undeploying an application or module ( Index Term Link )
  using asant script ( Index Term Link )
 deployment descriptor files ( Index Term Link )
 deploymentplan attribute ( Index Term Link )
 destdir attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  destination resources ( Index Term Link )
  physical ( Index Term Link )
 destroy method ( Index Term Link )
 development environment
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  tools for developers ( Index Term Link )
 displayHierarchy method ( Index Term Link )
 distributable web application ( Index Term Link )
 distributed HTTP sessions ( Index Term Link )
 document root ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 document roots, alternate ( Index Term Link )
 doGet method ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Domain Administration Server, See DAS
 domain attribute ( Index Term Link )
 domain.xml file
  configuring single sign-on ( Index Term Link )
  Shared Chain class loader ( Index Term Link )
  System class loader ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 doPost method ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 dropandcreatetables attribute ( Index Term Link )
 droptables attribute ( Index Term Link )
 EJB 3.0
  Java Persistence ( Index Term Link )
  summary of changes ( Index Term Link )
 EJB components
  caching ( Index Term Link )
  calling from a different application ( Index Term Link )
  flushing ( Index Term Link )
  pooling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  remote bean invocations ( Index Term Link )
  security ( Index Term Link )
  thread pools ( Index Term Link )
 ejbPassivate ( Index Term Link )
 EJB QL queries ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 EJB reference failover ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-ref mapping, using JNDI name instead ( Index Term Link )
 EJB Timer Service ( Index Term Link )
 enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 encoding, of servlets ( Index Term Link )
 endorsed standards override mechanism ( Index Term Link )
 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) ( Index Term Link )
 env-classpath-ignored attribute ( Index Term Link )
 events, server life cycle ( Index Term Link )
 example applications ( Index Term Link )
 explicitcommand attribute ( Index Term Link )
 extension attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 external JNDI resource ( Index Term Link )
 fail-all-connections property ( Index Term Link )
  for ACC clients ( Index Term Link )
  JMS connection ( Index Term Link )
  object types supported for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  of stateful session bean state ( Index Term Link )
  of web module sessions ( Index Term Link )
 fetch group, options for ( Index Term Link )
 file attribute
  component element ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-component task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-deploy task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-undeploy task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-update task ( Index Term Link )
 file realm ( Index Term Link )
 fileset subelement ( Index Term Link )
 finder limitation for Sybase ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 finder methods ( Index Term Link )
 flat transactions ( Index Term Link )
 flushing of EJB components ( Index Term Link )
 flush-jmsdest command ( Index Term Link )
 flush tag ( Index Term Link )
 force attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 generate-jvm-report command ( Index Term Link )
 generatermistubs attribute ( Index Term Link )
 generic JMS resource adapter ( Index Term Link )
 genwsdl attribute ( Index Term Link )
 getCharacterEncoding method ( Index Term Link )
 get-client-stubs command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 getCmdLineArgs method ( Index Term Link )
 get command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 getConnection method ( Index Term Link )
 getData method ( Index Term Link )
 getEventType method ( Index Term Link )
 getHeaders method ( Index Term Link )
 getInitialContext method ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 getInstallRoot method ( Index Term Link )
 getInstanceName method ( Index Term Link )
 getLifecycleEventContext method ( Index Term Link )
 GlassFish project ( Index Term Link )
  and HTTP session persistence ( Index Term Link )
  and stateful session bean failover ( Index Term Link )
  using for JMS data ( Index Term Link )
 handling requests ( Index Term Link )
 header management ( Index Term Link )
 help for Admin Console tasks ( Index Term Link )
 high availability, See availability
 high-availability database
  See HADB
 host attribute
  server element ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-component task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-deploy task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-instance task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-undeploy task ( Index Term Link )
 HPROF profiler ( Index Term Link )
 HttpServletRequest ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP sessions ( Index Term Link )
  cookies ( Index Term Link )
  distributed ( Index Term Link )
  object types supported for failover ( Index Term Link )
  session managers ( Index Term Link )
  URL rewriting ( Index Term Link )
 idempotent requests ( Index Term Link )
 IMAP4 protocol ( Index Term Link )
 inbound connectivity ( Index Term Link )
 Inet Oracle JDBC driver ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 INIT_EVENT ( Index Term Link )
 InitialContext naming service handle ( Index Term Link )
 init method ( Index Term Link )
 installation ( Index Term Link )
 instance attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 instanceport attribute ( Index Term Link )
 instantiating servlets ( Index Term Link )
 internationalization ( Index Term Link )
 Interoperable Naming Service ( Index Term Link )
 is-connection-validation-required property ( Index Term Link )
 is-failure-fatal attribute ( Index Term Link )
 isolation of class loaders ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 is-read-only-bean element ( Index Term Link )
 J2EE Connector architecture ( Index Term Link )
 J2SE policy file ( Index Term Link )
 JACC ( Index Term Link )
 JAR file, client for a deployed application ( Index Term Link )
 Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Authorization Contract for Containers, See JACC
 JavaBeans ( Index Term Link )
 Java Business Integration (JBI) ( Index Term Link )
  Ant tasks for ( Index Term Link )
 java-config element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Database Connectivity, See JDBC
 Java DB database ( Index Term Link )
 Java Debugger (jdb) ( Index Term Link )
 Java EE, security model ( Index Term Link )
 Java EE Service Engine ( Index Term Link )
 Java EE tutorial ( Index Term Link )
  and JNDI lookups ( Index Term Link )
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
  creating sessions ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
   reading ( Index Term Link )
   sending ( Index Term Link )
  session properties ( Index Term Link )
  specification ( Index Term Link )
 Java Management Extensions
  See JMX
 Java Message Service
  See JMS
 Java Naming and Directory Interface, See JNDI
 Java optional package mechanism ( Index Term Link )
 Java Persistence ( Index Term Link )
  annotation for schema generation ( Index Term Link )
  changing the provider ( Index Term Link )
  database for ( Index Term Link )
  data types for schema generation ( Index Term Link )
  deployment options for schema generation ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 Java Platform Debugger Architecture, See JPDA
 Java Servlet API ( Index Term Link )
 Java Transaction API (JTA) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Transaction Service (JTS) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Web Start ( Index Term Link )
  signing client JAR files ( Index Term Link )
 JConsole ( Index Term Link )
  connection pool creation ( Index Term Link )
  Connection wrapper ( Index Term Link )
  creating resources ( Index Term Link )
  integrating driver JAR files ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  non-component callers ( Index Term Link )
  non-transactional connections ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  sharing connections ( Index Term Link )
  specification ( Index Term Link )
  supported drivers ( Index Term Link )
  transaction isolation levels ( Index Term Link )
  tutorial ( Index Term Link )
 jdbc realm ( Index Term Link )
 JDOQL ( Index Term Link )
 JMS ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  and transactions ( Index Term Link )
  authentication ( Index Term Link )
  checking if provider is running ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  connection failover ( Index Term Link )
  connection pooling ( Index Term Link )
  creating hosts ( Index Term Link )
  creating resources ( Index Term Link )
  debugging ( Index Term Link )
  default host ( Index Term Link )
  generic resource adapter ( Index Term Link )
  high availability ( Index Term Link )
  JMS Service administration ( Index Term Link )
  load balancing ( Index Term Link )
  provider ( Index Term Link )
  restarting the client ( Index Term Link )
  SOAP messages ( Index Term Link )
  system connector for ( Index Term Link )
  transactions and non-persistent messages ( Index Term Link )
 jms-ping command ( Index Term Link )
 jmsra system JMS connector ( Index Term Link )
 JMX ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  and EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  and JavaMail ( Index Term Link )
  and lifecycle modules ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  custom resource ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  external JNDI resources ( Index Term Link )
  for message-driven beans ( Index Term Link )
  global names ( Index Term Link )
  mapping references ( Index Term Link )
  name for container-managed persistence ( Index Term Link )
  tutorial ( Index Term Link )
  using instead of ejb-ref mapping ( Index Term Link )
 join tables ( Index Term Link )
 JPDA debugging options ( Index Term Link )
 JProbe profiler ( Index Term Link )
 jspc command ( Index Term Link )
 JSP Engine class loader ( Index Term Link )
 JSP files
  caching ( Index Term Link )
  command-line compiler ( Index Term Link )
  precompiling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  specification ( Index Term Link )
  tag libraries ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 109 ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 115 ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 12 ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 160 ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 181 ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 196 ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 220 ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 224 ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 3 ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 77 ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 907 ( Index Term Link )
 keep attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 key attribute
  of cache tag ( Index Term Link )
  of flush tag ( Index Term Link )
 last agent optimization ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ldap realm ( Index Term Link )
 lib directory
  and the Common class loader ( Index Term Link )
  for a web application ( Index Term Link )
 libraries ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 LifecycleEvent class ( Index Term Link )
 LifecycleEventContext interface ( Index Term Link ) file ( Index Term Link )
 LifecycleListener interface ( Index Term Link )
 LifeCycleModule class loader ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 lifecycle modules ( Index Term Link )
  allocating and freeing resources ( Index Term Link )
  and class loaders ( Index Term Link )
  and the server.policy file ( Index Term Link )
  deployment ( Index Term Link )
  naming environment ( Index Term Link )
 listeners, Catalina, defining custom ( Index Term Link )
 list-mbeans command ( Index Term Link )
 list-timers command ( Index Term Link )
 load balancing
  and idempotent requests ( Index Term Link )
  of ACC clients ( Index Term Link )
  of message-driven beans ( Index Term Link )
 load-on-startup element in web.xml ( Index Term Link )
 locale, setting default ( Index Term Link )
 lock-when-loaded consistency level ( Index Term Link )
 logging ( Index Term Link )
  in the web container ( Index Term Link )
 login, programmatic ( Index Term Link )
 login method ( Index Term Link )
 LoginModule ( Index Term Link )
 main.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 managed fields ( Index Term Link )
 mapping for container-managed persistence
  considerations ( Index Term Link )
  data types ( Index Term Link )
  features ( Index Term Link )
 mapping resource references ( Index Term Link )
 markConnectionAsBad method ( Index Term Link )
 MBean class loader ( Index Term Link )
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  AMX ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  attributes ( Index Term Link )
  configuration ( Index Term Link )
   See custom MBeans
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  displaying attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Java EE management ( Index Term Link )
  listing properties ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  notifications ( Index Term Link )
  other types ( Index Term Link )
  proxies ( Index Term Link )
  querying ( Index Term Link )
  undeploying ( Index Term Link )
  using to stop a server instance ( Index Term Link )
  utility ( Index Term Link )
 mdb-connection-factory element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 message-driven beans ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  administering ( Index Term Link )
  connection factory ( Index Term Link )
  load balancing ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  onMessage runtime exception ( Index Term Link )
  pooling ( Index Term Link )
  pool monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  using with connectors ( Index Term Link )
 message security ( Index Term Link )
  application-specific ( Index Term Link )
  responsibilities ( Index Term Link )
  sample application ( Index Term Link )
 migrate-timers command ( Index Term Link )
 Migration Tool ( Index Term Link )
 mime-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  lifecycle ( Index Term Link )
 monitoring in the web container ( Index Term Link )
 MSSQL version consistency triggers ( Index Term Link )
 MySQL database restrictions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 naming service ( Index Term Link )
 native library path
  configuring for hprof ( Index Term Link )
  configuring for JProbe ( Index Term Link )
 nested transactions ( Index Term Link )
  about ( Index Term Link )
  profiler ( Index Term Link )
 nocache attribute, of cache tag ( Index Term Link )
 nodeagent attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Oasis Web Services Security, See message security
 object references supported for failover ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 online help ( Index Term Link )
 onMessage method ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Open ESB Starter Kit ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle automatic mapping of date and time fields ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle Inet JDBC driver ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle Thin Type 4 Driver, workaround for ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle TopLink, query hints ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle TopLink Essentials ( Index Term Link )
 oracle-xa-recovery-workaround property ( Index Term Link )
 ORDER BY validation, disabling ( Index Term Link )
 output from servlets ( Index Term Link )
 package-appclient script ( Index Term Link )
 package attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 pass-by-reference element ( Index Term Link )
  changing in server.policy ( Index Term Link )
  default in server.policy ( Index Term Link )
 persistence store
  for HTTP sessions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  for stateful session bean state ( Index Term Link )
 persistence.xml file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 physical destinations ( Index Term Link )
 ping-connection-pool command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 pooling ( Index Term Link )
 pool monitoring for MDBs ( Index Term Link )
 POP3 protocol ( Index Term Link )
 port attribute
  server element ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-component task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-deploy task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-instance task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-undeploy task ( Index Term Link )
 portname attribute ( Index Term Link )
 precompilejsp attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 precompiling JSP files ( Index Term Link )
 prefetching ( Index Term Link )
 primary key ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 profilers ( Index Term Link )
 programmatic login ( Index Term Link )
 ProgrammaticLogin class ( Index Term Link )
 ProgrammaticLoginPermission permission ( Index Term Link )
 property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 protocol attribute ( Index Term Link )
 proxies, AMX ( Index Term Link )
 publish-to-registry command ( Index Term Link )
 query hints ( Index Term Link )
 QueueConnectionFactory interface ( Index Term Link )
 Queue interface ( Index Term Link )
 ReadOnlyBeanNotifier ( Index Term Link )
 read-only beans ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  deploying ( Index Term Link )
  refreshing ( Index Term Link )
 readonly.relative.refresh.mode flag ( Index Term Link )
 READY_EVENT ( Index Term Link )
  application-specific ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  custom ( Index Term Link )
  supported ( Index Term Link )
 redirecting a URL ( Index Term Link )
 references supported for failover ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 refresh attribute, of cache tag ( Index Term Link )
 refresh-period-in-seconds element ( Index Term Link )
 removing servlets ( Index Term Link )
 request object ( Index Term Link )
 resource-adapter-mid element ( Index Term Link )
 resource adapters, See connectors
 resourcedestdir attribute ( Index Term Link )
 resource-env-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 resource managers ( Index Term Link )
 resource-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 resource references, mapping ( Index Term Link )
 res-sharing-scope deployment descriptor setting ( Index Term Link )
 retrievestubs attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 RMI/IIOP over SSL ( Index Term Link )
 roles ( Index Term Link )
 sample applications ( Index Term Link )
 schema capture ( Index Term Link )
 schema generation
  automatic for CMP ( Index Term Link )
  Java Persistence options for automatic ( Index Term Link )
 scope attribute
  of cache tag ( Index Term Link )
  of flush tag ( Index Term Link )
 secondary table ( Index Term Link )
 security ( Index Term Link )
  ACC ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  annotations ( Index Term Link )
  application level ( Index Term Link )
  audit modules ( Index Term Link )
  declarative ( Index Term Link )
  EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  goals ( Index Term Link )
  JACC ( Index Term Link )
  Java EE model ( Index Term Link )
  JMS ( Index Term Link )
  message security ( Index Term Link )
  of containers ( Index Term Link )
  programmatic ( Index Term Link )
  programmatic login ( Index Term Link )
  roles ( Index Term Link )
  server.policy file ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Java System Application Server features ( Index Term Link )
  web applications ( Index Term Link )
 security manager, enabling and disabling ( Index Term Link )
 security map ( Index Term Link )
 sei attribute ( Index Term Link )
  administering instances using asant ( Index Term Link )
  changing the classpath of ( Index Term Link )
  installation ( Index Term Link )
  lib directory of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  life cycle events ( Index Term Link )
  optimizing for development ( Index Term Link )
  stopping an instance using an MBean ( Index Term Link )
  using asant script to control ( Index Term Link )
  value-added features ( Index Term Link )
 ServerLifecycleException ( Index Term Link )
 server.policy file ( Index Term Link )
  and lifecycle modules ( Index Term Link )
  changing permissions ( Index Term Link )
  default permissions ( Index Term Link )
  ProgrammaticLoginPermission ( Index Term Link )
 server subelement ( Index Term Link )
 service method ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 servicename attribute ( Index Term Link )
 ServletContext.log messages ( Index Term Link )
 servlets ( Index Term Link )
  caching ( Index Term Link )
  character encoding ( Index Term Link )
  destroying ( Index Term Link )
  engine ( Index Term Link )
  instantiating ( Index Term Link )
  invoking using a URL ( Index Term Link )
  output ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  request handling ( Index Term Link )
  specification ( Index Term Link )
   class loading ( Index Term Link )
   mime-mapping ( Index Term Link )
   object unsupported for failover ( Index Term Link )
 session beans ( Index Term Link )
  container for ( Index Term Link )
  optimizing performance ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 session cache sharing and @OrderBy ( Index Term Link )
 session managers ( Index Term Link )
 session persistence
  for stateful session beans ( Index Term Link )
  for web modules ( Index Term Link )
  object types supported ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 setCharacterEncoding method ( Index Term Link )
 set command
  custom MBean attributes ( Index Term Link )
  custom MBean disabling ( Index Term Link )
  default message security provider ( Index Term Link )
  default principal settings ( Index Term Link )
  java-web-start-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
  jbi-enabled property ( Index Term Link )
  JMS service settings ( Index Term Link )
  JMX connector port ( Index Term Link )
  transaction service settings ( Index Term Link )
 setContentType method ( Index Term Link )
 setLocale method ( Index Term Link )
 setMonitoring method ( Index Term Link )
 setTransactionIsolation method ( Index Term Link )
 Shared Chain class loader ( Index Term Link )
 SHUTDOWN_EVENT ( Index Term Link )
 signing client JAR files ( Index Term Link )
 Simple Object Access Protocol, See SOAP messages
 single sign-on ( Index Term Link )
 Sitraka web site ( Index Term Link )
 SJSXP parser ( Index Term Link )
 SMTP protocol ( Index Term Link )
 SOAP messages ( Index Term Link )
 SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) ( Index Term Link )
 solaris realm ( Index Term Link )
 sourcedestdir attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  application clients ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  connectors ( Index Term Link )
  EJB 2.1 and CMP ( Index Term Link )
  EJB 2.1 and JDOQL queries ( Index Term Link )
  EJB 3.0 ( Index Term Link )
  JAAS ( Index Term Link )
  JavaBeans ( Index Term Link )
  Java Persistence ( Index Term Link )
  JDBC ( Index Term Link )
  JMX ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  JSP ( Index Term Link )
  Liberty Alliance Project ( Index Term Link )
  programmatic security ( Index Term Link )
  security manager ( Index Term Link )
  servlet ( Index Term Link )
   class loading ( Index Term Link )
  WSS ( Index Term Link )
 srcdir attribute ( Index Term Link )
 stack trace, generating ( Index Term Link )
 STARTUP_EVENT ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 stateful session beans ( Index Term Link )
  object references supported for failover ( Index Term Link )
  session persistence ( Index Term Link )
 stateless session beans ( Index Term Link )
 StAX API ( Index Term Link )
  keeping ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 sun-appserv-admin task ( Index Term Link )
 sun-appserv-component task ( Index Term Link )
 sun-appserv-deploy task ( Index Term Link )
 sun-appserv-instance task ( Index Term Link )
 sun-appserv-jspc task ( Index Term Link )
 sun-appserv-undeploy task ( Index Term Link )
 sun-appserv-update task ( Index Term Link )
 sun-cmp-mappings.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-ejb-jar.xml file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Java Studio ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Java System Message Queue ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  checking to see if running ( Index Term Link )
  connector for ( Index Term Link )
  varhome directory ( Index Term Link )
 sun-ra.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-web.xml file
  and class loaders ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 supportsTransactionIsolationLevel method ( Index Term Link )
  finder limitation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  lock-when-loaded limitation ( Index Term Link )
 System class loader ( Index Term Link )
  using to circumvent isolation ( Index Term Link )
 system-classpath attribute ( Index Term Link )
 tag libraries ( Index Term Link )
 tags for JSP caching ( Index Term Link )
 target attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tasks, asant script ( Index Term Link )
 TERMINATION_EVENT ( Index Term Link )
 thread pools
  and connectors ( Index Term Link )
  for bean invocation scheduling ( Index Term Link )
 timeout attribute, of cache tag ( Index Term Link )
 tools, for developers ( Index Term Link )
 TopicConnectionFactory interface ( Index Term Link )
 Topic interface ( Index Term Link )
 toplink.application-location property ( Index Term Link )
 toplink.create-ddl-jdbc-file-name property ( Index Term Link )
 toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode property ( Index Term Link )
 toplink.ddl-generation property ( Index Term Link )
 toplink.drop-ddl-jdbc-file-name property ( Index Term Link )
 TopLink Essentials, See Oracle TopLink Essentials property ( Index Term Link )
 transactions ( Index Term Link )
  administration and monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  and EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  and non-persistent JMS messages ( Index Term Link )
  and session persistence ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  commit options ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  flat ( Index Term Link )
  global ( Index Term Link )
  in the Java EE tutorial ( Index Term Link )
  JDBC isolation levels ( Index Term Link )
  local ( Index Term Link )
  local or global scope of ( Index Term Link )
  logging for recovery ( Index Term Link )
  logging to a database ( Index Term Link )
  nested ( Index Term Link )
  resource managers ( Index Term Link )
  timeouts ( Index Term Link )
  transaction manager ( Index Term Link )
  transaction synchronization registry ( Index Term Link )
  UserTransaction ( Index Term Link )
 transaction-support property ( Index Term Link )
 undeploy command
  schema generation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 undeployment, using asant script ( Index Term Link )
 uniquetablenames attribute ( Index Term Link )
 upload attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 uribase attribute ( Index Term Link )
 uriroot attribute ( Index Term Link )
 URL, redirecting ( Index Term Link )
 URL rewriting ( Index Term Link )
 user attribute
  server element ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-component task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-deploy task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-instance task ( Index Term Link )
  sun-appserv-undeploy task ( Index Term Link )
 use-thread-pool-id element ( Index Term Link )
 use-unique-table-names property ( Index Term Link )
 utility classes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 valves, defining custom ( Index Term Link )
 varhome directory ( Index Term Link )
 verbose attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 verbose mode ( Index Term Link )
 verify attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 version consistency ( Index Term Link )
  triggers ( Index Term Link )
 virtual servers ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link )
 virtualservers attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 webapp attribute ( Index Term Link )
 web applications ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  distributable ( Index Term Link )
  security ( Index Term Link )
 Web class loader ( Index Term Link )
  changing delegation in ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 web container, logging and monitoring ( Index Term Link )
 WebDav ( Index Term Link )
 web services ( Index Term Link )
  creating portable artifacts ( Index Term Link )
  debugging ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  deployment ( Index Term Link )
  in the Java EE tutorial ( Index Term Link )
  Open ESB and JBI ( Index Term Link )
  registry ( Index Term Link )
   See message security
  test page ( Index Term Link )
  URL ( Index Term Link )
  WSDL file ( Index Term Link )
 Woodstox parser ( Index Term Link )
 wsdl attribute ( Index Term Link )
 wsdllocation attribute ( Index Term Link )
 WSIT ( Index Term Link )
 WSS, See message security
 XA resource ( Index Term Link )
 XML parser ( Index Term Link )
  specifying alternative ( Index Term Link )