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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.1 Admininstration 

Appendix D
Active Sync Wizard


In versions of Identity Manager prior to 7.0, the Active Sync Wizard is used to create and manage active synchronization. This appendix contains information about using the Active Sync Wizard to set up and manage active synchronization in supported versions of Identity Manager. For version 7.0 and later, a synchronization policy is used to configure synchronization.

Setting Up Synchronization

Use the Active Synce Wizard in the Identity Manager resources area to set up active synchronization. This wizard leads you through a varying set of steps, depending on the choices you make, to set up active synchronization for a resource.

To launch the Active Sync Wizard, select a resource in the resources list, and then select Active Sync Wizard from the Resource Actions list of options.

Synchronization Mode

The Synchronization Mode page lets you determine the range of configuration options you can choose during active synchronization setup.

Select from these options:

Input Form Usage — Select the mode to use when setting up active synchronization. You can choose to use a pre-existing form, which limits configuration choices for this resource. Alternatively, you can use a form that is generated by the Active Sync Wizard, which offers a complete set of configuration choices.

Click Next to continue with the wizard. The Active Sync Running Settings page appears.

Running Settings

This page allows you to establish the following settings for active synchronization:

Startup Settings

Make selections for Active Sync startup from the following options:

Polling Settings

If you set a polling start date and time that is in the future, polling will begin when specified. If you set a polling start date and time that is in the past, Identity Manager determines when to begin polling based on this information and the polling interval. For example:

In this case, the resource will begin polling on July 25, 2005 (the following Monday).

If you do not specify a start date or time, then the resource will poll immediately. If you take this approach, each time the application server is restarted, all resources configured for active synchronization will begin polling immediately. The typical approach, is to set a start date and time.

Make selections to set up polling:

Logging Settings

Make selections to set up logging information and levels from the following options:

Enter a number, and then select the unit of time (Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, or Weeks). Days is the default unit.

Figure 13-19 is a sample view of the Running Settings page.

Figure 13-19  Active Sync Wizard: Running Settings

Configure Active Sync Running Settings to specify startup, polling, and logging for synchronization.

Click Next to continue with the wizard. The General Active Sync Settings page appears.

General Active Sync Settings

Use this page to specify general active synchronization configuration parameters.

Resource Specific Settings

Available resource-specific settings vary depending on the resource type. For example, for an LDAP resource, the following settings might apply. .

The standard value is the administrator's name used by this adapter, to prevent loops. Entries should be in the format cn=Directory Manager.

Common Settings

Click Save or Next to save changes to general settings for the resource:

Event Types

Use this page to configure a mechanism to determine whether a certain type of change event has occurred on the active sync resource.

About Events

An active synchronization event is defined as a change that occurs on an active sync resource. The event types listed for each resource depend on the type of resource and the object affected by the change event. Some event types are create, delete, update, disable, enable, and rename.

Ignoring Events

You can select a mechanism to determine whether to ignore an active sync event. Options are:

Options for determining event types are:

Click Next to continue in the wizard. The Process Selection page appears.

Process Selection

Use this page to set up a workflow or process to run when the user view is checked in for a specific active sync event instance or type of active sync event.

Process Mode

You can select from two modes that determine which workflow or process will run when an active sync event occurs:

Click Next to continue in the wizard. The Target Resources page appears.

Target Resources

Use this page to specify target resources to synchronize with this resource.

Figure 13-22  Active Sync Wizard: Target Resources

Set up target resources.

  1. Select one or more resources from the Available Resources area, and then move them to the Target Resources area.
  2. Click Next to continue. The Target Attribute Mappings page appears.

Target Attribute Mappings

Use this page to define the target attribute mappings for each target resource.

Figure 13-23  Active Sync Wizard: Target Attribute Mappings

Use the Target Attribute Mappings page to define target attribute mappings for each target resource.

  1. Select a target resource from the options list. To add a target attribute to the list, click Add Mapping.
  2. Select the attribute, type, and attribute value for each target attribute.
  3. In the Applies To column, select one or more actions (Create, Update, or Delete) to which the mapping will apply.
  4. Continue making selections for each target resource.

To remove an attribute row from the list, select the row, and then click Remove Mapping.

Click Save to save the attribute mappings and return to the resources list.

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Part No: 820-0816-10.   Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.