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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.1 Resources Reference 


The Domino resource adapter is defined in the com.waveset.adapter.DominoResourceAdapter class.

This adapter supports the following versions of Lotus Domino Server:

Resource Configuration Notes

This section provides instructions for configuring Domino resources for use with Identity Manager, including:

General Configuration Instructions

Use these procedures to set up a Domino resource adapter:

  1. Create the Identity Manager administrator in Domino. Use a certifier ID that has access to all organizations needed to manage users.
  2. Add the user to the access control list (ACL) of the address book for the server, names.nsf.
    1. Give the user Editor access.
    2. Assign the user the following roles:
      • GroupModifier
      • UserCreator
      • UserModifier
  3. Add the user to the ACL of the registration log, certlog.nsf, with Depositor access.
  4. Add the user to the ACL of the Administration Requests, admin4.nsf, with Depositor access.
  5. Add the newly-created user to server security:
    1. Open the Security panel to edit the server configuration.
    2. If access to the Domino server is restricted, make sure the Identity Manager proxy account has access to the server. This is done by specifying the account name or a group to which the proxy account belongs in the Access Server field.
    3. If there is a before or after action that calls a Domino agent, the user might need to be added to the Run unrestricted LotusScript/Java agents or Run restricted LotusScript/Java agent field, depending on how the agent being called is configured.

Installing the Gateway to Support Domino

For the gateway to talk with Domino there must be a Notes client already installed on the gateway machine

Add the following string values to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
in the Windows registry to ensure Domino works properly:

Identity Manager Installation Notes

No additional installation procedures are required on this resource.

Usage Notes

This section provides information related to using the Domino resource adapter, which is organized into the following sections:

Recertification Process

The recertification process is done using the Boolean user attribute named “recertify.” During an update operation the attribute is checked; if enabled, the user ID is recertified.

The recertification process is done via the adminp process, meaning we generate an adminp request and the recertification of the id gets done at some point afterwards. The timing of the recertification will depend on configuration of the Domino server. In 5.0, if the address book entry gets recertified, then the next time the user logs into the system it will fix up the ID file with the new digest keys.

Changing Passwords

Lotus users have two different passwords:

The adapter can be configured to manage one or both of these passwords.

Managing HttpPasswords Only

Configure the Domino Gateway adapter as follows to manage HttpPasswords but not ID file passwords.

Managing HttpPasswords and ID File Passwords

Configure the Domino Gateway adapter as follows to manage ID file passwords from the User interface and HttpPasswords from the Administrator and User interfaces.

Managing ID File Passwords Only

Configure the Domino Gateway adapter as follows to manage ID file passwords from the User interface without managing HttpPasswords.

Disabling and Enabling

In Domino 6.0 and later, the preferred method to disable a user is to set the CheckPassword account attribute to 2. However, the 5.x method of adding a user to a DENY GROUP may still be used.

In versions of Domino prior to 6.0, there isn’t a native disable flag for each user, so each user disabled is placed in a DENY GROUP. When enabled, they are removed as members of any of the defined groups. DENY GROUP has a maximum number of members threshold so the group has to be specified as an account attribute to the resource. This requires an additional DenyGroups account attribute to be passed to the resource. DenyGroups can be set during a Disable, Enable, or Deprovision, but will not be fetched without additional coding.

When deprovisioning or disabling, you must send a list of DenyGroups that the user will be added to. When enabling, you must send a list of DenyGroups that the user will be removed from.

The available DenyGroups can be fetched from the resource with the following code:

<invoke name='listResourceObjects' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>

The currently assigned DenyGroups can be fetched on a disable, enable, or deprovision form with this code:

<invoke name='getList'>
   <invoke name='getView'>

In the enable, disable, and deprovision forms, you must address the DenyGroups attribute as:

resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts [YourResourceName].attributes.DenyGroups

The following example defines a field in the disable form that lists the available DenyGroups in the left hand side of a multi-select box:

<Field name='resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts [YourResourceName].attributes.DenyGroups'>
   <Display class='MultiSelect'>
      <Property name='title' value='Deny Groups'/>
      <Property name='required'>
      <Property name='allowedValues'>
         <invoke name='listResourceObjects' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>
      <Property name='availableTitle' value='Available Deny Groups'/>
      <Property name='selectedTitle' value='Assigned Deny Groups'/>

The following example defines a field in the enable form that lists the assigned DenyGroups in a derivation rule of a hidden field:

<Field name='resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts [YourResourceName].attributes.DenyGroups'>

      <invoke name='getList'>
         <invoke name='getView'>

ID File

The gateway machine generates new IDs for users that are newly registered. They may be placed on a UNC path that is accessible to the gateway process/service. So, specifying \\machine\ids\ would put it on the network share.

There might be a need for the gateway to run as a user when configured as a service to get access to the share specified when a user is created. You can assign SYSTEM to have access to shares, but it depends on how the gateway network environment looks.

You can specify that the ID file be stored in the address book also by setting the Store ID In Addr Book resource attribute to TRUE/FALSE.


The move/rename actions are also preformed by the adminp process. A move can be initiated from the rename form by changing the certifierOrgHierarchy attribute and providing the original certifierId file and password for that id file. The move request will create a “Name Move Request” in the requests database and must be completed by the new certifier that represents the user's new organization. A move can be initiated by changing the user's first/last name.


You cannot perform a rename and a move at the same time; the adminp process will not allow this since the request references the canonical name which will be changed in both cases.

Resource Names

The gateway requires that all Domino resources be named uniquely. If you have multiple Identity Manager deployments and they “point” to the same gateway, all of the Domino resources that exist on the deployments must have unique resource names.

Active Sync Configuration

Before Identity Manager 5.5, if the Active Sync Process deletes as updates check box was selected, Identity Manager would disable a deleted Identity Manager user as well as all resource accounts and mark the user for later deletion. By default, this check box was selected. In Identity Manager 5.5 and beyond, this functionality is configured by setting the Delete Rule set to None.

If the checkbox was previously deselected, then the Delete Rule will be set to ActiveSync has isDeleted set.

Roaming Support

Identity Manager can create roaming users if the resource is a Domino 7.0 server. Identity Manager cannot change a user’s roaming status. Therefore, the RoamingUser account attribute cannot be set on existing users.

Additional Information

This section provides some additional information related to this adapter, including:


You can list any object specified in Domino. Pass in the view name as the “type” to the listAllObjects call.

Form Updates

Since some of these operations require additional attributes, default forms must be updated to include these attributes.

The resource definition already defines the attributes that should be passed to the various views.


The following sample UserForm illustrates how the searchFilter option for the getResourceObjects method can be implemented for Domino. This form finds all users with the last name Smith on the resource MyResource.

<Form name='Domino searchFilter Form' objectType=UserForm'>
   <Display class='EditForm'/>
   <Field name='rcwfield'>
      <Display class='MultiSelect'>
         <Property name='title' value='My Lister'/>
         <Property name='availableTitle' value='Listing available items'/>
         <Property name='selectedTitle' value='Selected Item(s)'/>
         <Property name='allowedValues'>
            <block trace='true'>
               <invoke name='getResourceObjects' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>
                     <MapEntry key='searchAttrsToGet'>
                     <MapEntry key='searchFilter' value='@IsAvailable(LastName) &amp; @Contains(@LowerCase(LastName);"smith")'/>

Other Form Issues

Attributes Configured to be Passed Into Views


The following variables are available for use in before and after actions:

The WSUSER_UNID variable refers to the Lotus Notes universal ID. This variable cannot be referenced until after the account has been created.

Security Notes

This section provides information about supported connections and privilege requirements.

Supported Connections

Identity Manager uses the Sun Identity Manager Gateway to communicate with Domino.

Required Administrative Privileges


Provisioning Notes

The following table summarizes the provisioning capabilities of this adapter.



Enable/disable account


Rename account


Pass-through authentication


Before/after actions


Data loading methods

  • Import from resource
  • Reconciliation
  • Active Sync

Account Attributes

The following table provides information about Domino account attributes.
The default data type is string, unless otherwise indicated.

Resource User Attribute



The organizational unit for the user in the alternate language.


The user’s full name, in the user’s native language


The language associated with the alternate full name.


The name of an assistant.


The domain name for the calendar.


The user’s cell phone number.


Path to the certifier ID file relative to the gateway machine (overrides value on resource)


Path of certifier’s organization hierarchy, such as /US1 (overrides value on resource)



0 = no check

1 = check

2 = Disable user


The name or names of the employee’s children.


The city of the user’s home address.


A comment about the user.


The company the user works for.


The country of the user’s home address.


Password for the certifier ID file (overrides value on resource)


Specifies the maximum size of the user’s mail database. If you specify a value less than 1000, then the maximum size is in megabytes (MB). If the value is 1000 or greater, then the maximum size is expressed in bytes. Values between 1001 and 1023 are rounded up to 1024 bytes.

The proxy administrator must be listed as an Administrator in the Server document to set this attribute.


Specifies the size of a user’s mail database at which point a warning about the size of the database is generated. If you specify a value less than 1000, then the threshold is in megabytes (MB). If the value is 1000 or greater, then the threshold is expressed in bytes. Values between 1001 and 1023 are rounded up to 1024 bytes.

The proxy administrator must be listed as an Administrator in the Server document to set this attribute.


Number of days for new certificates to be issued (create, recertify operations)


Overrides the resource attribute:

  • 0: Do not delete mail file
  • 1: Delete just mail file specified in person record
  • 2: Delete mail file specified in person record and all replicas

Note: If configured to delete the mailfile and adminp request will be queued and must be approved natively before it is deleted.


A list of users that are to be denied access to the resource.


The department name or number of the user.


The user’s displayed name.


The unique employee ID for the user.


The user’s first name.


The user’s home fax/phone number


Password to be used when accessing a Notes server from a web browser or other HTTP client.


Full qualified path to the ID file relative to the gateway machine.

gateway machine





The user’s job title.


A string representation of the last date and time the user was modified.


The user’s last name


Office location or mail stop


The user’s e-mail address.


Domain name of user’s mail server


The name of the mail file, such as MAIL\JSMITH


Indicates the access control level for the mailbox owner. Possible values are 0 (manager), 1(desginer), and 2 (editor).

This attribute is not in the schema map by default. The attribute is applicable only when creating users.


The user’s mail server name.


Name of mail template. Only valid during create.


The user’s manager.


Middle initial with a trailing period.


The user’s network account name.




The user’s NotesID.


The city of the user’s work address.


The country of the user’s work address.


The fax number of the user’s work address.


The office number of the user’s work address.


The phone number of the user’s work address.


The state or province of the user’s work address.


The street address of the user’s work address.


The postal code of the user’s work address.




The user’s password


Integer. The number of days after which the user must supply a new password.


The number of days after the password has expired before the user is locked out.


The user’s home telephone number.




The explicit policy for the user. The value of the Explicit Policy Name resource parameter overrides this attribute. This parameter is applicable only for Domino 7.0 or later.


The profile assigned to the user. This value overrides any profile specified as a resource parameter. This attribute is applicable only for Domino 7.0 and higher.


Boolean. Flag to indicate you would like to recertify a user.


When RoamCleanSetting is 1, the number of days between cleanings.


Specifies when Domino cleans up the user's roaming files. Valid values are

0 — Never

1 — Periodically

2 — When the Domino server shuts down

3 — Prompt the user


When set to 1, specifies that the user is a roaming user.


A list of servers where the user's roaming files are to be replicated.


Specifies the server where the user's roaming files are to be located.


Specifies the directory that will contain the user's roaming files.


Hierarchical name of the user’s sametime server.


Short user name commonly used by a foreign mail system.


The name of the user’s spouse.


The state or province in the user’s home address.


The address of the user’s home address.


The user’s generational qualifier


The user’s title


The user’s web site.


Attribute used to send user’s current password during user change password requests.




The postal code of the user’s home address.

Identity Template

Domino stores the identity of each user in the userid file. However, that same user name is stored in the user record in the FullName attribute. That attribute is multi-valued, and the first one in the list is unique. The first name in the list is stored in canonical format and is similar to the following:

CN=Joe T Smith/O=MyCompany

Using this name we can get to the record of the Name and address book. Identity Manager stores this string on the resourceInfo in its “nice” form, which looks like:

Joe T Smith/MyCompany

Domino has built-in functions to convert names back and forth at the API level. Identity Manager also stores the NOTEID as the GUID attributes, and whenever possible uses this global identifier to look up users in Domino.

The default identity template is:

$firstname$ $MiddleInitial$ $lastname$$CertifierOrgHierarchy$

Depending on the environment, the middle initial may not be not included.

Sample Forms



Use the Identity Manager debug pages to set trace options on the following class:


Tracing can also be enabled on the following methods to diagnose problems connecting to the gateway:

Exchange 5.5

Support for the Microsoft Exchange resource adapter has been deprecated.

Use the Active Directory resource for Exchange 2000/20003, which is integrated with Exchange.

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