Sun Java Desktop System Configuration Manager, Release 1 - Installation Guide

Chapter4 Sun JavaTM Desktop System Configuration Manager, Release 1

The Configuration Manager provides a administration tool that runs on the Sun Web Console. This web-based user interface allows an administrator to traverse the hierarchy of an organization to define policies for desktop applications. These policies can be defined for each item in the hierarchy, for example, for organizations, roles, users, domains and hosts. The Configuration Manager uses several configuration templates to display settings that are specific to different desktop applications such as Gnome, Mozilla, StarOffice, and Evolution.

Installing the Configuration Manager

Before you can install the Configuration Manager you need a working installation of the Sun Web Console.

ProcedureTo Install the Configuration Manager:

  1. Change to the corresponding Configuration Manager directory on the Java Desktop System Management Tools CD.

    On Linux systems, change to /linux/apoc. On Solaris SPARC, change to /solsparc/apoc.

  2. Type ./setup.

  3. Enter the host name of the LDAP server.

    The default name is localhost.

  4. Enter the port number of the LDAP server (default: 389).

  5. Enter the base DN of the LDAP repository.

  6. Enter the name of the object class that is used to identify user entities. The default object class is inetorgperson.

    For more details, see Organizational Mapping in the LDAP Server chapter.

  7. Enter an attribute name that is unique within the whole LDAP repository. The default attribute is uid.

    For more details, see Organizational Mapping in the LDAP Server chapter.

  8. Enter the full DN of a user who has the necessary access rights to perform queries on the LDAP server.

    Use any full DN that has read and search access. For anonymous access, leave this field empty.

  9. Enter a password for the user who you assigned the LDAP access rights to.

    If you set up anonymous access to the LDAP server, then ignore this step.

    During the installation, an additional login module is added to the Sun Web Console that allows you to authenticate users through LDAP.

    At the end of the installation, the Sun Web Console automatically restarts so that you can access the Configuration Manager.


    You can modify the previous Configuration Manager settings at any time by using the /usr/share/webconsole/apoc/configure script. For example, you can use the script to change to a different LDAP server without reinstalling the Configuration Manager.

Running the Configuration Manager

ProcedureTo start the Configuration Manager:

  1. Type the following URL in your browser: https://hostname>.domainname>:6789

  2. At the prompt, type the user name (uid) and the password of an existing LDAP user.

    The Sun Web Console opens.

  3. In the console window, click Sun Java Desktop System Configuration Manager, Release 1.

Direct access to the Configuration Manager

If want to skip the launch page of the Sun Web Console and go straight to the Configuration Manager, enter the following URL in your browser:


Uninstalling the Configuration Manager

To uninstall the Configuration Manager from the Sun Web Console, change to the corresponding Configuration Manager directory on the Java Desktop System Management Tools CD, and then run ./setup -u.


When you uninstall the Configuration Manager, the LDAP login module is removed from the Sun Web Console.