Sun Java Desktop System Configuration Manager, Release 1 - Installation Guide

Chapter6 Desktop Components - SolarisTM

This chapter provides information specific to the Solaris operating environment.

To access the configuration data from the Configuration Manager, a desktop client requires the Sun JavaTM Desktop System Configuration Agent. The Configuration Agent communicates with the remote configuration data repository and the adapters as well as integrates data into specific configuration systems. The configuration systems that are currently supported are GConf, Mozilla Preferences, and StarOffice Registry.

Configuration Agent

The Configuration Agent is part of the SUNWapbas, SUNWapmsc, and SUNWapoc packages. When you install the Solaris SVR4 package, the files that are required for this API are installed. You can install the packages manually or through the Java Desktop System installation. After installation, you must configure and enable the Configuration Agent on your system.

To access the remote configuration data, the Configuration Agent requires some minimal bootstrap information, such as the host name and port of the LDAP server. This information is maintained in a set of properties files, such as,, These files are stored locally in the /etc/apoc directory. You can manually edit these properties files, or you can use the configuration wizard for the Configuration Agent.

The configuration wizard offers a graphical user interface that guides you through the necessary settings of the Configuration Agent. For each page of the wizard, a corresponding help screen is available. You can startup the wizard as super user (root) by means of the /usr/bin/apoc-config script. A corresponding desktop menu entry is also available under Preferences/System Tools/Network Settings, or under system-settings:///Network Settings in the Nautilus file manager.


The wizard can also be started without launching the graphical interface. For example, execute /usr/bin/apoc-config -nodisplay to start the wizard in console mode.

Bootstrap Information

Figure 61 Configuration Agent, Configuration Repository

Configuration Agent, Configuration Repository


Associated property file keys are indicated in parentheses, where appropriate.

Figure 62 Configuration Agent, Authentication Mechanism

Configuration Agent, Authentication Mechanism

Port Settings

The Configuration Agent uses two ports:

Figure 63 Configuration Agent, Port Settings

Configuration Agent, Port Settings

Change Detection Interval

The Configuration Agent periodically checks for any changes in the configuration data using the following two intervals:

You can use the general detection interval to tune the propagation of remote configuration data changes to client side applications. The value provided for this setting is the maximum length of time in minutes that elapses before remotely made changes are reflected in the client applications.

Smaller values result in increased Configuration Agent and LDAP server activity. As a result, use caution when you adjust the value of the settings. For example, in an initial deployment phase, you can set the value to one minute so that you can easily test the impact of remote configuration on client applications. After you complete the testing, return this setting to the initial value.

Operational Settings

Figure 64 Configuration Agent, Data Directory

Configuration Agent, Data Directory

The following settings can be configured:

Figure 65 Configuration Agent, Request Handling and Logging

Configuration Agent, Request Handling and Logging


Most of the operational settings, with the exception of the Data Directory and Connection Timeout settings, can also be maintained centrally through corresponding policies stored in the LDAP server. If you want to use this feature, do not adapt the corresponding settings by means of the wizard. Instead, use the Configuration Agent policies within the Configuration Manager to centrally specify operational settings.

Applying Agent Settings

With the exception of "Data Directory" and "Connection Timeout", operational settings that have been stored on the LDAP server by means of the Configuration Manager take effect automatically at the next change detection cycle for the agent configuration (see DaemonChangeDetectionInterval).

Figure 66 Configuration Agent, Summary Page

Configuration Agent, Summary Page

All other settings changed locally require a reload or restart of the Configuration Agent. The reload or restart is performed automatically if you use the configuration wizard.


To manually restart the Configuration Agent, ensure that no related client applications are running, log in as root, and type the command /usr/lib/apoc/apocd restart.

GConf Adapter

The GConf adapter is part of the SUNWapoc-adapter-gconf package. When you install the adapter from the corresponding package, the GConf data sources path in /etc/gconf/2/path is updated to include the Configuration Manager sources. The two data sources that are provided by the adapter are:

Mozilla Adapter

The Mozilla adapter is part of the SUNWmozapoc-adapter package. When you install the adapter from the corresponding RPM, the required files are added to an existing installation of Mozilla and are automatically registered.

StarOffice Adapter

The StarOffice adapter is included in a standard StarOffice installation and allows you to access the policy configuration data without any special modifications.