Using the Database Binding Component

Tutorial Plan

    Follow this to build a BPEL process.

  1. Create a BPEL Module project using the New Project wizard.

  2. Create the following WSDL Document for the BPEL Module.

      For Database BC,


    2. SOAP WSDL

    Note –

    Test Cases are not required for projects created using File Binding Component and JMS.

  3. Create a Composite Application project.

  4. Add the BPEL Module project (*.jar) as a JBI Module to the Composite Application project.

  5. Build the Composite Application project and make sure that the Application Server is started.

  6. Deploy the Composite Application project to the Application Server.

  7. Create Test Case.

  8. Run the Test Case.

  9. (Optional) Debug the BPEL process.

    This is performed when the Test Case fails.

Process Summary