Using the JMS Binding Component

JMS Performance

High-performance clusters are a special type of load balancing cluster. A logical front-end to the cluster partitions the work into tiny chunks and distribute each chunk to nodes in the cluster. When the work is done, the logical front-end reassembles the result and then returns the completed result to the client of the cluster.

Replication of a JMS Binding Component results in multiple receivers on a queue in a clustered or nonclustered broker setup. Load is distributed across the JBI instances as a result of having multiple receivers on one or more queues.

To achieve even higher performance, the JMS brokers should be clustered. Broker clusters enable a message server to scale its operations with the volume of message traffic by distributing client connections among multiple brokers. For Sun Java System Message Queue, in a clustered broker environment, each broker within a cluster is directly connected to all the others. Each client (JMS Binding Component consumer or producer) has a single home broker with which it communicates directly, sending and receiving messages as if that broker were the only one on the server.

Behind the scenes, the home broker works with the other brokers in the cluster to share the load of providing delivery services for all connected clients. One broker within the cluster can be designated as the master broker. The master broker maintains a configuration change record in which changes to the cluster’s persistent entities (destinations and durable subscriptions) are recorded. This record is used to propagate such change information to brokers that were offline at the time the changes occurred.

For detailed information about clustering for Sun Java System Message Queue, see the Sun Java System Message Queue documentation.

The following diagram illustrates how a cluster of JBI/JMS Binding Components and a cluster of Sun Java System Message Queue brokers appears.

Diagram shows a cluster of JBI / JMS Binding
Components and Sun Java System Message Queue brokers. The context
describes the diagram.