BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide

Understanding Correlation. Using the Correlation Wizard

The BPEL Service Engine runtime uses a mechanism called correlation to track the multiple, long-running exchanges of messages that typically take place between a BPEL process and its partner services. The correlation mechanism helps to route messages to appropriate process instances.

A message in a conversation is connected with a composite value made up of one or more properties defined in a WSDL file. A property is a field within a message identified by a query. Queries are specified by special constructs called property aliases.

Thus, correlation sets are used to support stateful collaboration between web services in a standardized, implementation independent way. Correlation sets rely on the correlation data tokens stored in the message envelopes, headers, or business documents themselves. The declaration of correlation relies on the declarative properties of messages.

The following terms apply to correlation:

Elements That Use and Express Correlation

Correlation sets can be defined for the Process element. The defined correlation sets are then used by message activities (Invoke, Reply, and Receive), which describe a conversation between a process and a partner service.

Correlation sets on Invoke activities are used to verify that outbound messages contain data that is consistent with the data found within specified correlation set instances.

Correlation set names are also used in the onMessage branches of Pick elements and in the onEvent variant of event handlers.

Defining Correlation Using the Correlation Wizard

There are two ways to define correlation:

The Correlation Wizard is used to define correlations for two messaging activities, such as Invoke, Reply, Receive, OnEvent or onMessage branch of Pick element.

Note –

The wizard is only used to create a correlation. You cannot use the wizard to edit a correlation.

ProcedureTo Create Correlation Using the Correlation Wizard

  1. In the Design view, right click the activity that requires correlation and choose Define Correlation.

    The Correlation Wizard opens. If correlation is required for an activity, the Designer places a warning icon on the diagram.

    Correlation is required for the activity.
  2. In the Correlation wizard, select the messaging activity. From the drop-down list choose an initiating messaging activity. The activity chosen here initiates the correlation set. Click Next.

    The Correlation Wizard. Step1.
  3. For Step 2 of the wizard, define the correlation. In the Output pane (left pane) of the wizard the tree structure represents the message that the initiating activity sends or receives. In the Input pane (right pane) The tree structure represents the message passed by the correlating activity.

    Connect the messages parts that define correlation by selecting the node in the Output (source) pane and dragging your cursor to the appropriate node in the Input (destination) pane.

    The Correlation Wizard. Step2.
  4. Once the correlation is set, the wizard creates properties and property aliases in a WSDL file, defines a correlation set in the BPEL file, and associates the correlation set with the activities you selected.

    Note that properties and property aliases are written to a new WSDL file that you can see among the process files of the BPEL Module. The original WSDL file for the partner service is imported to the new WSDL. For all correlation created using the wizard, both properties and property aliases are written to this file. Partner WSDL files are imported. The correlation set defined in the BPEL file refers to the new WSDL.

    WizardCorrelationProperties.wsdl file.

ProcedureTo Define Correlation Manually

  1. Define one or more properties in the WSDL file using the WSDL Editor or add a property to a WSDL file.

  2. Define property aliases in the WSDL file using the WSDL Editor add a property to a WSDL file.

  3. Define a correlation set for the Process in the BPEL file, using one or more of the previously defined properties.

    To define a correlation set:

    1. In the Design view, right-click the Process element and choose Add -> Correlation Set.

      Alternatively, in the BPEL Logical View of the Navigator window, right-click the Correlation Sets node and choose Add Correlation Set.

    2. In the Add Correlation Set dialog box, specify the name for the correlation set and click Add to add properties.

    3. In the Property Chooser dialog box, expand the WSDL file node, and select a property to add to the set.

    4. (Optional) Clear the Show Imported Files Only checkbox to view the contents of non-imported WSDL and XML schema files.

      By default, the Property Chooser dialog box only shows those files that have already been referenced in the process. However, the project may contain other WSDL and XSD files which have not yet been imported into the process. If you select a type for the new property that is defined in a non-imported file, the IDE will automatically add the required import to the BPEL process.

      The correlation sets defined for the Process have global visibility. The name of a correlation set must be unique among the names of other correlation sets.

    5. Click OK.

  4. Associate one or more correlation sets with a message that is sent or received in an Invoke, Receive, Reply, or Pick activity.

    1. In the Design view, double-click an element (Invoke, Receive, Reply, the On Message branch of Pick, or the On Event branch of an Event Handlers container element).

    2. In the Property Editor, select the Correlations tab and click Add.

    3. In the Choose a Correlation Set dialog box, expand the Correlation Sets node, select the correlation set and click OK.

    4. Choose the Initiate attribute for this correlation set from the Initiate drop-down list. You can select one of the following options:

      • Yes – The activity must attempt to initiate the correlation set.

      • Join – The activity must attempt to initiate the correlation set if the correlation set is not yet initiated.

      • No – The activity must not attempt to initiate the correlation set. This is the default option.

    5. For an Invoke activity, specify the message pattern.

      From the Pattern drop-down list, select a pattern attribute to indicate whether the correlation applies to the outbound message (request), inbound message (response), or both (request-response).

    6. (Optional) Add more correlation sets as needed and click OK.