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Sun ONE Messaging Server 6.0 Installation Guide for Solaris Operating Systems


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About This Guide
Who Should Read This Book
What You Need to Know
How This Book is Organized
Document Conventions
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Square or Straight Brackets
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Where to Find Related Information
Where to Find This Book Online

Chapter 1   Planning Your Installation
Installation Overview
System Requirements
File System
Physical Memory
Disk Capacity
CPU Resources
Understanding Your Messaging Server Provisioning Options
Messaging Schema Choices
Deciding Which Schema to Use
Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v.1
Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v.2 (Native Mode)
Messaging Server Provisioning Tools
Sun ONE Delegated Administrator for Messaging
LDAP Provisioning Tools
Sun ONE Communication Server Command-line Utilities
Comparing Your Provisioning Tool Options
Pre-Installation Procedures
Disabling the sendmail daemon
Installation Considerations
Installation Worksheets

Chapter 2   Installing Messaging Server
Overview of the Installation Process
Create UNIX System Users and Groups
Run the Java Enterprise System Installer
Sun ONE Web Server
Sun ONE Directory Server
Sun ONE Identity Server
Sun ONE Administration Server
Sun ONE Messaging Server
Uninstalling Messaging Server
Prepare Directory Server for Messaging Server Configuration Requirements
Running the Script
Silent Mode
Interactive Mode
Create the Initial Messaging Server Runtime Configuration
Perform Silent Installation
Install Messaging Server against a Directory Server Replica

Chapter 3   Configuring High Availability Solutions
High Availability Models
N+1 (N Over 1)
Which High Availability Model is Right for you?
System Down Time Calculations
Configuring High Availability
Cluster Agent Installation
Using the useconfig utility
Veritas Cluster Server Agent Installation
Veritas Cluster Server Requirements
VCS 3.5 Installation and Configuration Notes
MsgSrv Attributes
Sun Cluster Agent Installation
Sun Cluster Requirements
Configuring Messaging Server HA Support for Sun Cluster
Enabling HAStoragePlus
Binding IP Addresses on a Server
Unconfiguring High Availability
Unconfiguring Veritas Cluster Server
Unconfiguring Messaging Server HA Support for Sun Cluster 3.x

Chapter 4   Upgrading to Sun ONE Messaging Server
Creating Upgrade Files to Update your Configuration
Running the Perl Script
Running the Upgrade Utility
MTA Configuration
configutil Parameters
Backup Configuration
mboxlist Database
Migrating User Mailboxes
Migration Instructions

Chapter 5   Performing Post-Installation Procedures
Post-Installation File Directory Layout
Modifying Your Configuration
Port Numbers
Managing Messaging Server with Sun ONE Console
SMTP Blocking
Enabling Start-up Across Reboots
Handling sendmail Clients
Solaris 8
Solaris 9
Configuring Messenger Express Mail Filters

Appendix A   Installation Worksheets
Directory Server Installation
Administration Server Initial Runtime Configuration
Directory Server Setup Script (
Messaging Server Initial Runtime Configuration



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