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Sun ONE Messenger Express Customization Guide

Chapter 2
Customizing General Features

This chapter describes how to customize the general features of Messenger Express.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Modifying the Login Screen

This section describes how to modify the Messenger Express Login screen shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1  Messenger Express Login Screen

Messenger Express Login Screen


You can modify the following on the Messenger Express Login screen:

To Modify the Login Screen

To modify the Login Screen, edit the lang/default.html file.

Customize the user interface by editing the body of lang/default.html. Functionally, lang/default.html contains three forms, two visible and one hidden:

The hidden form is the one that is submitted to the server (POST username and password to login.msc).

You can also insert a new banner, image or link on the Messenger Express Login screen, by editing the lang/default.html file.


lang is the language specific file that you need to edit.

Example—Login Screen Modifications

The example shown in Figure 2-2 replaces the Sun ONE logo with a custom graphic and adds an advertisement banner with a link.

Figure 2-2  Example Login Screen Modifications

In this figure Sun ONE logo is replaced with a custom graphic and  an advertisement banner with a link is added to the Login Screen.

Code Example 2-1 shows the Login screen HTML before editing the en/default.html file to customize the Login screen.

Code Example 2-1  Before Altering Login Screen Features  


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; ">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="master-style.css" type="text/css">


<BODY marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"

rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" bgcolor="#800000">


<td rowspan="4" valign="bottom"><img src="imx/sun_logo.gif"

width="96" height="66"></td>


<td><img src="imx/WebMail_splash.gif" width="200" height="30"

alt="Sun ONE Messaging Server"></td>


<td bgcolor="#cccccc">


Code Example 2-2 shows the changes to be made in the en/default.html file to replace the Sun ONE logo with a custom graphic and add an advertisement banner with a link in the Login screen.

Code Example 2-2  After Altering Login Screen Features


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; ">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="master-style.css" type="text/css">


<BODY marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"

rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" bgcolor="#ffffff">


<td rowspan="4" valign="bottom"><img src="imx/siroe.gif"

width="96" height="66"></td>


<td><a href=””>

<img src="imx/ad.gif" width="450" height="50"

alt="Advertisement Banner tip"></a><BR>

<img src="imx/siroewebservice.gif" width="200" height="30"

alt="Siroe Webmail Service">


<td bgcolor="#C0C0C0">


Modifying Color Sets

This section describes how to modify the Messenger Express user interface color sets shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3  Messenger Express Color Sets

You can customize the default color sets for  items such as the title bar, tab outlines, and column headers.

You can customize the default color sets for the Messenger Express user interface to change items such as the title bar, tab outlines, and column headers.

To Modify Color Sets in the User Interface

To modify color sets in the user interface, edit the ui[] array definitions near the top of the main.js file.

The function refreshColorSet() in main.js sets the color scheme of the user interface to color values such as chrome1 and accent2. These color values are used by the rest of the display functions in main.js.

See refreshColorSet() in main.js for the translation of the ui[] elements to the color values.

The ui[] array can have as many rows as desired. Additional color themes are displayed on the preferences page as new rows are defined in main.js. The user’s JavaScript application will not start when the rows are deleted from the definition script with the user preferences still pointing to a higher color table index than exists in the ui[] array.

See Table 2-1 for the color index of ui[] controls.

Table 2-1  Contains the color index of ui[] controls, their names and what they determine






Not used



Title bar



Not used



Tab outlines



Unselected tab background



Selected tab background, tool bar, column headers, and so on



Table cell background



Not used



Unvisited link



Visited link (almost always the same as unvisited)



Active link



Line drawing (white)



Line drawing (black)



Page background color

Example—Color Sets Modifications

The example shown in Figure 2-4 customizes the default color set ui[0] to have accent1 color maroon, chrome4 color navy blue, and chrome5 color silver.

Figure 2-4  Example Color Sets Modifications

In Figure 2-4  the default color set ui[0] has been customized to accent1 color maroon, chrome4 color navy blue, and chrome5 color silver.

Code Example 2-3 shows the necessary changes to be made in the file main.js.

Code Example 2-3  Altering Color Sets

var ui = new Array()

ui[0] = new array(’666699’,’800000’,’CCCCFF’,’666666’,’000080’,’C0C0C0’,



Modifying the Logo and Link

This section describes how to modify the Messenger Express corner logo and link shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5  Messenger Express Corner Logo and Link

Sun logo and link

You can modify the following on the Messenger Express corner logo and link:

To Modify the Logo and Link

To modify the logo and link, edit the function toolFrame() in the main.js file.

Example—Logo Modification

The example shown in Figure 2-6 replaces the Sun ONE logo with a custom logo having different dimensions.

Figure 2-6  Example Corner Logo

The Sun ONE logo is replaced with a custom logo having different dimensions.

Code Example 2-4 shows the necessary changes to be made in file default.html for replacing the Sun ONE logo SunONE.jpg with a custom logo siroe.gif.

Code Example 2-4  Replacing the Sun ONE logo with a custom logo.

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td width="10"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td valign="top" class="MstTdLogo" width="20%"><img src="images/siroe.gif"

width="110" height="43" alt="Sun Microsystems, Inc."></td>

Code Example 2-5 shows the necessary changes to be made in file default.html for changing the link to the new URL for

Code Example 2-5  Changes to be made in the file default.html for changing the link to the new URL to


<td colspan="2"><a href="">

onMouseOver="over('bannerlinkone')" onMouseOut="out('bannerlinkone')"

onClick="loadandswap('bannerlinkone', ''); return true"> <font size="-1"><span




Code Example 2-6   Changes to be made in file default.html for changing the link to the new URL for


<td colspan="2"><a href="">

onMouseOver="over('bannerlinkone')" onMouseOut="out('bannerlinkone')"

onClick="loadandswap('bannerlinkone', ''); return true"> <font size="-1"><span




Modifying the Title Graphic and Text

This section describes how to modify the title graphic and the text shown in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7  Messenger Express Title Text

The Messenger Express title text and title graphic are customizable.

You can modify the following on the Messenger Express title graphic and text:

To Modify the Title Graphic and Text

To customize the layout of the title text, edit the function toolFrame() in the main.js file.

Example—Title Text Modification

The example shown in Figure 2-8 customizes the text to “Inbox for user.”

Figure 2-8  Example Title Text Modification

In Figure 2-8  the title text has been customized to ‘Inbox for user.’

Code Example 2-7 shows the necessary changes to be made in file main.js to alter the graphic title.

Code Example 2-7  Altering Graphic Title


<TD width=1% nowrap bgcolor="'+ chrome1 +'"><NOBR>

<IMG src="imx/Banner.gif width="273" height="27"

alt="'+i18n['Sun ONE messenger express']+'"

align=texttop border=0 hspace=5 vspace=3



Code Example 2-8 shows the necessary changes to be made file en/i18n.js to alter the title text.

Code Example 2-8  Altering Title Text

function i18n_tab_header(user) {

return ’<nobr>&nbsp;&nbsp;Inbox for ’ + user


Inserting Banners and Links

This section describes how to insert advertisement banners and links on the Messenger Express user interface shown in Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9  Example Inserting Common Banner and Link

In Figure 2-9 an advertisement  banner has been inserted in the Messenger Express user interface screen.

You can modify the following on the Messenger Express user interface:

To Insert Banner and Link

Example—Inserting Banners and Links

The example shown in Figure 2-10 inserts a banner and link in the Messenger Express Inbox screen.

Figure 2-10  Example Inserting a Banner and Link in the Inbox Screen

In Figure 2-10 a banner and link has been inserted in the Messenger Express Inbox screen

Code Example 2-9 shows the code before inserting banner and link on all user interface in the main.js file.

Code Example 2-9  Before Inserting a Banner and Link

function toolFrame() {

if (isRefreshing())

return ’’


tab(i18n[’options’], state == ’options’, ’selectOptions()’) +

’<td width=50%>’ + nbsp + ’</td>\n’ +

’</tr></table>\n’ +

’</td>\n’ +

’</tr></table>\n’ +

getBreadCrumb() +

mailFrame.getToolbar() + ’</form>’


Code Example 2-10 shows how to insert a banner and link to the main.js file.

Code Example 2-10  After Inserting a Banner and Link  

function toolFrame() {

if (isRefreshing())

return ’’


tab(i18n[’options’], state == ’options’, ’selectOptions()’) +

’<td width=50%>’ + nbsp + ’</td>\n’ +

’</tr></table>\n’ +

’</td>\n’ +

’</tr><tr><td width=100% bgcolor=’+main.chrome1+’ align=center><a href=””>

<img src="imx/ad.gif" width=200

height=25></a></td></tr></table>\n’ + getBreadCrumb() +

mailFrame.getToolbar() + ’</form>’


Code Example 2-11 shows the code before inserting banner and link to the Inbox screen, in mbox_fs.html file.

Code Example 2-11  Before Inserting Banner and Link to the Inbox Screen

function getToolbar() {

var s

var enable = main.sortid.length > 0

s = ’<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\n’ +

’<TR><TD colspan=42><IMG src="imx/spacer.gif" width="1"


’<tr align="center">\n’ +

’<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>\n’ + ’<td align="center" nowrap>’

+ main.font(1) +

main.folderSelectionBreadCrumbs(’folderList’,’main.selectMbox(op tions[selectedIndex].value);selectedIndex=0’,

Code Example 2-12 shows how to insert a banner and link to the Inbox screen by editing mbox_fs.html. The banner and link are displayed only on the Inbox screen.

Code Example 2-12  After Inserting Banner and Link to the Inbox Screen  

function getToolbar() {

var s

var enable = main.sortid.length > 0

s = ’<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\n’ +

’<TR><TD width=100% align=center>’+

’<img src="imx/spacer.gif" width="405" height=1>

<a href =””><img src="imx/banner.gif"

width=200 height=35></a></td></tr>’+

’<tr align="center">\n’ +

’<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>\n’ + ’<td align="center" nowrap>’

+ main.font(1) +

main.folderSelectionBreadCrumbs(’folderList’,’main.selectMbox(op tions[selectedIndex].value);selectedIndex=0’,


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