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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Migration Guide 

Chapter 11
Planning the Upgrade from Sun Java System Portal Server 6.0 to Sun Java System Portal Server 6.2

This chapter provides an overview and discussion on how to plan for upgrading users, roles, organizations, components, templates, providers, channels, and properties files from Sun™ ONE Portal Server 6.0 to Sun™ ONE Portal Server 6.2.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Overview of Upgrade Process

The Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 product uses the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 service as its LDAP data store and management interface. The Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 product used the Sun ONE Identity Server 5.1 service as its LDAP data store and management interface. Although the Sun ONE Identity Server 5.1 and the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 products are similar in structure and provide many of the same services, changes to the schema (the LDAP mechanism used to store and define service configuration data) from Sun ONE Identity Server 5.1 to Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 require you to migrate the data in order to upgrade from the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 software to the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 software.


The Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 product can be deployed into a variety of web containers including the Sun™ ONE Web Server, the Sun™ ONE Application Server, the IBM Websphere Application Server, and the BEA Weblogic Application Server; however, when upgrading your Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 installation into a Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 installation you must deploy it into the same brand of web container.

These are the high-level steps to upgrade from Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 to Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2. (Subsequent chapters provide step-by-step instructions for performing the actual processes.)

  1. Before you start the Sun ONE Portal Server upgrade process, shut down all instances on all nodes running the Sun ONE Portal Server software in your system. The upgrade process involves changes that do not allow the old Sun ONE Portal Server software version to be run at the same time as the new Sun ONE Portal Server software version.
  2. Upgrade the Sun ONE Identity Server 5.1 software to the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 version on all nodes running the Sun ONE Portal Server software in your system. See Chapter 12, "Upgrading from Sun ONE Identity Server 5.1 to Sun™ ONE Identity Server 6.1".
  3. Upgrade each instance of the Sun ONE Portal Server software from the 6.0 release to the 6.2 release. See Chapter 14, "Upgrading Sun™ ONE Portal Server Software from Version 6.0 to Version 6.2".
  4. Restart your systems and allow user traffic.

Upgrading Certificates

If the name of the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 system is the same as the name of the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 system from which you are upgrading, you can use your existing certificates. If the names are not the same, you will need new certificates. For details on using certificates with Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2, see the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Administrator’s Guide sections on configuring SSL.

Upgrading Multiple Nodes

Use the following information to help plan the upgrade process when upgrading multiple nodes:

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