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Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 Administrator's Guide


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Chapter 1   Introduction to Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access
Overview of Secure Remote Access
Open Mode
Secure Mode
Secure Remote Access Components
The Gateway
The Rewriter
The NetFile
The Netlet
Administering Secure Remote Access
Configuring Secure Remote Access Attributes
Setting Conflict Resolution
Supported Applications

Chapter 2   The Gateway
Overview of the Gateway
Creating a Gateway Profile
Understanding the platform.conf File
Starting and Stopping the Gateway
Restarting the Gateway
Specifying a Proxy to Contact the Identity Server
Running the Gateway in the chroot Environment
Restarting the Gateway in the chroot Environment
Creating Multiple Instances of a Gateway
Using Web Proxies
Using Proxy Auto Configuration
Using a Netlet Proxy
Creating Instances of a Netlet Proxy
Enabling a Netlet Proxy
Restarting a Netlet Proxy
Using a Rewriter Proxy
Creating Instances of a Rewriter Proxy
Enabling a Rewriter Proxy
Restarting a Rewriter Proxy
Using a Reverse Proxy with the Gateway
Obtaining Client Information
Using Authentication Chaining
Using Wild Card Certificates
Disabling Browser Caching
Customizing the Gateway Service User Interface
Using Federation Management
Federation Management Scenario
Configuring Federation Management Resources

Chapter 3   The Rewriter
Overview of the Rewriter
Rewriter Usage Scenarios
The Gateway
Writing Rulesets
Public Interface (RuleSet DTD)
Sample XML DTD
Procedure to Write Rules
Ruleset Guidelines
Defining the RuleSet Root Element
Defining Language Based Rules (Defining Rules)
Rules for HTML Content
Rules for JavaScript Content
Rules for XML Content
Rules for Cascading Style Sheets
Rules for WML
Configuring the Rewriter in the Gateway Service
Basic Tasks
Advanced Tasks
Troubleshooting Using Debug Logs
Setting the Rewriter Debug Level
Debug File Names
Working Samples
Samples for HTML Content
Samples for JavaScript Content
Sample for XML Attributes
Case Study
Mapping of 6.x RuleSet with 3.0

Chapter 4   The NetFile
Overview of the NetFile
Supported File Access Protocols
Enabling Access to the NetFile
Enabling Logging for the NetFile
Configure Unix Authentication
Customizing the NetFile

Chapter 5   The Netlet
Overview of the Netlet
Netlet Components
Netlet Usage Scenario
Working With Netlet
Defining Netlet Rules
Types of Rules
Netlet Rule Examples
Sample Netlet Rules
Enabling Netlet Logging
Terminating the Netlet at Logout
Customizing the Netlet
Running Netlet in a Sun Ray Environment
New HTML File
Deprecated HTML File:

Chapter 6   The Netlet With PDC
Configuring Netlet for PDC

Chapter 7   Certificates
Overview of SSL Certificates
Certificate Files
Certificate Trust Attributes
CA Trust Attributes
The certadmin Script
Generating Self-Signed Certificates
Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
Adding a Root CA Certificate
Installing SSL Certificates From the Certificate Authority
Ordering a Certificate from a CA
Installing a Certificate from a CA
Deleting a Certificate
Modifying the Trust Attributes of a Certificate
Listing Root CA Certificates
Listing All Certificates
Printing a Certificate

Chapter 8   Configuring URL Access Control
Set up a URL Deny List
Set up a URL Allow List
Manage Single Sign-On
Customize the Access List Interface

Chapter 9   Configuring the Gateway
The Core Tab
Enable HTTP and HTTPS Connections
Enable and Create a List of Rewriter Proxies
Enable Netlet
Enable and Create a List of Netlet Proxies
Enable Cookie Management
Enable HTTP Basic Authentication
Enable Persistent HTTP Connections
Specify the Maximum Number of Request per Persistent Connection
Specify Timeout After Closure of Persistent Sockets
Specify Grace Timeout to Account for Turnaround Time
Create List of Forward Cookie URLs
Specify the Maximum Connection Queue Length
Specify the Gateway Timeout
Specify the Maximum Thread Pool Size
Specify the Cached Socket Timeout
Create List of Portal Servers
Specify Server Retry Interval
Enable Storage of External Server Cookies
Enable Obtaining of a Session from a URL
Enable Marking Cookies as Secure
The Proxies Tab
Enable Usage of Web Proxies
Create List of URLS for Webproxies
Create List of URLs for Proxies not to be Used
Create List of Proxies for Domains and Subdomains
Create List of Proxy Passwords
Enable Proxy Auto Config (PAC) Support
Specify PAC File Location
Enable Tunnel Netlet via Web Proxy
The Security Tab
Create List of Non-authenticated URLs
Create List of Certificate-Enabled Gateway Hosts
Allow 40-bit Browser Connections
Enable SSL Version 2.0
Enable SSL Cipher Selection
Enable SSL Version 3.0
Disable Null Ciphers
Create List of Trusted SSL Domains
Configure Personal Digital Certificate (PDC) Authentication
The Rewriter Tab
Enable Rewriting of All URLs
Create List of URIs to RuleSet Mappings
Create List of Parser to MIME Mappings
Specify the Default Domain and Subdomain
Create List of URIs Not to Rewrite
Enable MIME Guessing
Create List of Parser to URI Mappings
Enable Obfuscation
Specify the Obfuscator Seed String
Create List of URIs Not to Obsure
Make a Gateway Protocol the Same as the Original URI Protocol
The Logging Tab
Enable Logging
Enable Netlet Logging

Chapter 10   Configuring the NetFile
The Hosts Tab
Specify the OS Character Set
Specify Host Detection Order
Configure a Common Hosts List
Specify the Default Domain
Specify the Windows Domain/Workgroup
Specify the Default WINS/DNS Server
Specify Access to Different Types of Hosts
Configure the Allowed Hosts List
Configure the Denied Hosts List
The Permissions Tab
The View Tab
Specify the NetFile Window Size
Specify the NetFile Window Location
The Operations Tab
Specify the Temporary Files Directory
Set the File Upload Size Limit
Specify the Search Directories Limit
Specify Compression Attributes
The General Tab
Specify the MIME-types Configuration File Location
Enable Debugging for the NetFile

Chapter 11   Configuring the Netlet
Assign the Netlet Service to a User
Add a Netlet Rule
Modify an Existing Netlet Rule
Delete a Netlet Rule
Specify the Default Encryption Cipher
Assign the Default Loopback Port
Enable Reauthentication for Connections
Disable Warning Popup for Connections
Enable the Show Checkbox in Port Warning Dialog
Set the Keep Alive Interval
Set the Terminate Netlet at Portal Logout Option
Define Access to Netlet Rules
Denying Access to Netlet Rules
Allow Access to Hosts
Deny Access to Hosts

Appendix A   Configuring SSL Accelerators
Sun Crypto Accelerator 1000
Enable Crypto Accelerator 1000
Configure Crypto Accelerator 1000
Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000
Enable Crypto Accelerator 4000
Configure Crypto Accelerator 4000
External SSL Device and Proxy Accelerators
Enable an External SSL Device Accelerator
Configure an External SSL Device Accelerator

Appendix B   Country Codes
Appendix C   Configuration Attributes
Access List Service
Gateway Service
NetFile Service
Netlet Service

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.