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Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 3
The Rewriter

This chapter describes how to define the Rewriter rules and how to configure it in the Sun™ ONE Portal Server administration console.

The following topics are covered:

Overview of the Rewriter

The Rewriter component of Secure Remote Access allows end-users to browse the intranet by modifying Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) references on web pages so that they point to the Gateway. A URI defines a way to encapsulate a name in any registered name space, and label it with the name space. The most common kinds of URIs are Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). A URL can have various protocols such as http, ftp, mailto, file, and news.

All standard URLs, as specified in RFC-1738 and with protocol either HTTP or HTTPS are recognized and rewritten by the Rewriter . The protocols are not case-sensitive. For example, hTtP, HTtp, and httP are all valid. Some sample URLs are listed below:

The Rewriter supports the rewriting of some basic non-standard URLs which are supported by Internet Explore and Netscape. Information required to convert a non-standard URL to a standard format is taken from the base URL of the page where the URL displays. This information could include:

The Rewriter only supports backslashes when they are part of a relative URL.

For example,\index.html is rewritten,

These URLs would not be rewritten:



Rewriter Usage Scenarios

When a user tries to access intranet web pages through the Gateway, web pages are made available by using the Rewriter . The Rewriter is used by these components:


The URL Scraper provider gets content from the configured URIs and before sending them to the browser, it expands all relative URIs to absolute URIs.

For example, if a user is trying to access the site with content as:

<a href="../mypage.html">

The Rewriter translates this to:

<a href="">

where is the base URL of the page.

See the Sun ONE Portal Server Administrator’s Guide for details on the URLScraper provider.

The Gateway

Tthe Gatewayobtains content from internet portals and before sending the content to the browser, it prefixes the Gateway URIs to the existing URI so that subsequent URI requests from the browser can reach the Gateway.

For example, a user who is trying to access an HTML page on an internet machine with content as:

<a href=">"

The Rewriter prefixes this URL with a reference to the Gateway as follows:

<a href=" mypage.html>"

When the user clicks a link associated with this anchor, the browser contacts the Gateway. The Gateway fetches the content of mypage.html from

The Gateway uses several rules to determine the elements of a fetched web page that will be rewritten.

Writing Rulesets

You define rulessets in the Portal Server Configuration section under the Service Configuration Tab.

For details on defining a ruleset, see the Sun ONE Portal Server Administrator’s Guide. After creating a new ruleset, you need to define the required rules.

This section covers the following topics:

Public Interface (RuleSet DTD)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


The following constraints are not represented in DTD, but taken care programatically

1. In a Rule, All Mandatory attributes cannot be "*".

2. Only one instance of the below elements is allowed, but in any order.




3. ID should alway be in lower case.







<!ENTITY % ruleSetElements ’(HTMLRules | JSRules | XMLRules)?’>

<!ENTITY % htmlElements ’(Form | Applet | Attribute)*’>

<!ENTITY % jsElements ’(Variable | Function)*’>

<!ENTITY % xmlElements ’(Attribute | TagText)*’>

<!ELEMENT RuleSet (%ruleSetElements;,%ruleSetElements;,%ruleSetElements;)>



  extends CDATA "none"


<!-- Rules for identifying rules in HTML content -->

<!ELEMENT HTMLRules (%htmlElements;)>





  valuePatterns CDATA ""

  source CDATA "*"



<!ATTLIST Applet


  param CDATA "*"

  valuePatterns CDATA ""

  source CDATA "*"


<!-- Rules for identifying rules in JS content -->

<!ELEMENT JSRules (%jsElements;)>


<!ATTLIST Variable


  type (%eURL; | %eEXPRESSION; | %eDHTML; | %eDJS; | %eSYSTEM;) "EXPRESSION"

  source CDATA "*"



<!ATTLIST Function


  paramPatterns CDATA #REQUIRED

  type (%eURL; | %eEXPRESSION; | %eDHTML; | %eDJS;) "EXPRESSION"

  source CDATA "*"


<!-- Rules for identifying rules in XML content -->

<!ELEMENT XMLRules (%xmlElements;)>




  attributePatterns CDATA ""

  source CDATA "*"


<!ELEMENT Attribute EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Attribute


  tag CDATA "*"

  valuePatterns CDATA ""

  type (%eURL; | %eDHTML; | %eDJS; ) "URL"

  source CDATA "*"



You can use * as a part of the rule value. But all the mandatory attribute values cannot be just *. Such rules are ignored, but the message is logged in the RuleSetInfo log file. For information on this log file, see "Debug File Names".

Sample XML DTD

This section contains a sample rule set. The “Case Study,” on page 140 is used to illustrate how these rules are interpreted by the Rewriter .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


Rules for integrating a mail client with the gateway.


<!DOCTYPE RuleSet SYSTEM "jar://rewriter.jar/resources/RuleSet.dtd">

<RuleSet type="GROUPED" id="owa">


<Attribute name="action" />

<Attribute name="background" />

<Attribute name="codebase" />

<Attribute name="href" />

<Attribute name="src" />

<Attribute name="lowsrc" />

<Attribute name="imagePath" />

<Attribute name="viewClass" />

<Attribute name="emptyURL" />

<Attribute name="draftsURL" />

<Attribute name="folderURL" />

<Attribute name="prevMonthImage" />

<Attribute name="nextMonthImage" />

<Attribute name="style" />

<Attribute name="content" tag="meta" />



<!-- Rules for Rewriting JavaScript variables in URLs -->

<Variable name="URL"> _fr.location </Variable>

<Variable name="URL"> g_szUserBase </Variable>

<Variable name="URL"> g_szPublicFolderUrl </Variable>

<Variable name="URL"> g_szExWebDir </Variable>

<Variable name="URL"> g_szViewClassURL </Variable>

<Variable name="URL"> g_szVirtualRoot </Variable>

<Variable name="URL"> g_szBaseURL </Variable>

<Variable name="URL"> g_szURL </Variable>

<Function name="EXPRESSION" name="NavigateTo" paramPatterns="y"/>



<Attribute name="xmlns"/>

<Attribute name="href" tag="a"/>

<TagText tag="baseroot" />

<TagText tag="prop2" />

<TagText tag="prop1" />

<TagText tag="img" />

<TagText tag="xsl:attribute"

attributePatterns="name=src" />



Procedure to Write Rules

Listed below is a general procedure that you can follow to write the rules.

Ruleset Guidelines

Keep the following in mind:

Defining the RuleSet Root Element

The ruleset root has two attributes:

Defining Language Based Rules (Defining Rules)

Rules are based on the following languages:

Rules for HTML Content

HTML content in web pages can be further classified into attributes, forms and applets. Accordingly, the rules for HTML content are classified as:

Attribute Rules for HTML Content

This rule identifies the attributes of a tag whose value needs to be rewritten. The attribute values can be a simple URL, JavaScript, or DHTML content. For example

This section is divided into the following parts:

Attribute Rule Syntax

<Attribute name="attributeName" [tag="*" valuePatterns="" source=”*” type=”URL|DHTML|DJS”]/>


attributeName is the name of the attribute (mandatory)

tag is the tag to which the attribute belongs (optional, default * , meaning any tag)

valuePatterns See "Using Pattern-matching in Rules".

source specifies the URI of the page in which this attribute is defined ( optional, default * , meaning in any page)

type specifies the type of the value (optional). They can be:

Attribute Rule Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<a href=">


<Attribute name="href"/>


<Attribute name="href" tag="a"/>


<a href=gateway-URL/>


Since the URL to be rewritten is already an absolute URL, only the Gateway URL is prefixed to the URL.

DJS Attribute Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content


<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check('/focus.html','focus');return;">



<Attribute name=”onClick” type=”DJS”/>

<Function type="URL" name="Check" paramPatterns="y,"/>



<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check('gateway-URL/','focus');return ;">



Two rules are required to rewrite the specified page content. The first rule identifies the onClick JavaScript token. The second rule identifies the parameter of the check function that needs to be rewritten. In this case, only the first parameter is rewritten since paramPatterns has the value y in place of first param.

The Gateway URL and the base URL of the page on which the JavaScript tokens appear are prefixed to the required parameter.

Form Rules for HTML Content

The HTML pages that a user browses may contain forms. Some form elements may take a URL as the value.

This section is divided into the following parts:

Form Rule Syntax

<Form name="form1" field="visit" [valuePatterns="" source="*"]/>


name is the name of the form (mandatory)

field is the field in the form whose value needs to be rewritten (mandatory)

valuePatterns See "Using Pattern-matching in Rules"

source is the URL of the html page where this form definition is present (optional, default *, meaning in any page)

Form Rule Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

Assume the page URI is form.html and is located in the root directory of the server.

<form name=form1 method=POST action="">

<input type=hidden name=abc1 value="0|1234|/test.html">


To rewrite /text.html present in the value of hidden field named abc1 which is part of form1. The following rules are needed.


<Form source="*/form.html" name="form1" field="abc1" valuePatterns="0|1234|"/>

<Attribute name="action"/>


<FORM name=”form1” method=”POST” action="gateway-URL/">

<input type=hidden name=abc1 value="0|1234|gateway-URL/">



The action tag is rewritten using some defined HTML attribute rule.

The input tag attribute value’s value is rewritten as shown in the output. The specified valuePatterns is located, and all content following the matched valuePatterns is rewritten by prefixing the Gateway URL, and the base URL of the page. See "Using Pattern-matching in Rules".

Applet Rules for HTML Content

A single web page may contain many applets, and each applet may contain many parameters. The Rewriter matches the values specified in the rule with the HTML definition of the applet and modifies the URL values present as a part of the applet parameter definition. This replacement is carried out at the server and not when the user is browsing the particular web page. This rule identifies and rewrites the parameters in both the applet and object tags of the HTML content.

This section is divided into the following parts:

Applet Rule Syntax

<Applet code="ApplicationClassName/ObjectID" param="parametername" [valuePatterns="" source="*"] />


code is the name of the applet or object class (mandatory)

param is the name of the parameter whose value needs to be rewritten (mandatory)

valuePatterns See "Using Pattern-matching in Rules".

source is the URL of the page that contains the applet definition (optional, default is *, meaning, in any page)

Applet Rule Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<applet codebase=”appletcode” code=”RewriteURLinApplet.class” archive=”/test.jar”>

<param name=Test1 value="/index.html">



<Applet source="*/rule1.html" code="RewriteURLin*.class" param="Test*"/>


<APPLET codebase=”gateway-URL/ code” code=”RewriteURLinApplet.class” archive=”/test.jar”>

<param name=”Test1” value="gateway-URL/">



codebase attribute is rewritten since <Attribute name="codebase"/> is a defined rule in the default_gateway_ruleset.

All parameters whose names begin with Test are rewritten. The base URL of the page on which the applet code displays and the Gateway URL are prefixed to the value params tags, value attribute.

Using Pattern-matching in Rules

You can use the valuePatterns field to achieve pattern-matching and identify the specific parts of a statement that need to be rewritten.

If you have specified valuePatterns as part of a rule, all the content that follows the matched pattern is rewritten.

Consider the sample form rule below.

<Form source="*/source.html" name="form1" field="visit" [valuePatterns="0|1234|"]/>


source is the URL of the html page where the form displays

name is the name of the form

field is the field in the form whose value needs to be rewritten

valuePatterns indicates the portion of the string that needs to be rewritten. All content appearing after valuePatterns is rewritten (optional, default "" means the fullvalue needs to be rewritten). See "Using Pattern-matching in Rules"

Using Wild Cards in valuePatterns

You can use the * character to achieve pattern matching for rewriting.

You cannot specify just a * in the valuePatterns field. Since * indicates a match with everything, nothing will follow the valuePattern, and hence the Rewriter will have nothing left to rewrite. You can use * in conjunction with another string such as *abc. In this case, all content that follows *abc is rewritten.


An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard in any of the fields of the rule. But all the fields in the rule cannot contain a *. If all fields contain a *, the rule is ignored. No error message is displayed.

You can use a * or ** along with the separation character that displays in the original statement to separate multiple fields. One wildcard (*) matches any field that is not to be rewritten, and two wildcards (**) match any field that needs to be rewritten.

Table 3-1 lists some sample usages of the * wildcard. The table has three columns. The first column lists the sample statement to be rewritten. The second column lists the sample valuePatterns value. The third column describes the rewriting.

Table 3-1  Sample Usage of * Wildcard




url1, url2, url3, url4

valuePatterns = "**, *, **, *"

In this case, url1 and url3 are rewritten since ** indicates the portion to be rewritten


valuePatterns = "*ABC"

In this case, only the portion is rewritten. Everything after *ABC needs to be rewritten.


valuePatterns = "*|*|**|*|**|*|"

In this case, dir2, dir4 and url1 are rewritten. The last field that needs to be rewritten does not have to be indicated by using **.

Rules for JavaScript Content

JavaScript can contains URLs in various locations. The Rewriter cannot directly parse the JavaScript and determine the URL portion. A special set of rules need to be written to help the JavaScript processor to identify and translate the URL.

JavaScript elements with type URL are classified as follows:


Generic Syntax

<Variable name=”variableName“ [type="URL|EXPRESSION|DHTML|DJS|SYSTEM" source=”*”]>

JavaScript variables can be sub-classified into 5 categories depending on the type of value they hold:

URL Variables

The variable value is a simple string which can be treated as URL.

This section is divided into the following parts:

URL Variable Syntax

<Variable name=”variableName“ type="URL" [source=”*”]>


variableName is the name of the variable. The value of the variableName is rewritten (mandatory).

type is the URL variable (mandtory, and the value must to be URL)

source is the URI of the page in which this JavaScript variable is found (optional, default is *, meaning in any page)

URL Variable Example

Assume the base URL is:

Page Content

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


//URL Variables

var imgsrc1="/tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc2="";

var imgsrc3=imgsrc2;




<Variable name=”imgsrc*” type="URL"/>


<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


//URL Variables

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/";

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/";

var imgsrc2=imgsrc1;




All variables of type URL and with the name begins with imgsrc are rewritten. For the first line of the output, the Gateway URL and the base URL of the page on which the variable displays are prefixed. The second line already contains the absolute path, and hence only the Gateway URL is prefixed. Third var imagsrc2 would not be rewritten as it’s value is not a string but another JavaScript value.


Expression variables have an expression on the right hand side. The result of this expression is a URL. The Rewriter appends a JavaScript function (psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression) to the HTML page as it cannot evaluate such expressions on the server. This function takes the expression as a parameter and evaluates it to the required URL at the client browser.

If you are not sure whether a statement contains a simple URL or an EXPRESSION URL, it is recommended that you use EXPRESSION rules since it can handle both scenarios.

This section is divided into the following parts:

EXPRESSION Variable Syntax

<Variable name=”variableName” [type="EXPRESSION" source=”*”]/>


variableName is the name of the JavaScript variable whose value is a expression (mandatory)

type is the type of JavaScript variable (optional, default value is EXPRESSION)

source is the URI of the pages (optional, default is *, meaning any source)

EXPRESSION Variable Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


//Expression variables

var expvar= getURIPreFix() + "../../images/graphics"+".gif";

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">Link to XYZ content</A><P>")

var expvar="../../images/graphics"+".gif";




<Variable name=”expvar” type="EXPRESSION"/>


<Variable name=”expvar”/>


var expvar=psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression(getURIPreFix() + "../../images/graphics"+".gif");

document.write("<a href="+expvar+">>Link to XYZ content</A><P>")

var expvar=”gateway-URL/"+".gif";


The function psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression is prefixed to the right side of the expression variable expvar in the first line. This function processes the expression and rewrites the content at runtime at the browser end. In the third line the value is rewritten as a simple URL.

DHTML(Dynamic HTML) Variables

These are JavaScript variables that contain HTML content.

This section is divided into the following parts:

DHTML Syntax

<Variable name=”variableName” type="DHTML" [source=”*”]/>


variableName is the name of the JavaScript variable with DHTML content (mandatory)

type is the type of the variable (mandatory, the value must be DHTML)

source is the URL of the page (optional, the default is *, meaning in any page)

DHTML Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">



var dhtmlVar="<a href=../../images/test.html>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=/images/test.html>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=images/test.html>"




<Variable name=”dhtmlVar” type="DHTML"/>

<Attribute name="href"/>


<Attribute name="href" tag="a"/>


<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">



var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL/ l>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL/>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL/ ages/test.html>"




The JavaScript parser reads the value of dhtmlVar as HTML content and sends the content through the HTML parser. The HTML parser applies the HTML rules where the href attribute rules matched and hence it is rewritten.

DJS (Dynamic JavaScript) Variables

These are JavaScript variables that contain JavaScript content.

This section is divided into the following parts:

DJS Syntax

<Variable name=”variableName” type="DJS" [source=”*”]/>


variable is the JavaScript varible whose value is javascript.

DJS Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

//DJS Var

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='/tmp/tmp.jpg';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='../tmp/tmp.jpg';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='';"


<Variable name="DJS">dJSVar/>

<Variable name="URL">dJSimgsrc/>


//DJS Var - need 2 rules

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='gateway-URL/';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='gateway-URL/ g';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='gateway-URL/';"


Two rules are required here. The first rule locates the dynamic JavaScript variable dJSVar. The value of this variable is again a JavaScript of type URL. The second rule is applied to rewrite the value of this JavaScript variable.

SYSTEM Variables

These are variables that are not declared by the user, but that are available as a part of the JavaScript standard. For example, window.location.pathname. There is limited support for these variables.

This section is divided into the following parts:

SYSTEM Variable Syntax

<Variable name=”variableName” type="SYSTEM" [source=”*”]/>


variableName is the JavaScript system variable (mandatory and the values could be ones that match these patterns: document.URL, document.domain, location, doument.location, location.pathname, location.href, location.protocol, location.hostname, and location.port. All these are present in the generic_ruleset. Do not modifiy these system var rules .

type is that these values are sytem type (mandatory and value is DJS)

source is the URI of this pages (optional, default value is *, meaning in any page)  

SYSTEM Variable Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">







<Variable name=”window.location.pathname” type="SYSTEM"/>



<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">







The Rewriter locates the system variable which matches the rule, then the psSRAPRewriter_convert_system function is prefixed. This function processes the system variable at runtime and rewrites the resulting URL accordingly.

Function Arguments

Function parameters whose value needs to be rewritten are classified into 4 categories:

Generic Syntax

<Function name="functionName" paramPatterns="y,y," [type="URL|EXPRESSION|DHTML|DJS" source=”*”]/>


name is the name of the JavaScript function (mandatory)

paramPatterns specifies the parameters that need to be rewritten (mandatory)

y the position of y indicates the parameter that the needs to be rewritten. For example, in the syntax, the first parameter needs to be rewritten, but the second parameter should not be rewritten.

type specifies the kind of value this parameter needs (optional, default is EXPRESSION type)

source page source URI (optional, default is *, meaning in any page)

URL Parameters

Function takes this parameter as a string and this string could be treated as URL.

This section is divided into the following parts:

URL Parameter Syntax

<Function name="functionName" paramPatterns="y,," type="URL" [source=”*”]/>


name is the name of the function with a type parameter of URL (mandatory)

paramPatterns specifies the parameters that need to be rewritten (mandatory)

y the position of y indicates the parameter that needs to be rewritten. For example, in the syntax, the first parameter needs to be rewritten, but the second parameter should not be rewritten.

type is the type of the function (mandatory, and the value must be URL)

source is the URL of the page which has this function call (optional, default is *, meaning in any URL)

URL Parameter Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<script language="JavaScript">


function test(one,two,three){

alert(one + "##" + two + "##" +three);






<Function name="URL" name="test" paramPatterns="y,y,"/>

<Function name="URL" name="" paramPatterns="y,,,"/>


<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">


function test(one,two,three) {

alert(one + "##" + two + "##" +three);


test("gateway-URL/","gateway-URL/http://abc.sesta.c om/test/rewriter/test1/jscript/test.html","123");"gateway-URL/","gen",width=500,heig ht=500);




The first rule specifies that the first two parameters in the function with name test need to be rewritten. Hence the first two parameters of the test function are rewritten. The second rule specifies that the first parameter of the function needs to be written. The URL within the function is prefixed with the Gateway URL and the base URL of the page that contains the function parameters.


These parameters take an expression value, which when evaluated results in a URL.

This section is divided into the following parts:

EXPRESSION Parameter Syntax

<Function name="functionName" paramPatterns="y" [type="EXPRESSION" source=”*”]/>


name is the name of the function(mandatory).

paramPatterns specifies the parameters that need to be rewritten (mandatory)

y the position of y indicates the function parameter that needs to be rewritten. In the syntax above, only the first parameter is rewritten.

type specifies the value EXPRESSION (optional)

source URI of the page where this function is called.

EXPRESSION Parameter Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<script language="JavaScript">


function jstest2(){

return ".html";


function jstest1(one){

return one;


var dir="/images/test"

var test1=jstest1(dir+"/test"+jstest2());

document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">TEST</a>");





<Function type="EXPRESSION" name="jstest1" paramPatterns="y"/>


<Function name="jstest1" paramPatterns="y"/>


<script language="JavaScript">


function jstest2(){

return ".html";


function jstest1(one){

return one;


var dir="/images/test"

var test1=jstest1(psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression(dir+"/test"+jstest2()));

document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">TEST</a>");





The rule specifies that the first parameter of the jstest1 function needs to be rewritten by considering this as an EXPRESSION function param. In the sample page content, the first parameter is an expression that will be evaluated only at runtime. The Rewriter prefixes this expression with the psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression function. The expression is evaluated, and the psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression function rewrites the output at runtime.


In the above example, it is not required to have the variable test1 as a part of the JavaScript variable rule. The function rule for jstest1 takes care of the rewriting.

DHTML Parameters

Function parameter whose value is HTML

Native JavaScript methods such as document.write() that generate an HTML page dynamically fall under this category.

This section is divided into the following parts:

DHTML Parameter Syntax

<Function name="functionName" paramPatterns="y" type="DHTML" [source=”*”]/>


name is the name of the function.

paramPatterns specifies the parameters that need to be rewritten (mandatory)

y the position of y indicates the function parameter that needs to be rewritten. In the syntax above, only the first parameter is rewritten.

DHTML Parameter Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content



document.write('<a href="/index.html">write</a><BR>')

document.writeln('<a href="index.html">writeln</a><BR>')






<Function name="DHTML" name="document.write" paramPatterns="y"/>

<Function name="DHTML" name="document.writeln" paramPatterns="y"/>

<Attribute name="href"/>




document.write('<a href="gateway-URL/">write</a><BR>')

document.writeln('<a href="gateway-URL/ x.html">writeln</a><BR>')






The first rule specifies that the first parameter in the function document.write needs to be rewritten. The second rule specifies that the first parameter in the function document.writeln needs to be rewritten. The third rule is a simple HTML rule that specifies that all attributes with the name href need to be rewritten. In the example, the DHTML parameter rules identify the parameters in the functions that need to be rewritten. Then the HTML attribute rule is applied to actually rewrite the identified parameter.

DJS Parameters

Function parameters whose value is JavaScript.

This section is divided into the following sections:

DJS Parameter Syntax

<Function name="functionName" paramPatterns="y" type="DJS" [source=”*”]/>


name is the name of the function where one parameter is DJS (mandatory)

paramPatterns specifies which parameter in the above function is DJS (mandatory)

y the position of y indicates the function parameter that needs to be rewritten. In the syntax above, only the first parameter is rewritten

type is DJS (mandatory)

source is the URI of the page (optional, default is *, meaning any URI)

DJS Parameter Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content


menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information","JavaScript:top.location=''"));



<Function name="DJS" name="NavBarMenuItem" paramPatterns=",y"/>

<Variable name="URL">top.location</Variable>



menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information","JavaScript:top.location='gateway-URL/'"));



The first rule specifies that the second parameter of the function NavBarMenuItem which contains JavaScript needs is to be rewritten. Within the JavaScript, the variable top.location also needs to be rewritten. This variable is rewritten using the second rule.

Rules for XML Content

Web pages may contain XML content which in turn can contain URLs. XML content that needs to be rewritten is classified into two categories:

Tag Text

This rule is for rewriting the PCDATA of CDATA of the tag element.

This section is divided into the following parts:

Tag Text Syntax

<TagText tag="tagName" [attributePatterns=”attribute_patterns_for_ this_tag" source=”*”]/>


tagName is the name of the tag

attributePatterns is the attributes and their value patterns for this tag (optional, meaning this tag has no attributes at all)

source is the URI of this xml file (optional, default is *, meaning, any xml page)

Tag Text Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content


<attribute name="src">test.html</attribute>




<TagText tag="attribute" attributePatterns="name=src"/>



<attribute name="src">gateway-URL/< /attribute>




The first line in the page content has aAttribute Examplehe second line in the page content does not contain an attribute with the attribute called name and value of attribute name to be src, and hence no rewriting is done. To rewrite this also we need to have <TagText tag="attribute"/>


The rules for XML attributes are similar to the attribute rules for HTML. See “Attribute Rules for HTML Content,” on page 118. The difference is that attribute rules of XML are cases sensitive while HTML attribute rules are not. This is again due to case sensitivity built into XML and not into HTML

The Rewriter translates the attribute value based on the attribute name.

This section is divided into the following parts:

Attribute Syntax

<Attribute name="attributeName" [tag="*" type=”URL” valuePatterns="*" source=”*”]/>


attributeName is the name of the attribute (mandatory)

tag is the name of the tag, where this attribute is present (optional, deafult is * , meaning any tag)

valuePatterns See "Using Pattern-matching in Rules".

source is the URI of this XML page (optional, default is *, meaning in any XML page)

Attribute Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content


<baseroot href="/root.html"/>

<img href="image.html"/>

<string href="1234|substring.html"/>

<check href="1234|string.html"/>



<Attribute name="href"tag="check" valuePatterns="1234|"/>



<baseroot href="/root.html"/>

<img href="image.html"/>

<string href="1234|substring.html"/>

<check href="1234|gateway-URL/ tml"/>



In the above example, only the fourth line is rewritten since it meets all the conditions specified in the rule. See “Using Pattern-matching in Rules,” on page 116.

Rules for Cascading Style Sheets

The Cascading Style Sheets (including CCS2) in HTML pages are translated. There are no rules defined for this translation as the URL presents only in the url() functions and import syntaxes of the CSS.

Rules for WML

WML is similar to HTML and hence HTML rules are applied for WML content.Use the generic ruleset for WML content. See "Rules for HTML Content".

Configuring the Rewriter in the Gateway Service

Using the Gateway service, under the Rewriter tab, you can perform the following tasks within two categories, Basic and Advanced:

Basic Tasks

Enable Rewriting of All URLs

If you enable the Enable Rewriting of All URIs option in the Gateway service, the Rewriter rewrites any URL without checking against the entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list. Entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list are ignored.

    To Enable the Gateway to Rewrite All URLs
  1. Log in to the Sun™ ONE Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click Edit... for the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Edit Gateway Profile page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab.
  8. Select the Enable Rewriting of All URIs checkbox to enable the Gateway to rewrite all URLs.
  9. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  11. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Create List of URIs to RuleSet Mappings

Rulesets are created in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console. See the Sun ONE Portal Server Administrator’s Guide for details.

After the ruleset is created, you associate a domain with the ruleset using the URI to RuleSet Mappings list. The following two entries are added by default to the URI to RuleSet Mappings list:

This means that for all pages from portal directory with the domain, the default_gateway_ruleset is applied. For all other pages, the generic ruleset is applied. The default_gateway_ruleset and the generic_ruleset are pre-packaged rulesets.


For all the content appearing on the portal desktop, the ruleset for the default_gateway_ruleset is used, irrespective of where the content is fetched from.

For example, assume that the portal desktop is configured to scrape the content from the URL The Portal Server is in The ruleset for is applied to the fetched content.


The domain for which you specify a ruleset must be listed in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list.

Using Wildcards Within the Syntax

You can map a fully qualified URI or a partial URI by using an asterisk in the ruleset.

For example, you could apply the java_index_page_ruleset to an index.html page as follows:

or you could apply all pages in the java directory to the java_directory_ruleset, as follows:* /java_directory_ruleset

    To Map a URI to RuleSet
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab.
  8. Scroll to the URI to RuleSet Mappings field.
  9. Type the required domain or host name and the ruleset in the URI to RuleSet Mappings field and click Add.
  10. The entry is added to the URI to RuleSet Mappings list.

    The format for specifying the domain or host name and the ruleset is as follows:

    domain name|ruleset name

    For example:|default

Create List of Parser to MIME Mappings

The Rewriter has four different parsers to parse the web pages based on the content type - HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS and XML. Common MIME types are associated with these parsers by default. You can associate new MIME types with these parsers in the Parser to MIME Mappings field of the Gateway service. This extends the Rewriter functionality to other MIME types.

Separate multiple entries with a semicolon or a comma (";" or ",".)

For example:

HTML=text/html;text/htm;text/x-component;text/wml; text/vnl/wap.wml

means any content with these MIMEs are sent to the HTML Rewriter and HTML rules would be applied to rewrite the URLs.


Removing unnecessary parsers from the MIME mappings list can increase the speed of operation. For example, if you are sure that the content from a certain intranet will not have any JavaScript, you can remove the JAVASCRIPT entry from the MIME mappings list.

    To Specify MIME Mappings
  1. Login to the identity server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab.
  8. Scroll to the Parser to MIME Mappings field, and add the required MIME type in the edit box. Use a semicolon or comma to separate multiple entries.
  9. Specify the entry in the format HTML=text/html;text/htm

  10. Click Add to add the required entry to the list.
  11. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  12. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  13. portal-server-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Specify the Default Domain and Subdomain

The default domain and subdomain are useful when URLs contain only the host names without the domain and subdomain. In this case, the Gateway assumes that the host names are in the default domain and subdomain, and proceeds accordingly.

For example, if the host name in the URL is host1, and the default domain and subdomain are specified as, the host name is resolved as

    To Specify the Default Domain and Subdomain
  1. Login to the identity server administration console as administrator.
  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the right arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click Edit... for the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Edit Gateway Profile page displays.

  7. Scroll to the Default Domain Subdomain field and type the required default value in the format subdomain.domain name.
  8. Click Save at the top or bottom of the Edit Gateway Profile page to record the change.
  9. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  10. portal-server-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Advanced Tasks

Create List of URIs Not to Rewrite

    To Specify the Default Domain and Subdomain
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab, Advanced subsection.
  8. Scroll to the Not to Rewrite URI List field, and add the URI in the edit box.
  9. Note: Adding #* to this list allows URIs to be rewritten, even when the href rule is part of the ruleset.

  10. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  11. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  12. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Enable MIME Guessing

The Rewriter depends on the MIME type of the page to choose the parser. Some web servers such as WebLogic and Oracle do not send MIME types. To work around this, you can enable MIME guessing feature by adding data to the Parser to URI Mappings list box.

    To Enable MIME Guessing
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab, Advanced subsection.
  8. Select the Enable MIME Guessing checkbox to enable MIME Guessing.
  9. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  11. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Create List of Parser to URI Mappings

If the MIME Guessing checkbox is enabled and the server has not sent a MIME type, use this list box to map the parser to the URI.

Multiple URIs are separated by a semicolon.

For example HTML=*.html; *.htm;*Servlet

means that the HTML Rewriter is used to rewrite the content for any page with a html, htm, or Servlet extension.

    To Parse URI Mappings
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab, Advanced subsection.
  8. Scroll to the Parser to MIME Mappings field, and add the data to the edit box.
  9. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  11. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Enable Obfuscation

Obfuscation allows the Rewriter to rewrite a URI so that the Intranet URL of a page is not seen.

    To Enable Obfuscation
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway Profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab, Advanced subsection.
  8. Select the Enable Obfuscation checkbox to enable obfuscation.
  9. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  11. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Specify the Obfuscator Seed String

A seed string is used for obfuscation of a URI. It is a random string generated by an obfuscation algorithm.


Book marking of an obfuscated URI may not work if this seed string has been changed or if the Gateway is restarted.

    To Specify the Obfuscation Seed String
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab, Advanced subsection.
  8. Scroll to the Obfuscation Seed String field, and add a string to the edit box.
  9. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  11. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Create List of URIs Not to Obscure

Some applications (such as an applet) require an Internet URI and cannot be obscured. To specify those applications, add the URI to the list box.

For example if you added


to the list box, the URL would not be obfuscated if the content URI is matched in the ruleset rule.

    To Specify Not to Obscure the URI List
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab., Advanced subsection
  8. Scroll to the Not to Obscure the URI List field, and add the URIs to the edit box.
  9. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  11. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Make a Gateway Protocol the Same as the Original URI Protocol

When a gateway runs in both HTTP and HTTPS mode, you can enable the Rewriter to use a consistent protocol to access the referred resources in the HTML content.

For example, if the original URL is then the HTTP gateway is added. If the original URL is then the HTTPS gateway is added.


This applies only to static URIs, not to dynamic URIs generated in Javascript.

    To Make a Gateway Protocol the Same as the Original URI Protocol
  1. Log in to the Identity Server admin console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. Click the Rewriter tab, Advanced subsection.
  8. Select the Make Gateway Protocol the Same as the Original URI Protocol checkbox.
  9. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  10. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  11. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Troubleshooting Using Debug Logs

To troubleshoot a Rewriter problem, you need to enable debug logs.

Debug Messages are classified as follows.

Setting the Rewriter Debug Level

    To Set the Rewriter Debug Level
  1. Log in as root to the Gateway machine and edit the following file:
  2. gateway-install-root/SUNWam/lib/

  3. Set the debug level:

    The debug levels are:

    error - Only serious errors are logged in the debug file. The Rewriter usually stops functioning when such errors occur.

    warning - Warning messages are logged.

    message - All debug messages are logged.

    off - No debug messages are logged.

  5. Specify the directory for the debug files in the following property of the file:

    where /var/opt/SUNWam/debug is the default debug directory.

  7. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  8. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Debug File Names

When the debug level is set to message, debug generates a set of files. Table 3-2 lists the Rewriter files and the information contained within them. The first column is the name of the debug file and the second column describes what the file contains.

Table 3-2  Rewriter Debug Files




All the rulesets which have been used for rewriting, are logged in this file.

Original Pages

Contains the page URI, resolveURI (if it is different than the page URI), content MIME, the ruleset that has been applied to the page, parser MIME, and the original content.

Specific error/warning/messages related to parsing also appear in this file.

In message mode full content is logged, in warning and error mode only exception occurred during rewriting are logged.

Rewritten Pages

Contains the page URI, resolveURI (if it is different than the page URI), content MIME, ruleset that has been applied to the page, parser MIME, and the rewritten content.

This is filled when the debug mode is set to message.

Unaffected Pages

Contains a list the pages that were not modified.

URIInfo Pages

This file contains the URLS found and translated. Details of all the pages whose content remain same as original data is logged in this file.

Details logged are: Page URI, MIME and Encoding data, rulesetID used for rewriting, and Parser MIME.

In addition to the above files, the Rewriter generates a file for debug messages that are not captured in the above files. This filename consists of two parts: the first part is either pwRewriter or psSRARewriter and the second part is an extension using either portal or the gateway profile name.

The debug files are displayed on the portal or the Gateway. These files are in the directory indicated in the file.

The the Rewriter component generates the following set of files to help in debugging,







prefix is either psRewriter for URLScraper usage logs or psSRAPRewriter for Gateway usage logs.

extension is either portal for URLScaper usage or gateway-profile-name for Gateway usage.

For example, if the Rewriter on the Gateway is used to convert pages and the default gateway profile is used, debug creates these files:







Working Samples

This section includes:

These sample pages are available in the portal-server-URL/rewriter directory. You can browse through the page before the rule is applied, and then view the file with the rewritten output through your Gateway to see how the rule works. In some samples, the rule is already a part of the default_gateway_ruleset. In some samples, you may have to include the rule in the default_gateway_ruleset. This is mentioned at the appropriate places.


Some of the statements appear in bold to indicate that they have been rewritten.

The following samples are available:

Samples for HTML Content

Sample for HTML Attributes

    To Use the HTML Attributes Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/attrib/attribrule.html

  3. Ensure that and are defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.
  4. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

You need not add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset since it is already defined.

HTML Before Rewriting


Rewriting starts


<title>TEST PAGE () </title>




1.a href <a href="">http://..</a>


2. href <a href="">https://..</a>


3. href <a href="../images/logo.gif">../images/</a>


4. href <a href="images/logo.gif">images/..</a> <br><br>

5. href <a href="../../images/logo.gif">../../images/</a> <br><br>

Rewriting ends



<Attribute name="href"/>

HTML After Rewriting


Rewriting starts


<title>TEST PAGE () </title>




1. a href <a href="gateway-URL/">http://. .</a> <br>

// This URL is rewritten since the <Attrib name="href"/> rule is already defined in the default_gateway_ruleset. Since the URL is already absolute, only the Gateway URL is prefixed. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Else, the Gateway URL is not prefixed, since a direct connection is assumed.

2. href <a href="gateway-URL/">https://..</a>

// Again, needs to be defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Else, the Gateway URL is not prefixed, since a direct connection is assumed.


3. href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/images/ f">../images/</a>

// Since a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the portal-server-URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories. This link will not work since there is no directory called images under the HTML directory in the sample structure provided.


4 href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/attrib/images/ logo.gif">images/..</a> <br><br>

// Since a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the Portal Server URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories.

5. href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/images/logo.gif">.. /../images/</a> <br><br>

// Since a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the Portal Server URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories. This link will not work since there is no directory called images under the rewriter directory in the sample structure provided.

Rewriting ends


Sample for HTML Dynamic JavaScript Tokens
    To Use the HTML JavaScript Token Sample:
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/jstokens/JStokens.html

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".
  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Before Rewriting



Rewriting starts

<script language="javascript">

function Check(test,ind){

if (ind == 'blur')

{alert("testing onBlur")}

if (ind == 'focus')

{alert("testing onFocus")}






<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onAbort="Check('/indexblur.html','blur');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onBlur="Check('/indexblur.html','blur');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onFocus="Check('/focus.html','focus');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onChange="Check('/focus.html','focus');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check('/focus.html','blur');return;">




Rewriting ends



<Attribute name=”onClick” type=”DJS”/>

<Function type="URL" name="Check" paramPatterns="y"/>


<Function name="URL" name="Check" paramPatterns="y"/> is a JavaScript function rule and is explained in detail in the JavaScript function sample.

HTML After Rewriting



Rewriting starts

<script language="javascript">

function Check(test,ind){

if (ind == 'blur')

{alert("testing onBlur")}

if (ind == 'focus')

{alert("testing onFocus")}






<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onAbort="Check('gateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html','blur');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onBlur="Check('gateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html','blur');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onFocus="Check('gateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html','focus');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onChange="Check('gateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html','focus');return;">

<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check('gateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html','blur');return;">

// All the statements are rewritten in this sample. the Gateway and Portal Server URLs are prefixed in each case. This is because rules for onAbort, onBlur, onFocus, onChange, and onClick are defined in the default_gateway_ruleset file. The Rewriter detects the JavaScript tokens and passes it to the JavaScript function rules for further processing. The second rule listed in the sample tells the Rewriter which parameter to rewrite.



Rewriting ends


Sample for HTML Forms

    To Use the Form Sample
  1. Access the sample from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/forms/formrule.html

  3. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.
  4. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  5. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting HTML Attributes".
  6. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  7. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  8. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">







<form name="form1" method="Post" action="">

<input type="hidden" name="name1" value="0|1234|/test.html">

<input type="hidden" name="name3" value="../../html/test.html">

<form name="form2" method="Post" action=""><br>

<input type="hidden" name="name1" value="0|1234|../../html/test.html"></form>

RW_END </p>




<Form source="*" name="form1" field="name1" valuePatterns="0|1234|"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting







<FORM name=form1 method=POST action="gateway-URL/ l">

// This URL is rewritten since <Attribute name="action"/> is defined as part of the HTML rules in the default_gateway_rulesetdefault_gateway_ruleset. Since the URL is already absolute, only the Gateway URL needs to be prefixed. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Else, the Gateway URL is not prefixed, since a direct connection is assumed.

<input type=hidden name=name1 value="0|1234|gateway URL/portal-server-URL/test.html">

// Here the form name is form1, and the field name is name1. This matches the form name and field name specified in the rule. The rule states the valuePatterns as 0|1234| which matches the value in this statement. Hence the URL occurring after the valuePattern is rewritten. The Portal Server URL and the Gateway URL are prefixed. See “Using Pattern-matching in Rules,” on page 116 for details on valuePatterns.

<input type=hidden name=name3 value="../../html/test.html">

// This URL is not rewritten since the name does not match the field name specified in the rule.


<FORM name=form2 method=POST action="gateway-URL/ l"><BR>

// This URL is rewritten since <Attribute name="action"/> is defined as part of the HTML rules in the default ruleset. Since the URL is already absolute, only the Gateway URL needs to be prefixed.

<input type=hidden name=name1 value="0|1234|../../html/test.html">

// This URL is not rewritten since the form name does not match the name specified in the rule.





Sample for HTML Applets

    To Use the Sample for Applets
  1. Obtain the applet class file. The RewriteURLinApplet.class file is present in the following location:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/applet/appletcode

    The base URL of the page where the applet code is present is:


  3. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting HTML Attributes".
  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Before Rewriting


Rewriting starts


<applet codebase=appletcode code=RewriteURLinApplet.class archive=/test>

<param name=Test1 value="/index.html">

<param name=Test2 value="../index.html">

<param name=Test3 value="../../index.html">


Rewriting ends



<Applet source="*/rule1.html" code="RewriteURLinApplet.class" param="Test*" />

HTML After Rewriting


Rewriting starts


<APPLET codebase=gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/applet/appl etcode=RewriteURLinApplet.class archive=/test>

// This URL is rewritten since the rule <Attribute name="codebase"/> is already present as part of the default_gateway_ruleset file. the Gateway and the Portal Server URLs are prefixed along with the path up to the appletcode directory.

<param name=Test1 value="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/index.html">

// This URL is rewritten since the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. Since index.html is specified to be at the root level, the Gateway and Portal Server URLs are prefixed directly.

<param name=Test2 value="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/index.html">

// This URL is rewritten since the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. The path is prefixed as required.

<param name=Test3 value="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/index.html">

// This URL is rewritten since the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. The path is prefixed as required.


Rewriting ends


Samples for JavaScript Content

Sample for JavaScript URL Variables

    To Use the JavaScript URL Variables Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables/url/js_urls.html

  3. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.
  4. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  5. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".
  6. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  7. If you added the rule, restart the Gateway:
  8. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting


Rewriting starts


<title>JavaScript Variable test page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


//URL Variables

var imgsrc="/tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="./tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="../tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="../../tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="";

var imgsrc="../../../tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="tmp/tmp.jpg";




Testing JavaScript variables!


<img src="images/logo.gif">





Rewriting ends



<Variable name=”imgsrc” type="URL"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting


Rewriting starts


<title>JavaScript Variable test page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


//URL Variables

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variab les/url/tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variab les/tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/tmp/tm p.jpg";

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/";

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/tmp/tmp.jpg";

var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variab les/url/tmp/tmp.jpg";

// All the above URLs are JavaScript variables of type URL and name imgsrc as specified in the rule. Hence they are prefixed with the Gateway and the Portal Server URLs. The path following the Portal Server URL is prefixed as required.




Testing JavaScript variables!


<img src="gateway URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables/url/images/logo.gif">

// This line is rewritten since the rule <Attribute name="src"/> is defined in the default_gateway_ruleset





Rewriting ends


Sample for JavaScript EXPRESSION Variables

    To Use the JavaScript Expression Variables Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables/expr/expr.html

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".
  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. If you added the rule, restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting



<title>JavaScript EXPRESSION Variables Test Page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


//Expression variables

var expvar1="images";

var expvar2="/logo.gif";

var expvar = expvar1 + expvar2;

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")

var expvar="/images/logo"+".gif";

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")



Testing JavaScript EXPRESSION variables




<Variable type=”EXPRESSION” name="expvar"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting



<title>JavaScript EXPRESSION Variables Test Page</title>




// Rewriter appends the wrapper function psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression here


<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


//Expression variables

var expvar1="images";

var expvar2="/logo.gif";

var expvar =psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression( expvar1 + expvar2);

// The Rewriter recognizes the right hand side of this statement to be a JavaScript EXPRESSION variable. The Rewriter is not able to resolve the value of this expression at the server end. Hence, the psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression function is prefixed to the expression. The expression is evaluated at the client end, and rewritten as required.

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")

// The rewritten value of expvar from the previous statement is used to arrive at the value of this expression. Since the result is a valid URL (a graphic exists at this location in the sample), the link will work.

var expvar="gateway URL/portal-server-URL/images/logo"+".gif";

// The Rewriter recognizes the right hand side of expvar to be a string expression. This can be resolved at the server side, and hence is rewritten directly.

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")

// The rewritten value of expvar from the previous statement is used to arrive at the value of this expression. Since the result is a not a valid URL (a graphic does not exist at the resultant location), the link will not work.



Testing JavaScript EXPRESSION variables



Sample for JavaScript DHTML Variables

    To Use the JavaScript DHTML Variables Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables/dhtml/dhtml.html

  3. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.
  4. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. If you added the rule, restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting



<title>JavaScript DHTML Variable Test Page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">



var dhtmlVar="<a href=../../images/test.html>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=/../images/test.html>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=/images/test.html>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=images/test.html>"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=>"

var dhtmlVar="<img src=>"




Testing DHTML Variables


<img src="images/logo.gif">IMAGE




<Variable name="DHTML">dhtmlVar</Variable>

HTML Page After Rewriting



<title>JavaScript DHTML Variable Test Page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">



var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/images/te st.html>"

// The JavaScript DHTML rule identifies the right hand side of the dhtmlVar as dynamic HTML content. So the HTML rules in the default_gateway_ruleset file are applied. The dynamic HTML contains a href attribute. The default_gateway_ruleset defines the rule <Attribute name="href"/>. Hence the value of the href attribute is rewritten. But the URL is not absolute. So, the relative URL is replaced with the base URL of the page, and the required subdirectories. This is in turn prefixed with the Gateway URL to derive the final rewritten output.

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/../images/test.html>"

// Although the base URL of the page is appended, and the Gateway URL is prefixed, the resultant URL will not work. This is because the initial URL /../images/test.html is inaccurate.

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/images/test.html>"

// Here again, the JavaScript DHTML rule identifies the right hand side to be dynamic HTML content, and passes it to the HTML rules. The HTML rule <Attribute name="href"/> from the default_gateway_ruleset is applied, and the statement is rewritten as shown. the Gateway URL and Portal Server URL are prefixed.

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables/dhtml/images/test.html >"

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway URL/>"

var dhtmlVar="<img src=gateway-URL/>"

// The JavaScript DHTML rule identifies the dynamic HTML content on the right hand side, and passes the statement to the HTML rules. The <Attribute name="src"/> rule in the default_gateway_ruleset is applied. Since the URL is absolute, only the Gateway URL needs to be prefixed. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list for this URL to be rewritten.




Testing DHTML Variables


<img src="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables /dhtml/images/logo.gif">

// This line is rewritten since the rule <Attribute name="src"/> is defined in the default_gateway_ruleset.





Sample for JavaScript DJS Variables

    To Use the JavaScript DJS Variables Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables/djs/djs.html

  3. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.
  4. Add the two rules specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting



<title>Dynamic JavaScript Variable Test Page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='/tmp/tmp/jpg';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='../../../tmp/tmp/jpg';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='';"




Testing Dynamic JavaScript Variables


<img src="images/logo.gif">






<Variable name=”dJSVar” type="DJS"/>

<Variable name="dJSimgsrc“ type=URL"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting



<title>Dynamic JavaScript Variable Test Page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">


var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/tmp/tmp/jpg';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/tmp/tmp/jpg';"

var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc='gateway-URL/';"

// All the above statements are rewritten with the Gateway and Portal Server URLs. The required path is prefixed as appropriate. The first rule identifies the right hands side of dJSVar as a dynamic JavaScript variable. This is then passed to the second rule which identifies the right hand side of dJSimgsrc as a JavaScript variable of type URL. This is rewritten accordingly.




Testing Dynamic JavaScript Variables


<img src="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables /djs/images/logo.gif">

// This line is rewritten since the rule <Attribute name="src"/> is defined in the default_gateway_ruleset.





Sample for JavaScript SYSTEM Variables

    To Use the JavaScript System Variables Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/variables/system/system.html

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".
  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting



<title>JavaScript SYSTEM Variables Test Page</title>



<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">




//document.write("<A HREF="+window.location.pathname+">SYSTEM</A><P>")



Testing JavaScript SYSTEM Variables


This page displays the path where the current page is located when it is loaded.




<Variable name=”window.location.pathname” type="SYSTEM"/>

HTML After Rewriting



<title>JavaScript SYSTEM Variables Test Page</title>




convertsystem function definition...


<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">



alert(psSRAPRewriter_convert_system(window.location, window.location.pathname,”window.location”));

// The Rewriter identifies window.location.pathname as a JavaScript SYSTEM variable. The value of this variable cannot be determined at the server end. So the Rewriter prefixes the variable with the psSRAPRewriter_convert_pathname function. This wrapper function determines the value of the variable at the client end and rewrites as required.



Testing JavaScript SYSTEM Variables


This page displays the path where the current page is located when it is loaded.



Sample for JavaScript URL Functions

    To Use the JavaScript URL Functions Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/functions/url/url.html

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  4. Restart the Gateway:
  5. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting



JavaScript URL Function Test Page


<script language="JavaScript">


function test(one,two,three)


alert(one + "##" + two + "##" +three);








<Function type="URL" name="test" paramPatterns="y,y"/>

<Function type="URL" name="" paramPatterns="y"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting



JavaScript URL Function Test Page


<script language="JavaScript">


function test(one,two,three)


alert(one + "##" + two + "##" +three);


test("/test.html","../test.html","123");"gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/index.html","gen",width=500,hei ght=500);





Sample for JavaScript EXPRESSION Functions

    To Use the JavaScript Expressions Function Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/functions/expr/expr.html

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".
  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting



JavaScript EXPRESSION Function Test Page


<script language="JavaScript">


function jstest2()


return ".html";


function jstest1(one)


return one;


var dir="/images/test"

var test1=jstest1(dir+"/test"+jstest2());

document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">Test</a>");







<Function type="EXPRESSION" name="jstest1" paramPatterns="y"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting



JavaScript EXPRESSION Function Test Page




// various functions including psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression appear here.



<script language="JavaScript">


function jstest2()


return ".html";


function jstest1(one)


return one;


var dir="/images/test"

var test1=jstest1(psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression(dir+"/test"+jste st2()));

// The rule states that the first parameter in the function jstest1 which is of type EXPRESSION needs to be rewritten. The value of this expression is /test/images/test.html. This is prefixed with the Portal Server and the Gateway URLs.

document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">Test</a>");






Sample for JavaScript DHTML Functions

    To Use the JavaScript DHTML Functions Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/functions/dhtml/dhtml.html

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".
  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting



Testing JavaScript DHTML Functions





document.write('<a href="/index.html">write</a><BR>')

document.writeln('<a href="index.html">writeln</a><BR>')






<body BGCOLOR=white>


Testing document.write and document.writeln




<Function type="DHTML" name=" document.write" paramPatterns="y"/>

<Function type="DHTML" name=" document.writeln" paramPatterns="y"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting



Testing JavaScript DHTML Functions





document.write('<a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/index.html">write</a><BR>')

// The first rule specifies that the first parameter of the DHTML JavaScript function document.write needs to be rewritten. The Rewriter identifies the first parameter to be a simple HTML statement. The HTML rules section in the default_gateway_ruleset has the rule <Attribute name="href" /> which indicates that the statement needs to be rewritten.

document.writeln('<a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/function s/dhtml/index.html">writeln</a><BR>')

// The second rule specifies that the first parameter of the DHTML JavaScript function document.writeln needs to be rewritten. The Rewriter identifies the first parameter to be a simple HTML statement. The HTML rules section in the default_gateway_ruleset has the rule <Attribute name="href" /> which indicates that the statement needs to be rewritten.



// The above statements are not rewritten although the DHTML rule identifies the functions document.write and document.writeln. This is because the first parameter in this case is not simple HTML. It could be any string, and the Rewriter does not know how to rewrite this.




<body BGCOLOR=white>


Testing document.write and document.writeln



Sample for JavaScript DJS Functions

    To Use the JavaScript DJS Functions Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/JavaScript/functions/djs/djs.html

  3. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.
  4. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  5. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  6. Restart the Gateway:
  7. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

HTML Page Before Rewriting


Test for JavaScript DJS Functions



menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available


//menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information",""));




<Function type="DJS" name="NavBarMenuItem" paramPatterns=",y"/>

<Variable type="URL" name=”top.location”/>

HTML Page After Rewriting


Testing JavaScript DJS Functions



menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information","javaScript:top.location='gateway-URL/'"));

// is an entry in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Hence the Rewriter needs to rewrite this URL. But since it is an absolute URL, the Portal Server URL need not be prefixed. The DJS rule states that the second parameter of the DJS function NavBarMenuItem needs to be rewritten. But the second parameter if the function is again a JavaScript variable. A second rule is required to rewrite the value of this variable. The second rule specifies that the value of the JavaScript variable top.location needs to be rewritten. Since all these conditions are met, the URL is rewritten.

//menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information",""));

// Although the DJS rule specifies that the second parameter of the function NavBarMenuItem needs to be rewritten, it does not happen in this statement. This is because the Rewriter does not recognize the second parameter as simple HTML.



Sample for XML Attributes

    To Use the XML Attributes Sample
  1. This sample can be accessed from:
  2. portal-server-URL/rewriter/XML/attrib.html

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting XML Source".
  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service of the Portal Server Configuration in the Identity Server administration console.
  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

XML Before Rewriting





<baseroot href="/root.html"/>



<img href="image.html"/>



<string href="1234|substring.html"/>



<check href="1234|string.html"/>






<Attribute name="href" tag="check" valuePatterns="1234|"/>

HTML After Rewriting


Rewriting starts




<xml><baseroot href="/root.html"/></xml>

<xml><img href="image.html"/></xml>

<xml><string href="1234|substring.html"/></xml>

<xml><check href="1234|gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/XML/string.htm l"/></xml>

// This statement is rewritten since it matches the conditions specified in the rule. The attribute name is href, tag is check and the valuePatterns is 1234. The string following valuePatterns is rewritten. See “Using Pattern-matching in Rules,” on page 116 for details on valuePatterns.


Rewriting ends


Case Study

This section includes the source HTML pages for a sample mail client. This case study does not cover all possible scenarios and rules. This is just a sample ruleset to help you put together the rules for your intranet pages.


The following assumptions are made for this case study:

Sample page 1

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<!-- saved from url=(0053) -->


<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; CHARSET=utf-8">

<META http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache>

<META http-equiv=Expires content=0><!--Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.--><!--CURRENT FILE== "IE5" "WIN32" navbar -->





<LINK href="destin_files/navbar.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>

<SCRIPT language=javascript>

var g_szUserBase= ""+"/";

var g_szFolder= ".";

var g_szVirtualRoot= "";

var g_szImagePath= g_szVirtualRoot + "/img/";


<SCRIPT src="/destin_files/navbar.js"></SCRIPT>

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2600.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>

<BODY oncontextmenu=return(event.ctrlKey); onselectstart=return(false);

id=outbar_mainbody style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: appworkspace" leftMargin=0

topMargin=0 scroll=no>

<TABLE class=nbTableMain id=nbTableMain style="HEIGHT: 100%" cellSpacing=0

cols=1 cellPadding=0 rows="2">



<TD class=treeBrand>

<DIV class=treeOFLOW><IMG


src="/destin_files/logo-ie5.gif" border=0></DIV></TD></TR>

<TR height="100%">


<TABLE class=nbTable cellSpacing=0 cols=1 cellPadding=0 rows="4">



<TD class=nbFlybar id=show_navbar onkeydown=flybar_keydown()

onclick=ToggleTab( tabIndex=0 noWrap>

<DIV class=treeOFLOW>Shortcuts</DIV></TD></TR>

<TR style="HEIGHT: 100%">

<TD id=idOutbarpane style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" vAlign=top><A


href=" &amp;Page=1"

target=viewer alt="Go to inbox"><IMG class=nbImage alt="Go to inbox"


<DIV class=nbLabel>Inbox</DIV><BR><A id=calendar


target=viewer alt="Go to calendar"><IMG class=nbImage

alt="Go to calendar" src="destin_files/navbar-calendar.gif"></A>

<DIV class=nbLabel>Calendar</DIV><BR><A id=contacts


target=viewer alt="Go to contacts"><IMG class=nbImage

alt="Go to contacts" src="destin_files/navbar-contacts.gif"></A>

<DIV class=nbLabel>Contacts</DIV><BR><A id=options


target=viewer alt="Go to options"><IMG class=nbImage

alt="Go to options" src="destin_files/navbar-options.gif"></A>

<DIV class=nbLabel>Options</DIV></TD></TR>

<TR style="HEIGHT: 1.5em">

<TD class=nbFlybar id=show_folders onkeydown=flybar_keydown()

onclick=ToggleTab( tabIndex=0 noWrap>

<DIV class=treeOFLOW>Folders</DIV></TD></TR>


<TD class=nbTreeProgress id=treeProgress style="DISPLAY: none"

vAlign=top noWrap><SPAN id=idLoading

style="OVERFLOW: hidden">Loading...</SPAN>




Table 3-3 shows the mapping between the sample ruleset and the case study. The first column lists the page content, the second column lists the rule that is applied, the third column shows the Rewriter output, and the fourth column is a description of how the rule is applied.

Table 3-3  Mapping Between Sample Ruleset and Case Study

Page Content

Rule Applied

Rewriter Output


var g_szVirtualRoot="http://";

<Variable name="URL"> g_szVirtualRoot </Variable>

var g_szVirtualRoot= " m/ ailweb";

g_szVirtualRoot is a variable whose value is a simple URL.

This rule tells the Rewriter to search for a variable g_szVirtualRoot of type URL. If such a variable exists in the web page, the Rewriter converts this to an absolute URL, and prefixes the Gateway URL.

src="/destin_files/logo- ie5.gif"

<Attribute name="src" />

src="http://gateway.sest om/destin_files/logo-ie5 .gif

src is the name of an attribute, and does not have any tag or valuePattern attached to it.

This rule tells the Rewriter to search for all attributes with the name src, and rewrite the value of that attribute.

href="http://abc.siroe.c om/mailclient/destin/Inb ox/?Cmd=contents&amp;Pag e=1"

<Attribute name="href"/>


href is the name of an attribute, and does not have any tag or valuePattern attached to it.

This rule tells the Rewriter to search for all attributes with the name href, and rewrite the value of that attribute.


The order of priority for applying the ruleset is hostname-subdomain-domain.

For example, assume that you have the following entries in the Domain-based rulesets list:|ruleset1|ruleset2|ruleset3

ruleset3 is applied for all pages on host1.

ruleset2 is applied for all pages in the eng subdomain, except for pages retrieved from host1.

ruleset1 is applied for all pages in the domain, except for pages retrieved from the eng subdomain, and from host1.

  1. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page to record the change.
  2. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:
  3. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Ruleset for Outlook Web Access

Secure Remote Access supports Outlook Web Access 2000 sp3 on the Sun ONE web server and the IBM application server.

    To Configure the OWA Ruleset
  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway Profile page displays.

  5. Click the Gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Gateway - gateway-profile-name page displays.

  7. In the URI to RuleSet Mappings field, enter the server name where Exchange 2000 is installed followed by the exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 OWA ruleset.
  8. For example:|exchange_2000sp3_owa_ruleset.

Mapping of 6.x RuleSet with 3.0

The following table lists the mapping of the Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Rewriter rules with the previous releases of the Sun™ ONE Portal Server.

Table 3-4  Mapping of Rules with SP4 

Rewriter 6.0 DTD Element

Rewriter 3.0 List Box Name

Rules for HTML Content

Attribute - URL

Rewrite HTML Attributes

Attribute - DJS

Rewrite HTML Attributes containing JavaScript


Rewrite Form Input Tag List


Rewrite Applet/Object Parameter Values List

Rules for JavaScript Content

Variable - URL

Rewrite JavaScript Variables in URL


Rewrite JavaScript Variables Function

Variable - DHTML

Rewrite JavaScript Variables in HTML

Variable - DJS

Rewrite JavaScript Variables in JavaScript

Variable - SYSTEM

Rewrite JavaScript System Variables

Function - URL

Rewrite JavaScript Function Parameters


Rewrite JavaScript Function Parameters Function

Function - DHTML

Rewrite JavaScript Function Parameters in HTML

Function - DJS

Rewrite JavaScript Function Parameters In JavaScript

Rules for XML Content

Attribute - URL

Rewrite Attribute value of XML Document


Rewrite Text data of XMl Document

Rules for CSS Content

Rules are not required. By default, all URLs are translated

Rules for WML Content

No rules defined. WML is treated at HTML and HTML rules are applied.

Rules for WMLScript Content

No support for WML Script

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.