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Sun ONE Identity Server Deployment Guide

Appendix F
Installing in a chroot Environment

This appendix provides instructions for installing and running Sun ONE Identity Server in a chroot environment. This appendix contains the following sections:


Chroot comes from the change root function in Unix®. When Identity Server is installed in a chroot environment, a named directory becomes the root directory. The new chroot directory then becomes the starting point in the path for all Identity Server searches. The chroot prevents malicious programs from accessing the real root file system, providing an added measure of security for the Web Server and Directory Server processes that power Identity Server.

Before Creating chroot

Before beginning the chroot creation process, the following points should be noted:

Creating a chroot Environment

Identity Server processes that serve requests cannot see or access files outside the chroot directory so the appropriate Identity Server files must be copied into the chroot directory structure. The first step is to create the user root environment for Identity Server. This new root must contain everything that Identity Server expects from the natural root (/).


$CHROOT is the variable name for the chroot directory.

  1. Create the following system directories on the computer system that will host Identity Server.
  2. /dev

















  3. Create system soft links using the command ln -s.
  4. The following soft links should be created:

    • /usr/bin -> bin
    • /usr/lib -> lib
    • /var/tmp -> tmp
  5. Create devices under $CHROOT using the command mknod.

  6. Tip

    For example, to create the device /dev/tcp under the $CHROOT directory, enter:

    mknod dev/tcp c 11 42

    The following devices should be created under the $CHROOT directory:

    • /dev/null
    • /dev/tcp
    • /dev/ticots
    • /dev/ticlts
    • /dev/ticotsord
    • /dev/tty
    • /dev/udp
    • /dev/zero
    • /dev/conslog
  7. Copy files from directory /etc to corresponding locations under the $CHROOT directory. (For example, copy /etc/hosts to $CHROOT/etc/hosts.)
  8. The following files should be copied:

    • /etc/hosts
    • /etc/nsswitch.conf
    • /etc/vfstab
    • /etc/group
    • /etc/passwd
    • /etc/shadow
    • /etc/hosts
    • /etc/resolv.conf
    • /etc/nsswitch.conf
  9. Copy binaries to the corresponding locations under the $CHROOT directory. (For example, copy /usr/bin/sh to $CHROOT/usr/bin/sh.)
  10. The following files should be copied:

    • /usr/bin/sh
    • /usr/bin/ls
    • /usr/bin/cat
    • /usr/bin/date
    • /usr/bin/dirname
    • /usr/bin/mv
    • /usr/bin/expr
    • /usr/bin/file
    • /usr/bin/awk
    • /usr/bin/grep
    • /usr/bin/gettext
    • /usr/bin/echo
    • /usr/bin/rm
    • /usr/bin/sed
    • /usr/bin/sleep
    • /usr/bin/hostname
    • /usr/bin/domainname
    • /usr/bin/cut
    • /usr/bin/uname
    • /usr/bin/ksh
    • /usr/bin/basename
    • /usr/bin/id
    • /usr/bin/chmod
    • /usr/bin/nohup
    • /usr/bin/pkginfo
    • /usr/bin/su
    • /usr/bin/chown
    • /usr/bin/ftp
    • /usr/bin/isainfo
    • /usr/bin/ldd
    • /usr/bin/truss
    • /usr/bin/rm
    • /usr/xpg4/bin/id
  11. Copy libraries to corresponding locations under the $CHROOT directory. (For example, copy /usr/lib/* to $CHROOT/usr/lib/.)

  12. Note

    If the computer system in which Identity Server is installed is a 64-bit machine, the libraries from /usr/lib/64 and /usr/lib/lwp/64 need to be copied to $CHROOT/usr/lib/64 and $CHROOT/usr/lib/lwp/64, respectively.

    The following files should be copied:

    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/libproject*
    • /usr/lib/libproc*
    • /usr/lib/libsecdb*
    • /usr/lib/libcmd*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/libX*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/libkstat*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/lddstub*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/*
    • /usr/lib/locale
    • /usr/lib/*
  13. Copy the zoneinfo files to corresponding locations under the $CHROOT directory. (For example, copy /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/* to $CHROOT/usr/share/lib/.)
  14. Copy the locale files to corresponding locations under the $CHROOT directory. (For example, copy /usr/lib/locale/* to $CHROOT/usr/lib/locale.)

Installing Identity Server Under chroot

  1. Install Identity Server 6.1 in a directory other than $CHROOT.
  2. If an installation directory is not specified, Identity Server is installed, by default, in /opt/IdentityServer_base .

  3. Stop the instance of Sun ONE Web Server.
  4. ./WebServer_base/https-instanceName/https-stop

  5. Stop the instance of Sun ONE Directory Server.
  6. ./DirectoryServer_base/slapd-instanceName/stop-slapd

  7. Copy the entire Identity Server directly from IdentityServer_base to the $CHROOT directory using the same structure.
  8. Copy files from the following locations to the corresponding directories under $CHROOT:
    • /etc/opt/SUNWam
    • /var/opt/SUNWam
    • /etc/init.d/amserver
  9. Create a loopback mount for Java.
  10. The following command makes Identity Server ready to run under chroot environment:

    mount -F lofs /usr/j2se $CHROOT/usr/j2se

  11. Create a loopback mount for /usr/share/lib and /usr/lib/mps.
  12. Examples:

    mount -F lofs /usr/share/lib $CHROOT/usr/share/lib

    mount -F lofs /usr/lib/mps $CHROOT/usr/lib/mps

Starting Identity Server In chroot

To start Identity Server in the chroot environment, both Directory Server and Web Server must be started.

  1. Start Directory Server using the chroot command:
  2. chroot $ROOT $IS_ROOT/DSServers/slapd-hostName/start-slapd

  3. Start Web Server using the chroot command:
  4. chroot $ROOT $IS_ROOT/SUNWam/servers/https-instanceName/https-start

Identity Server Log Files In chroot

Identity Server normally creates log files (Error Log, Debug, etc.) in the following directory:

/var/opt/SUNWam/debug and /var/opt/SUNWam/logs

Under chroot these log files will be created at the following locations:



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