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Sun ONE Message Queue, Version 3.0.1 Administrator's Guide

List of Figures

Figure 1-1    Centralized vs. Peer to Peer Messaging    

Figure 1-2    Message Service Architecture    

Figure 1-3    JMS Programming Objects    

Figure 1-4    Messaging with MDBs    

Figure 2-1    MQ System Architecture    

Figure 2-2    Broker Components    

Figure 2-3    Connection Services Support    

Figure 2-4    Persistence Manager Support    

Figure 2-5    Security Manager Support    

Figure 2-6    Logging Scheme    

Figure 2-7    Multi-Broker (Cluster) Architecture    

Figure 2-8    Messaging Operations    

Figure 2-9    Message Delivery to MQ Client Runtime    

Figure 3-1    Local and Remote Administration Utilities    

Figure 5-1    Broker Configuration Files    

Figure B-1    HTTP/HTTPS Support Architecture    

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Part Number 817-0354-10