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Sun ONE Message Queue, Version 3.0.1 Administrator's Guide

List of Procedures

To start the Administration Console

To display Administration Console help information

To start a broker

To add a broker to the Administration Console

To change the administrator password

To connect to the broker

To view available connection services

To add a queue destination to a broker

To view the properties of a physical destination

To purge messages from a destination

To delete a destination

To add a file-system object store

To display the properties of an object store

To connect to an object store

To add a connection factory to an object store

To add a destination to an object store

To view or update the properties of a destination object

To run the SimpleJNDIClient application

To connect brokers into a cluster

To add a broker to a cluster if you are using a cluster configuration file

To restore the Master Broker in case of failure

To change the Logger configuration for a broker

To edit the configuration file to use an LDAP server

To set up a ssljms connection service

To regenerate a key pair

To plug in a JDBC-accessible data store

To implement HTTP support

To enable the httpjms connection service

To add a tunnel servlet

To configure a virtual path (servlet URL) for a tunnel servlet

To load the tunnel servlet at web server startup

To disable the server access log

To deploy the http tunnel servlet as a WAR file

To implement HTTPS support

To enable the httpsjms connection service

To configure JSSE

To add a tunnel servlet

To configure a virtual path (servlet URL) for a tunnel servlet

To load the tunnel servlet at web server startup

To disable the server access log

To modify the HTTPS tunnel servlet WAR file

To deploy the https tunnel servlet as a WAR file

To see logged service error events

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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Part Number 817-0354-10