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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Getting Started Guide


This chapter describes the contents of Sun™ Open Net Environment (Sun ONE) Application Server 7 Getting Started Guide.

This preface contains the following sections:

About This Guide

This Getting Started Guide is intended for first-time users of the Sun ONE Application Server. It offers a brief, hands-on means of gaining familiarity with basic development and administrative facilities of the product. Following this guide will typically take one to two hours of your time. Prior application server and development experience are not prerequisites for the exercises in this guide.

The guide first introduces you to the application server, then leads you through the configuration of a typical environment. Next, it describes the basic Evaluation Installation process for users who have not yet installed the product. The guide then demonstrates some commonly performed tasks from basic administrative operations, such as starting and stopping application server instances, to building, deploying and modifying an application. Further tasks explore common administrative activities such as changing the server port number, creating virtual servers, creating application server instances, and creating administrative domains.

See the Sun ONE Application Server 7 documentation collection at for the latest version of this document.

How This Guide is Organized

The following chapters are included in this guide:

Using the Documentation

The Sun ONE Application Server manuals are available as online files in Portable Document Format (PDF) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) formats, at:

The following table lists tasks and concepts described in the Sun ONE Application Server manuals. The left column lists the tasks and concepts, and the right column lists the corresponding manuals.

Table 1   Sun ONE Application Server Documentation Roadmap 

For information about

See the following

Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation

Release Notes

Supported platforms and environments

Platform Summary

Introduction to the application server, including new features, evaluation installation information, and architectural overview.

Getting Started Guide

Installing Sun ONE Application Server and its various components (sample applications, Administration interface, Sun ONE Message Queue).

Installation Guide

Creating and implementing J2EE applications that follow the open Java standards model on the Sun ONE Application Server 7. Includes general information about application design, developer tools, security, assembly, deployment, debugging, and creating lifecycle modules.

Developer’s Guide

Creating and implementing J2EE applications that follow the open Java standards model for web applications on the Sun ONE Application Server 7. Discusses web application programming concepts and tasks, and provides sample code, implementation tips, and reference material.

Developer’s Guide to Web Applications

Creating and implementing J2EE applications that follow the open Java standards model for enterprise beans on the Sun ONE Application Server 7. Discusses EJB programming concepts and tasks, and provides sample code, implementation tips, and reference material.

Developer’s Guide to Enterprise JavaBeans

Creating Web Services, RMI-IIOP, or other clients that access J2EE applications on the Sun ONE Application Server 7

Developer’s Guide to Clients

J2EE features such as JDBC, JNDI, JTS, JMS, JavaMail, resources, and connectors

Developer’s Guide to J2EE Features and Services

Creating custom NSAPI plugins

Developer’s Guide to NSAPI

Performing the following administration tasks:

  • Using the Administration interface and the command line interface
  • Configuring server preferences
  • Using administrative domains
  • Using server instances
  • Monitoring and logging server activity
  • Configuring the web server plugin
  • Configuring the Java Messaging Service
  • Using J2EE features
  • Configuring support for CORBA-based clients
  • Configuring database connectivity
  • Configuring transaction management
  • Configuring the web container
  • Deploying applications
  • Managing virtual servers

Administrator’s Guide

Editing server configuration files

Administrator’s Configuration File Reference

Configuring and administering security for the Sun ONE Application Server 7 operational environment. Includes information on general security, certificates, and SSL/TLS encryption. Web-core-based security is also addressed.

Administrator’s Guide to Security

Configuring and administering service provider implementation for J2EE CA connectors for the Sun ONE Application Server 7. Includes information about the Administration Tool, DTDs and provides sample XML files.

J2EE CA Service Provider Implementation Administrator’s Guide

Migrating your applications to the new Sun ONE Application Server 7 programming model from the Netscape Application Server version 2.1, including a sample migration of an Online Bank application provided with Sun ONE Application Server

Migration Guide

Using Sun ONE Message Queue.

The Sun ONE Message Queue documentation at:

Documentation Conventions

This section describes the types of conventions used throughout this guide:

General Conventions

The following general conventions are used in this guide:

Conventions Referring to Directories

By default, when using the Solaris 8 and 9 package-based installation and the Solaris 9 bundled installation, the application server files are spread across several root directories. These directories are described in this section.

Product Support

If you have problems with your system, contact customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

Please have the following information available prior to contacting support. This helps to ensure that our support staff can best assist you in resolving problems:

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