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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Migrating and Redeploying Server Applications Guide

Chapter 5
Automating Migration

This chapter describes the use of available migration tools that can be used to automate the migration process from both earlier versions of Sun™ ONE Application Server and from other application server providers.

The following migration tools are available:

Sun ONE Migration Tool for Application Servers

The Sun ONE Migration Tool for Application Servers migrates J2EE[tm] applications from other server platforms to Sun ONE Application Server (version 6.5 / 7).

For Sun ONE Application Server 6.5 the following source platforms are supported:

For Sun ONE Application Server 7 the following source platforms are supported:

The Migration Tool specifications and migration process change from time to time, so the sample migration using the tool is not included in this guide. The migration process of a sample application is discussed in the docuemntation for this tool. The latest version of the Sun ONE Migration Tool for Application Servers can be downloaded from Sun Download center. For the latest on Sun ONE Migration Tool please visit,

Sun ONE Migration Toolbox (formerly iPlanet Migration Toolbox)

For information on Sun ONE Migration Toolbox, please refer to Appendix B.

Redeploying Migrated Applications

Most of the applications that are migrated automatically through the use of the available migration tools will utilize the standard deployment tasks described in the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator’s Guide.

In some cases, the automatic migration will not be able to migrate particular methods or syntaxes from the source application. When this occurs in the case of the Sun ONE Migration Tool for Application Servers, you are notified of the steps that will be needed to complete the migration. Once you complete the post-migration manual steps, you will be able to deploy the application in the standard manner described in the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator’s Guide.

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